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Last active June 27, 2023 04:59
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Iota.Serialize where
import GHC.Generics
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import GHC.Base ((<|>))
import Data.Data (Proxy)
import Agda.Utils.Either (mapRight)
import Control.Arrow (second)
data Foo = YesFoo Bar | NoFoo deriving (Generic, Show)
data Bar = Bar { barFoo :: Foo, value :: Int } deriving (Generic, Show)
data SExpr = SApp SExpr SExpr | SName String deriving (Eq)
instance Show SExpr where
show (SApp a b@(SApp _ _)) = (show a) ++ " (" ++ show b ++ ")"
show (SApp a (SName b)) = (show a) ++ " " ++ show b
show (SName s) = show s
class Converter a where
toSExpr :: a -> SExpr
default toSExpr :: (Generic a, GConverter (Rep a)) => a -> SExpr
toSExpr = gToSExpr . from
fromSExpr :: SExpr -> Maybe a
default fromSExpr :: (Generic a, GConverter (Rep a)) => SExpr -> Maybe a
fromSExpr x = to <$> gFromSExpr x
class GConverter f where
gToSExpr :: f p -> SExpr
gFromSExpr :: SExpr -> Maybe (f p)
class GConverterList f where
gToSExprList :: f p -> [SExpr]
gFromSExprList :: [SExpr] -> Maybe ([SExpr], f p)
instance (GConverterList a, GConverterList b) => GConverterList (a :*: b) where
gToSExprList (a :*: b) = gToSExprList a ++ gToSExprList b
gFromSExprList l = do
(l', a) <- gFromSExprList l
(l'', b) <- gFromSExprList l'
return (l'', a :*: b)
instance GConverter a => GConverterList (S1 c a) where
gToSExprList (M1 a) = [gToSExpr a]
gFromSExprList (a : l) = do
a' <- gFromSExpr a
return (l, M1 a')
gFromSExprList [] = Nothing
instance (GConverter a, GConverter b) => GConverter (a :+: b) where
gToSExpr (L1 x) = gToSExpr x
gToSExpr (R1 x) = gToSExpr x
gFromSExpr s = (L1 <$> gFromSExpr s) <|> (R1 <$> gFromSExpr s)
instance (GConverter a, Datatype d) => GConverter (M1 D d a) where
gToSExpr (M1 x) = gToSExpr x
gFromSExpr e = fmap M1 $ gFromSExpr e
instance (GConverterList a, Constructor c) => GConverter (C1 c a) where
gToSExpr m@(M1 x) = foldl SApp (SName $ conName m) (gToSExprList x)
gFromSExpr e =
split :: SExpr -> (String, [SExpr])
split (SName s) = (s, [])
split (SApp a b) = second ((:) b) $ split a
(n , a) = split e
cn = conName (undefined :: C1 c a p)
if n == cn then
case gFromSExprList (reverse a) of
(Just ([], a)) -> Just $ M1 a
_ -> Nothing
else Nothing
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Constructor c) => GConverter (C1 c U1) where
gToSExpr m = SName $ conName m
gFromSExpr e@(SApp _ _) = Nothing
gFromSExpr (SName name)
| name == conName (undefined :: C1 c a p) = Just $ M1 U1
gFromSExpr e = Nothing
instance (GConverter a, Selector s) => GConverter (S1 s a) where
gToSExpr (M1 x) = gToSExpr x
gFromSExpr = fmap M1 . gFromSExpr
instance (Converter c) => GConverter (K1 i c) where
gToSExpr (K1 x) = toSExpr x
gFromSExpr e = fmap K1 $ fromSExpr e
instance Converter Int where
toSExpr n = SName (show n)
fromSExpr (SName s) = readMaybe s
fromSExpr _ = Nothing
instance Converter Foo where
instance Converter Bar where
x = toSExpr (Bar (YesFoo (Bar NoFoo 123)) 456)
x2 = SApp (SApp (SName "Bar") (SApp (SName "YesFoo") (SApp (SApp (SName "Bar") (SName "NoFoo")) (SName "123")))) (SName "456")
x3 = fromSExpr x :: Maybe Bar
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