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Created March 2, 2016 20:38
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Lastfm scrapper + ListenBrainz scrobbler | Python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# How to use
# ###################################################################################################
# python
# -> It will push the listens from lastfm to listenbrainz.
# -> Successful working with resolve issues LB-68, LB-87, LB-88 and may be more.
from lastplayed import *
from post_listen import *
import pylast
# not needed
import string
import random
import time
USERNAME = 'armalcolite'
#r = get_recent_tracks(USERNAME)
#r = get_organised_list(r)
#for i in r:
# post_single(i[0].encode('utf-8'), i[1].encode('utf-8'), i[2].encode('utf-8'))
def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits):
return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
for i in range(50):
A = id_generator()
B = id_generator()
C = int(time.time())
C += int(random.random()*100)
print A,B,C
Show 20 last played tracks, or all the last played tracks of an artist
(and optionally track)
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import sys
from mylast import *
def get_recent_tracks(username, number=-1):
if number != -1:
recent_tracks = lastfm_network.get_user(username).get_recent_tracks(limit=number) # To get limited no of listens
return recent_tracks
# if no number is given then give all tracks
recent_tracks = lastfm_network.get_user(
return recent_tracks
#def get_artist_tracks(username, artist, title):
# if TRACK_SEPARATOR in artist:
# (artist, title) = split_artist_track(artist)
# print("Searching library...\r",)
# try:
# tracks = lastfm_network.get_user(
# username).get_artist_tracks(artist=artist)
# except Exception as e:
# sys.exit("Exception: " + str(e))
# total = 0
# print("\t\t\t\t\r"), # clear line
# if title is None: # print all
# for track in tracks:
# print_track(track)
# total = len(tracks)
# else: # print matching titles
# find_track = pylast.Track(artist, title, lastfm_network)
# for track in tracks:
# if str(track.track).lower() == str(find_track).lower():
# print_track(track)
# total += 1
# print("Total:", total)
# return total
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Show 20 last played tracks, or all the last played "
"tracks of an artist (and optionally track)",
'artist', nargs='?',
help="Artist, or 'artist - track'")
'track', nargs='?',
'-u', '--username',
help=" username")
'-n', '--number', default=20, type=int,
help="Number of tracks to show (when no artist given)")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.username:
args.username = lastfm_username
if not args.number:
args.number = -1
# if args.artist:
# text = args.username + " last played " + args.artist
# if args.track:
# text += " - " + args.track
# text += ":"
# print(text)
# total = get_artist_tracks(args.username, args.artist, args.track)
# if total == 0:
# # Perhaps they meant to search for a user
# args.username = args.artist
# args.artist = None
if not args.artist:
print(args.username + " last played:")
recent_tracks = get_recent_tracks(args.username, args.number)
except pylast.WSError as e:
print("Error: " + str(e))
tracks_list = get_organised_list(recent_tracks)
for i in tracks_list:
def get_organised_list(track_data):
l = []
for trk in track_data:
t = str(trk.track)
t = t.split(' - ')
artist = t[0]
track = t[1]
time = trk.timestamp
#print(artist, track, time)
return l
# End of file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import pylast
import sys
# You have to have your own unique two values for API_KEY and API_SECRET
# Obtain yours from for
API_KEY = os.environ['LASTFM_API_KEY']
except KeyError:
API_KEY = '6465483896828ef7a7385a395a8f9a14'
API_SECRET = 'fcd64d42cb6656646a14b7327da60f01'
lastfm_username = os.environ['LASTFM_USERNAME']
lastfm_password_hash = os.environ['LASTFM_PASSWORD_HASH']
except KeyError:
# In order to perform a write operation you need to authenticate yourself
lastfm_username = "armalcolite"
# You can use either use the password, or find the hash once and use that
lastfm_password_hash = "bf3e13254014099783347032deefd22e"
lastfm_network = pylast.LastFMNetwork(
api_key=API_KEY, api_secret=API_SECRET,
username=lastfm_username, password_hash=lastfm_password_hash)
proxy_enabled = False
proxy_host = ''
proxy_port = 8080
if proxy_enabled:
lastfm_network.enable_proxy(host = proxy_host, port = proxy_port)
# Windows cmd.exe cannot do Unicode so encode first
def print_it(text):
def unicode_track_and_timestamp(track):
unicode_track = unicode(str(track.track), 'utf8')
return track.playback_date + "\t" + unicode_track
def print_track(track):
def split_artist_track(artist_track):
artist_track = artist_track.replace(u" – ", " - ")
artist_track = artist_track.replace(u"“", "\"")
artist_track = artist_track.replace(u"”", "\"")
(artist, track) = artist_track.split(TRACK_SEPARATOR)
artist = artist.strip()
track = track.strip()
print_it("Artist:\t\t'" + artist + "'")
print_it("Track:\t\t'" + track + "'")
# Validate
if len(artist) is 0 and len(track) is 0:
sys.exit("Error: Artist and track are blank")
if len(artist) is 0:
sys.exit("Error: Artist is blank")
if len(track) is 0:
sys.exit("Error: Track is blank")
return (artist, track)
# End of file
# coding: utf-8
import os
import requests
import json
USERNAME = "armalcolite"
AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN = "e5cbceff-f102-4d24-9a49-43435ed7a834"
def post_single (track_name, artist_name, timestamp):#, release_mbid, artist_mbid, recording_mbid, tags):
""" Post a single listen to listenbrainz """
data = {
"listen_type": "single",
"payload": [
"listened_at": timestamp,
"track_metadata": {
#"additional_info": {
# "release_mbid": release_mbid,
# "artist_mbids": [
# artist_mbid
# ],
# "recording_mbid": recording_mbid,
# "tags": tags
"artist_name": artist_name,
"track_name": track_name,
#"release_name": release_name
url = ROOT_URL + "/1/submit-listens"
headers = {
"Content-Type": "JSON(application/json)",
#"Authorization": "Authorization:" + AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN
"Authorization": "Authorization: e5cbceff-f102-4d24-9a49-43435ed7a834"
#print data
r =, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
if r.status_code != 200:
print r.status_code, r.reason
print r.status_code
#return json.dumps(r.json(), indent=2)
def get_listens():
url = ROOT_URL + "/1/user/" + USERNAME + "/listens"
def run_get():
url = ""
r = requests.get(url)
return json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4)
def run_post():
url = ""
data = {"a": 10, "b": [{"c": True, "d": False}, None]}
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
r =, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers)
return json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4)
if __name__ == "__main__":
#t = [ "you", "just", "got", "rick rolled!"]
post_single("Never Gonna Up", "Rick", 1456942363)
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