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{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} | |
module Main where | |
import Database.Persist | |
import Database.Persist.Postgresql | |
import Database.Persist.TH | |
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persistLowerCase| | |
Person | |
name String | |
age Int Maybe | |
deriving Show | |
|] | |
getPerson :: MonadIO m => PersionId -> ( Maybe ( Entity Person ) ) | |
getPerson pid = selectFirst [ PersionId ==. pid ] [ ] | |
connStr = "host=localhost dbname=persistent_expirement user=user password=user port=5432" | |
main :: IO () | |
main = runStderrLoggingT $ withPostgresqlPool connStr 10 $ \pool -> liftIO $ do | |
flip runSqlPersistMPool pool $ do | |
runMigration migrateAll |
This is not meant to be a judgement of Persistent, I'm simply unpacking the type signature of selectFirst
in order to help understand how we'd use such a function. So, from the unpacked signature, we see that this function does some IO
and we see that this function needs a b
that represents the database connection. Now, the question persists, how do we fit this function into our application?
If we let GHC infer the the "most general" signature of getPerson pid = selectFirst [PersonId ==. pid] []
, we'd get the following:
getPerson :: (PersistRecordBackend Person b, MonadIO m) => ReaderT b m Person
I put most general in quotes above because MonadIO m => m a
is not any more general than simply IO a
. In particular, we don't lose any functionality by providing our own signature
getPerson :: (PersistRecordBackend Person b) => ReaderT b IO Person
getPerson = selectFirst [PersonId ==. pid] []
with m
instantiated at IO
We still have a few unanswered questions: (1) If IO a
is equivalent to MonadIO m => m a
, then why does Persistent use such a roundabout signature? (2) What do we do about the ReaderT b
The easiest way to get rid of a ReaderT b m a
is to turn it back into a function. We could write the following:
getPerson :: (PersistRecordBackend Person b) =>
b -> PersonId -> IO Person
getPerson b =
runReaderT (selectFirst [PersonId ==. pid] []) b
In fact, we probably have one concrete Persistent backend we're using throughout our app, so we can write it like so:
type MyBackend = ...
getPerson :: MyBackend -> PersonId -> IO Person
getPerson b pid = runReaderT (selectFirst [PersonId ==. pid] []) b
It's annoying that we have to pass around the backend to every function that touches the database. If we're only using one backend throughout our app, why not factor it out as a global value?
theBackend :: MyBackend
theBackend = ...
getPerson :: PersonId -> IO Person
getPerson pid = runReaderT (selectFirst [PersonId ==. pid] []) theBackend
Here is where we press up against the fundamental difference between Haskell and other programming languages. Persistent gives us ways to construct the backend we need, but we have to do IO
to do so. Another way of thinking about this is that the database connection is something that we won't have until runtime, and in Haskell that means it's stuck in IO
. The best we could do is have a global IO MyBackend
makeBackend :: IO MyBackend
makeBackend = ...
getPerson :: PersonId -> IO Person
getPerson pid = fmap (runReaderT (selectFirst [PersonId ==. pid] [])) theBackend
But we absolutely don't want the above, because that will create a new backend each time getPerson
is used. We want to create one backend at application start and reuse it throughout. It seems that we're stuck explicitly passing around the backend in all our functions. So annoying.
So now we get to talk about How to Structure Haskell Apps. The most straightforward way is to just bite the bullet: explicitly pass the database connection into functions that need it, as we had above:
getPerson :: MyBackend -> PersonId -> IO Person
This is fine for small applications, but for large applications it quickly gets tedious. For larger applications, there are a number of things we can do.
The next easiest thing is to make a bespoke datatype for your app usually termed an app monad, and usually named App
data AppEnv =
AppEnv {
theBackend :: MyBackend,
... -- whatever runtime globals you need
initAppEnv :: IO AppEnv
initAppEnv = ... -- bootstrap your app env
newtype App a = App { runApp :: AppEnv -> IO a }
deriving (MonadReader AppEnv, MonadIO) via (ReaderT AppEnv IO)
entryPoint :: App ()
entryPoint = ... -- all your program logic
main :: IO ()
main = do
appEnv <- initAppEnv
runApp entryPoint appEnv
We derive a MonadIO
instance for App
so that we can essentially inherit all of the built-in IO
functions from Haskell's standard library and any IO
functions provided by third-party libraries.
In this universe, getPerson
could be written as follows:
getPerson :: PersonId -> App Person
getPerson pid = App $ \AppEnv{ theBackend } ->
runReaderT (selectFirst [PersonId ==. pid] []) theBackend
As it stands, there's a lot of ceremony surrounding calling selectFirst
. We'd like to reduce that and make it more convenient. There are a number of ways we can do this.
Here's a straightforward way to do that:
liftPersist :: ReaderT MyBackend IO a -> App a
liftPersist p = App $ \AppEnv{ theBackend } -> runReaderT p theBackend
getPerson :: PersonId -> App Person
getPerson pid = liftPersist $ selectFirst [PersonId ==. pid] []
This approach has the advantage of being dead simple: write a function that has all the boilerplate. It has the disadvantage that it's rather specific. This is, typically, the approach I find most useful.
There are a few drawbacks with the above approach. One is that it threads Persistent, a third-party library, throughout your application logic. If, later, you decide to swap out Persistent for something else, you'll have a lot of code to change. Another drawback is that you will tend to write a lot of functions that return an App a
. App
can do arbitrary IO
, since it has a MonadIO
instance. If we'd like to either decouple our application from third-party libraries or enforce principle of least privilege, we can add another layer.
class GetPerson m where
getPerson :: PersonId -> m Person
entryPoint :: GetPerson m => m ()
entryPoint = ... -- all your program logic
instance GetPerson App where
getPerson pid = liftPersist $ selectFirst [PersonId ==. pid] []
Your initApp
and main
stay exactly the same. Your entryPoint
(and all the functions it calls, all the functions that comprise your application logic) never mention App
, IO
, or MyBackend
directly: they express all their needs in terms of GetPerson
and a host of similar bespoke classes you wrote specifically for this application.
When you take this approach, use a module structure analogous to this:
┣ Classes
┃ ┗ GetPerson.hs
┃ ┣ class GetPerson
┃ ┗ getPerson
┃ ...
┣ AppLogic
┃ ┗ EntryPoint.hs
┃ ┣ import Classes.GetPerson
┃ ┗ entryPoint
┃ ...
┃ ...
┗ AppWiring
┣ AppEnv.hs
┃ ┣ import Database.Persist
┃ ┣ data MyBackend
┃ ┣ data AppEnv
┃ ┗ initAppEnv
┣ App.hs
┃ ┣ import Database.Persist
┃ ┣ import Classes.GetPerson
┃ ┣ import AppWiring.AppEnv
┃ ┣ newtype App
┃ ┣ runApp
┃ ┗ instance GetPerson App
┗ Main.hs
┣ import AppWiring.AppEnv
┣ import AppWiring.App
┣ import AppLogic.EntryPoing
┗ main = fmap (runApp entryPoint) initAppEnv
The important characteristic about the above module structure is that GetPerson
doesn't depend on Persist, App
, or MyBackend
. This extends to every submodule of AppLogic
: GetPerson
completely abstracts those dependencies. The only place where we couple our application to Persist is in the GetPerson
instance for App
Also when we take this approach, you probably don't need classes as granular as GetPerson
. You probably want classes like DatabaseRead
, DatabaseWrite
, LocationService
, FileSystemRead
, FileSystemWrite
, Log
, and similar things. The point of writing such bespoke classes is twofold: (1) hide the details of third-party libraries (e.g. selectFirst
) and runtime dependencies (e.g. MyBackend
); and (2) get an idea of what each function might be doing (and not doing) from its signature.
Along those lines, you should never need to write a function with a MonadIO
constraint: if you need to do some IO
, write a bespoke class for it in Classes
and write an instance of that class for App
in AppWiring
. Try not to make your classes general-purpose things like Fetch
. Make them represent particular services that your application needs, like LocationService
. For example a class like
class Fetch m where
fetch :: Url -> m Response
doesn't hide the details of a service from application developers. Neither does it guarantee that the correct URL is used or that the response is parsed correctly. Instead, using a bespoke class like
class LocationService where
findLocation :: Coordinates -> m Location
means you only need to construct the URL
and parse the Response
in one place, in the LocationService
instance for App
Remember that the point of these bespoke classes isn't for them to be reused in other projects: the point is to abstract the dependencies of this particular application only and to segregate I/O action by class constraints to enforce principle of least privilege.
I don't know that
will compile (even if we change its signature togetPerson :: MonadIO m => PersonId -> m (Maybe (Entity Person))
, which I'm guessing you intended). The reason it won't compile is because there's no way forselectFirst
to connect to the database.We're using the function
from Persistent. Let's unpack it. Unpacking the
ReaderT b
, we see the signature could have equivalently been as follows:Perhaps surprisingly, we can keep going.
MonadIO m => m a
unpacks to simplyIO a
. This is because the only things you can do with a value of typeMonadIO m => m a
are use it as aMonadIO m => m a
and propagate the constraint or instantiate it at some concrete type that has aMonadIO
instance. Conversely, if given anyIO a
, it can already be used as aMonadIO m => m a
by callingliftIO
on it, and that in turn can be instantiated at any concrete type that has aMonadIO
instance.So, morally, Persistent could have exported the following: