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Last active August 16, 2022 21:17
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import hashlib
import hmac
import time
import requests
import datetime
# Q. Do you have A Websocket API?
# A. Yes, and we strongly recommend you to use it. Please, check our JavaScript websocket implementation for our WebSocket API here:
# Q. Where is the public API for orderbook and ticker data?
# A.{CURRENCY_CODE}/ticker
# Where {CURRENCY_CODE} is:
# VEF for Venezuelan Bolivares - SurBitcoin
# CLP for Chilean Pesos - ChileBit.NET
# VND for Vietnamise Dongs - VBTC
# PKR for Pakistani Ruppe - UrduBit
# Q. What about the Trade API and their respective api endpoints for test and production?
# testnet ->
# prod ->
# Q. How to generate an api key ?
# 1. go to your exchange account
# for testnet environment
# 2. signup
# 3. Go to API
# 4. Select a name and all the permissions for that API Key.
# 5. Get the API Key and API Secret. The API Secret will only be shown once. The API Password is only used in the WebSocket Api
# Q. Can I use the same API in all exchanges powered by Blinktrade?
# A. Yes, same exactly API. You only have to change the BrokerID field
# *--------------*----*
# | BrokerID | ID |
# *--------------*----*
# | SurBitcoin | 1 |
# | VBTC | 3 |
# | FoxBit | 4 |
# | Testnet | 5 |
# | UrduBit | 8 |
# | ChileBit | 9 |
# *--------------*----*
# Q. How does the api works ?
# A. Though the blinktrade API, you can
# - Send and cancel orders
# - Get a list of your open orders
# - Get your balance
# - Generate a Bitcoin deposit address
# Q. Can I generate a withdrawal request?
# A. Not through the web api. You should use our Websocket API for that.
#Curl Example:
#timestamp=`date +%s`
#signature=`echo -n $timestamp | openssl dgst -sha256 -hex -hmac $secret | awk '{print $2}'`
#curl -XPOST -H "Nonce:$timestamp" -H "APIKey:$apiKey" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Signature:$signature" -d '{"MsgType":"U2","BalanceReqID":1}'
def send_msg(msg, env='prod'):
if env == 'prod':
dt =
nonce = str(int((time.mktime( dt.timetuple() ) + dt.microsecond/1000000.0) * 1000000))
signature = secret, nonce, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
headers = {
'user-agent': 'blinktrade_tools/0.1',
'Content-Type': 'application/json', # You must POST a JSON message
'APIKey': key, # Your APIKey
'Nonce': nonce, # The nonce must be an integer, always greater than the previous one.
'Signature': signature # Use the API Secret to sign the nonce using HMAC_SHA256 algo
url = '%s/tapi/%s/message' % (BLINKTRADE_API_URL, BLINKTRADE_API_VERSION)
return, json=msg, verify=True, headers=headers).json()
# Request Balance
msg = {
"MsgType": "U2", # Balance Request
"BalanceReqID": 1 # An ID assigned by you. It can be any number. The response message associated with this request will contain the same ID.
print send_msg(msg)
# {
# "Status": 200, # 200 for OK, 4xx for errors
# "Description": "OK", # Ok if successful, or an error description
# "Responses": [ # An array of all responses. Some messages might generated more than one response.
# {
# "MsgType": "U3", # Balance response
# "5": { # 5 stands for your balance with the BrokerID number 5
# "BTC": 1985787956019, # Amount in satoshis of BTC you have deposited into your account
# "BTC_locked": 0, # Amount in satoshis of BTC you have locked ( open orders, margin positions, etc... )
# "USD": 41562916193320, # Amount in satoshis of USD( or your FIAT currency) you have deposited into your account
# "USD_locked": 0 # Amount in satoshis of USD( or your FIAT currency) you have locked ( open orders, margin positions, etc... )
# },
# "ClientID": 90800003, # Your account ID
# "BalanceReqID": 1 # This should match the BalanceReqID sent on the message U2
# }
# ]
# }
# Request Open Orders
msg = {
"MsgType": "U4",
"OrdersReqID": 1,
"Page": 0,
"PageSize": 100,
"Filter":["has_leaves_qty eq 1"] # Set it to "has_leaves_qty eq 1" to get open orders, "has_cum_qty eq 1" to get executed orders, "has_cxl_qty eq 1" to get cancelled orders
print send_msg(msg)
# "Status": 200,
# "Description": "OK",
# "Responses": [
# {
# "MsgType": "U5", # Order list response
# "OrdersReqID": 1, # Match the request OrdersReqID field.
# "Page": 0, # Starts with 0.
# "PageSize": 100, # The page size. If the length of the array OrdListGrp is greather or equal to the PageSize, you should issue a new request incrementing the Page
# "OrdListGrp": [], # Array of all orders.
# "Columns": [ # Description of all columns of the all orders in OrdListGrp
# "ClOrdID", # client order id. Set by you.
# "OrderID", # Order id. Set by blinktrade
# "CumQty", # The executed quantity of this order
# "OrdStatus", # 0=New, 1=Partially filled, 2=Filled, 4=Cancelled, 8=Rejected, A=Pending New
# "LeavesQty", # Quantity open for further execution
# "CxlQty", # Total quantity canceled for this order.
# "AvgPx", # Calculated average price of all fills on this order.
# "Symbol", # BTCUSD, BTCBRL
# "Side", # 1=Buy, 2=Sell, E=Redem, F=Lend, G=Borrow
# "OrdType", # 1=Market, 2=Limited, 3=Stop, 4=Stop Limit, G=Swap, P=Pegged
# "OrderQty", # Quantity ordered in satoshis
# "Price", # Price per unit in satoshis
# "OrderDate", # Order date in UTC
# "Volume", # Quantity * Price
# "TimeInForce"# 0=Day, 1=Good Till Cancel, 4=Fill or Kill
# ]
# }
# ]
# }
# Send a new order
client_order_id = str(int(time.time())) # this ID must be uniq
msg = {
"MsgType":"D", # New Order Single message. Check for a full doc here:
"ClOrdID": client_order_id, # Unique identifier for Order as assigned by you
"Side":"1", # 1 - Buy, 2-Sell
"OrdType":"2", # 2 - Limited order
"Price":26381000000, # Price in satoshis
"OrderQty":2723810, # Qty in saothis
"BrokerID":5 # 1=SurBitcoin, 3=VBTC, 4=FoxBit, 5=Tests , 8=UrduBit, 9=ChileBit
print send_msg(msg)
# {
# "Status": 200,
# "Description": "OK",
# "Responses": [ # In this example, the request returned 2 messages.
# {
# "MsgType": "U3", # Balance respose. Problably because the request also change your account balance.
# "5": {"USD_locked": 718568316}, # In this example, modified the amount of USD you have locked into your account.
# "ClientID": 90800003 # Your account ID
# },
# {
# "MsgType": "8", # Execution Report. Check for a full fix doc here:
# "OrderID": 5669865, # Unique identifier for Order as assigned by broker
# "ExecID": 35, # Unique identifier of execution message as assigned by broker
# "ExecType": "0", # 0=New, 1=Partially fill, 2=Fill, 4=Cancelled, 8=Rejected, A=Pending New
# "OrdStatus": "0", # 0=New, 1=Partially fill, 2=Fill, 4=Cancelled, 8=Rejected, A=Pending New
# "LeavesQty": 2723810, # Quantity open for further execution
# "Symbol": "BTCUSD", # Pair
# "OrderQty": 2723810, # Quantity ordered in satoshis
# "LastShares": 0, # Quantity of shares bought/sold on this fill
# "LastPx": 0, # Price of the last fill
# "CxlQty": 0, # Total quantity canceled for this order.
# "TimeInForce": "1", # 0=Day, 1=Good Till Cancel, 4=Fill or Kill
# "CumQty": 0, # Total quantity filled
# "ClOrdID": "1440927610", # Unique identifier for Order as assigned by you
# "OrdType": "2", # 1=Market, 2=Limited, 3=Stop, 4=Stop Limit, G=Swap, P=Pegged
# "Side": "1", # 1=Buy, 2=Sell, E=Redem, F=Lend, G=Borrow
# "Price": 26381000000, # Price per unit of quantity in satoshis
# "ExecSide": "1", # Side of this fill
# "AvgPx": 0 # Calculated average price of all fills on this order.
# }
# ]
# }
# Cancel the order sent in the previous step
msg = {
"MsgType":"F", # Order Cancel Request message. Check for a full doc here:
"ClOrdID": client_order_id # Unique identifier for Order as assigned by you
print send_msg(msg)
# The response of Cancel Order Request is almost identical to the New Order Single, but with different paramenters.
# {
# "Status": 200,
# "Description": "OK",
# "Responses": [
# {
# "MsgType": "U3", # Balance respose. Problably because the request also change your account balance.
# "5": {"USD_locked": 0}, # In this example, modified the amount of USD you have locked into your account.
# "ClientID": 90800003 # Your account ID
# },
# {
# "MsgType": "8", # Execution Report. Check for a full fix doc here:
# "OrderID": 5669865, # Unique identifier for Order as assigned by broker
# "ExecID": 36, # Unique identifier of execution message as assigned by broker
# "ExecType": "4", # 0=New, 1=Partially fill, 2=Fill, 4=Cancelled, 8=Rejected, A=Pending New
# "OrdStatus": "4", # 0=New, 1=Partially fill, 2=Fill, 4=Cancelled, 8=Rejected, A=Pending New
# "LeavesQty": 0, # Quantity open for further execution
# "Symbol": "BTCUSD", # Pair
# "OrderQty": 2723810, # Quantity ordered in satoshis
# "LastShares": 0, # Quantity of shares bought/sold on this fill
# "LastPx": 0, # Price of the last fill
# "CxlQty": 2723810, # Total quantity canceled for this order.
# "TimeInForce": "1", # 0=Day, 1=Good Till Cancel, 4=Fill or Kill
# "CumQty": 0, # Total quantity filled
# "ClOrdID": "1440927610", # Unique identifier for Order as assigned by you
# "OrdType": "2", # 1=Market, 2=Limited, 3=Stop, 4=Stop Limit, G=Swap, P=Pegged
# "Side": "1", # 1=Buy, 2=Sell, E=Redem, F=Lend, G=Borrow
# "Price": 26381000000, # Price per unit of quantity in satoshis
# "ExecSide": "1", # Side of this fill
# "AvgPx": 0 # Calculated average price of all fills on this order.
# }
# ]
# }
# Generating a bitcoin deposit address
msg = {
"MsgType":"U18", # Deposit request
"DepositReqID":1, # Deposit Request ID.
"Currency":"BTC", # Currency.
"BrokerID": 5 # Exchange ID
print send_msg(msg)
# {
# "Status": 200,
# "Description": "OK",
# "Responses": [
# {
# "DepositReqID": 1, # Deposit Request ID
# "MsgType": "U19", # Deposit response
# "DepositMethodID": null, # Deposit Method ID
# "DepositMethodName": "deposit_btc", # Deposit method name
# "DepositID": "12db13d5c36c436993f8e8156467d2b6", # Deposit ID
# "UserID": 90800003, # Your account ID
# "ControlNumber": null, # Control number. Only used for FIAT deposits
# "Type": "CRY", # CRY = Crypto Currency
# "Username": "rodrigo", # Your username
# "AccountID": 90800003, # Account ID
# "Data": {
# "InputAddress": "mzUfpURjD1hDPNk7QBWQkXN5NbKjpf6e56", # The address that you have to deposit
# "Destination": "mtzsTx923NqnFeHugUBsgQKqr8YkEtzQzU" # This is the exchange wallet. DO NOT DEPOSIT IN THIS ADDRESS.
# },
# "ClOrdID": null, # Unique identifier for Order as assigned by you
# "Status": "0", # 0 - New
# "Created": "2015-08-31 05:39:31", # Creation date GMT
# "BrokerID": 5, # Exchange ID
# "Value": 0, # Amount
# "PaidValue": 0, # Paid amount
# "Currency": "BTC", # Currency
# "ReasonID": null, # Reason for the rejection - ID
# "Reason": null, # Reason for the rejection - Description
# "PercentFee": 0.0, # Percent fee to process this deposit
# "FixedFee": 0 # Fixed fee in satoshis
# },
# ]
# }
# Request a FIAT deposit
msg = {
"MsgType":"U18", # Deposit request
"DepositReqID":1, # Deposit Request ID.
"DepositMethodID":403, # Deposit Method ID - Check with your exchange.
"Value":150000000000, # Amount in satoshis
"Currency":"BRL", # Currency.
"BrokerID": 5 # Exchange ID
print send_msg(msg)
# {
# 'Status': 200,
# 'Description':
# 'OK',
# 'Responses': [
# {
# 'MsgType': u'U19',
# 'DepositMethodName': u'bb',
# 'UserID': 90800025,
# 'ControlNumber': 402000057,
# 'State': u'UNCONFIRMED',
# 'Type': u'DTP',
# 'AccountID': 90800025,
# 'Username': u'rodrigo',
# 'CreditProvided': 0,
# 'DepositReqID': 6000745,
# 'DepositID': u'a637e243382f4b768b5faccb97878ab3',
# 'Reason': None,
# 'PercentFee': 0.0,
# 'Data': {},
# 'ClOrdID': None,
# 'Status': '0',
# 'Created': '2016-03-28 20:28:02',
# 'DepositMethodID': 403,
# 'Value': 150000000000,
# 'BrokerID': 4,
# 'PaidValue': 0,
# 'Currency': u'BRL',
# 'ReasonID': None,
# 'FixedFee': 0
# }
# ]
# }
# Request a Bitcoin Withdrawal
msg = {
"MsgType": 'U6',
"WithdrawReqID": 617625, # Request ID.
"Method": 'bitcoin', # bitcoin for BTC. Check with the exchange all available withdrawal methods
"Amount": 3000000, # Amount in satoshis
"Currency": 'BTC', # Currency
"Data": {
"Wallet":"mwmabpJVisvti3WEP5vhFRtn3yqHRD9KNP" # Your Wallet
print send_msg(msg)
# "Status": 200,
# "Description": "OK",
# "Responses": [
# {
# "MsgType": "U7", # Withdrawal Response
# "WithdrawReqID": 617625, # Withdraw Request ID
# "WithdrawID": 339, # Withdraw ID. You should keep this number in case you want to cancel the Withdraw request
# "UserID": 90800025, # Your account ID
# "Username": "rodrigo", # Your username
# "Method": "bitcoin", # Bitcoin method
# "Amount": 3000000, # Requested Amount
# "BrokerID": 4, # Exchange ID
# "ClOrdID": None, # Unique identifier for Order as assigned by you
# "Created": "2016-03-21 08:27:45", # Creation date GMT
# "Currency": "BTC", # Currency
# "Data": {
# "Wallet": "mwmabpJVisvti3WEP5vhFRtn3yqHRD9KNP" # Wallet Address
# },
# "FixedFee": 10000, # Fixed portion of the Fee in satoshis
# "PercentFee": 0.0, # Percent portion of the fee
# "PaidAmount": 3010000, # The amount + fees that was deducted from the account
# "Reason": null, # Reason for the rejection - Description
# "ReasonID": null, # Reason for the rejection - ID
# "Status": u'1' # 0-Unconfirmed ( In this case, you must confirm withdrawal using a second factor of authentication ),
# 1-Pending,
# 2-In Progress,
# 4-Completed,
# 8-Cancelled
# },
# {
# "MsgType": "U3", # Balance response. Withdrawal requests might change your balance
# "4": {"BTC": 2087629545}, # In this example, your BTC balance have changed
# "ClientID": 90800025 # Your account ID
# }
# ],
# }
# Request a FIAT Witdrawal
msg = {
"MsgType": 'U6',
"WithdrawReqID": 382616,
"Method": 'bradesco', # Method.
"Currency": 'BRL',
"Amount": 1500000000,
"Data": {
# See the response for Bitcoin Withdrawal
# Check with the exchange all the methods and required fields in the Data field.
# *------------*----------------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------*
# |Exchange |Methods | Required Data fields |
# *------------|----------------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------*
# |3-VBTC |banktransfer | BankName,AccountBranch,BankCity,AccountName,AccountNumber,BankSwift |
# |3-VBTC |VPBankinternaltransfer| VPbankbranch,BankCity,AccountName,AccountNumber,BankSwift |
# |3-VBTC |cashtoID | BankName,BankBranch,BankCity,Clientname,ClientIDNr,Issue Date ID,Place of Issue,Phone Number of Recipient|
# *------------*----------------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------*
# |4-FOXBIT |bradesco | AccountBranch, AccountNumber, AccountType, CPF_CNPJ |
# |4-FOXBIT |bb | AccountBranch, AccountNumber, AccountType, CPF_CNPJ |
# |4-FOXBIT |Caixa | AccountBranch, AccountNumber, AccountType, CPF_CNPJ |
# |4-FOXBIT |ted | BankName,BankNumber,AccountBranch,AccountNumber,AccountType,CPF_CNPJ |
# *------------*----------------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------*
# |9-CHILEBIT |banktransfer | BankName,AccountType,AccountNumber,AccountName,RUT,Email |
# *------------*----------------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------*
# |8-URDUBIT |SCB2SCB | AccountName,AccountNumber |
# |8-URDUBIT |Check | NameOnAccount,AccountNo,City,BankName |
# |8-URDUBIT |HBL | AccountName,AccountNumber |
# |8-URDUBIT | AlliedBank | AccountName,AccountNumber |
# |8-URDUBIT | BankIslami | AccountName,AccountNumber |
# |8-URDUBIT | BankAlfalah | AccountName,AccountNumber |
# |8-URDUBIT | Other | Name,AccountNumber,BankName,CNIC,Mobile,Address |
# |8-URDUBIT | SKMCH | Cellphone |
# |8-URDUBIT | MeezanBank | AccountName,AccountNumber |
# |8-URDUBIT | EasypaisaMobile | MobileAccount |
# |8-URDUBIT | JSBankCOC | Name,Cell,CNIC |
# |8-URDUBIT | JSBank | Name,Account,PhoneNumber |
# *------------*----------------------*------------------------------------------------------------------------*
# Request a list of all your withdrawals
msg = {
'MsgType': 'U26',
'WithdrawListReqID': 1, # WithdrawList Request ID
'Page': 0,
'PageSize': 100,
'StatusList': ['1', '2'] # 1-Pending, 2-In Progress, 4-Completed, 8-Cancelled
print send_msg(msg)
# {
# "Status": 200,
# "Description": "OK",
# "Responses": [
# {
# "MsgType": "U27", # Withdrawal List Response Type
# "WithdrawListReqID": 9269169, # WithdrawList Request ID
# "Page": 0, # Page number
# "PageSize": 100, # Page size - Max of 100
# "Columns": [ # Column
# "WithdrawID", # Withdrawal ID
# "Method", # Withdrawal Method
# "Currency", # Currency
# "Amount", # Amount requested
# "Data", # Data associated with the withdrawal
# "Created", # Creation date
# "Status", # Status - 1-Pending, 2-In Progress, 4-Completed, 8-Cancelled
# "ReasonID", # Cancellation Reason ID
# "Reason", # Cancellation Reason description
# "PercentFee", # Fee in % charged for this operation
# "FixedFee", # Fixe Fee charged for this operation
# "PaidAmount", # Amount paid
# "UserID", # Account ID
# "Username", # Account Username
# "BrokerID", # Exchange ID
# "ClOrdID" # Unique identifier for Order as assigned by you
# ],
# "WithdrawListGrp": [ # Response array containing all withdrawals
# [
# 73578,
# "bitcoin",
# "BTC",
# 300000000,
# {
# "Currency": "BTC",
# "TransactionID": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
# "Fees": "\u0e3f 0,00010000",
# "Instant": "NO",
# "Wallet": "1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# },
# "2016-01-16 18:45:39",
# "4",
# null,
# null,
# 0.0,
# 10000,
# 300010000,
# 90800480,
# "yourusername",
# 4,
# null ],
# ]
# }
# ]
# }
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