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Created February 16, 2015 14:39
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;; extend honeysql
(defmethod honeyhelpers/build-clause :returning [ _ m cols]
(assoc m :returning (honeyhelpers/collify cols)))
(defmethod honeyfmt/format-clause :returning [[_ cols] _]
(str "RETURNING " (honeyfmt/comma-join (map honeyfmt/to-sql cols))))
(extend-protocol honeyfmt/ToSql
(-to-sql [x]
;; list argument in fn call
(honeyfmt/paren-wrap (honeyfmt/comma-join (map honeyfmt/to-sql x)))
;; array in :values or in :set
(contains? #{:values :set} honeyfmt/*clause*)
(do (swap! honeyfmt/*param-names* conj
(keyword (str "_" (swap! honeyfmt/*param-counter* inc))))
(swap! honeyfmt/*params* conj x)
;; alias
(str (honeyfmt/to-sql (first x))
;; Omit AS in FROM, JOIN, etc. - Oracle doesn't allow it
(if (= :select honeyfmt/*clause*)
" AS "
" ")
(if (string? (second x))
(honeyfmt/quote-identifier (second x))
(honeyfmt/to-sql (second x)))))))
(defn is-not-null [field]
(sql/raw (str (honeyfmt/to-sql field) " IS NOT NULL")))
(defn or-zero [field]
(sql/raw (str "COALESCE(" (honeyfmt/to-sql field) ", 0)")))
;; extend JDBC
(extend-protocol jdbc/ISQLValue
(sql-value [v]
(c/to-sql-time v))
(sql-value [v]
(let [c (jdbc/get-connection *db-spec*)]
(.createArrayOf c "text" (into-array v)))))
(extend-protocol jdbc/IResultSetReadColumn
(result-set-read-column [v _ _]
(c/from-sql-time v))
(result-set-read-column [v _ _]
(into [] (.getArray v))))
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