The prefix key is C-a
From terminal:
tmux new -s <session-name> Create and attach to new session
tmux attach -t <session-name> Attach to existing session
tmux new -t <target-session> -s <session-name> Create new <session-name> that is grouped with <target-session>
C-a d detach from tmux
C-a s choose a session from a list
C-a n next window
C-a p previous window
C-a 1 ... switch to window 0,1...9
C-a , rename window
C-a . reindex window
C-a c create new window
C-a ' vertical split
C-a " horizontal split
C-a h focus on right pane
C-a l focus on left pane
C-a j focus on upper pane
C-a k focus on lower pane