Save pirate/01ca7a6b41595af9a480 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
None of these 3 letter-only usernames below are available anymore as of 2021. | |
However, if you use numbers and symbols, or accept 4 letters, you can definitely find a free one. | |
Check responsibly. Don't spam the github API/support, it's not a race, there are plenty free if you have imagination. | |
agq, ahq, aqf, aqg, aqp, aqt, aqf, aqy, atq, auh, ayp, azj, azq, bey, bgt, bgx, bhq, bkk, bkq, bmq, | |
bpp, bpq, bqa, bqc, bqg, bqi, bqj, bql, bqn, bqo, bqp, bqr, bqt, bqy, buo, buq, bwz, bxe, bxo, bxw, | |
bzn, bzp, cfl, ckg, ckq, cnq, cpq, cpz, cqa, cqe, cqf, cqg, cqk, cqo, cqp, cqf, cqx, cqz, cud, cuh, | |
cuk, cuo, cfl, cxe, czo, dkq, dnq, dqg, dqi, dqk, dqo, dqs, dsr, dtq, dxe, eaj, eaq, ebq, ecl, ecy, | |
eer, efq, efy, egq, egx, ehh, ehz, eiu, eiw, eiy, ejx, eoq, eou, epj, eqa, eqb, eqf, eqg, eqj, eqk, | |
eqs, eqf, eqw, eqz, erq, etq, eub, euf, euj, euq, euf, efq, efy, ewy, ewz, exn, eyh, eyj, eyn, eyq, | |
eyt, eyx, ezb, ezm, ezw, faj, fcz, feq, ffq, fgn, fgz, fhn, fhw, fiy, fju, fki, fkq, fkx, foa, foq, | |
fqa, fqb, fqc, fqd, fqe, fqg, fqh, fqi, fqj, fqk, fql, fqn, fqo, fqp, fqq, fqw, fsq, ftq, fuw, ffq, | |
fwh, fwq, fyc, fyo, fzb, fzo, gbq, gcz, ggx, gij, gjk, gjq, gkf, gkq, gkf, gkx, glj, glq, gnh, gnj, | |
gnq, gqa, gqb, gqd, gqe, gqf, gqg, gqh, gqi, gqn, gqo, gqr, gqt, gqf, gqy, gqz, gtr, gxq, gzq, gzs, | |
hcq, hdq, hfd, hfj, hfq, hhm, hif, hif, hiw, hjq, hkq, hlq, hmq, hnj, hnq, hnr, hqb, hqe, hqi, hqj, | |
hqk, hqo, hqr, hqw, hte, hfd, hfj, hfq, hwn, iaq, ibq, ibw, iby, iej, iek, ieq, iew, iey, ifj, ifr, | |
ifu, ifz, igj, ihq, ihy, iil, iio, iiq, iiw, iiz, ijc, ijq, ikc, ikp, ikq, ikx, ilt, iny, iow, ipj, | |
iqb, iqf, iqh, iqj, iqk, iql, iqn, iqp, iqt, iqf, iqx, iqy, isq, iud, iuo, iup, iuw, ifj, ifr, ifu, | |
ifz, iwj, iwr, ixb, ixf, ixg, ixh, ixj, ixk, ixq, ixf, ixw, iyb, iyg, iyh, iyi, iyn, iyq, iyr, iyw, | |
iyz, izc, izd, izg, izl, izp, izt, jeq, jex, jfq, jiq, jjx, jkt, jqd, jqg, jqj, jqm, jqo, jqw, jqz, | |
jtq, jfq, jxq, jzn, jzq, kbq, kby, kcx, keq, kft, kgq, khp, khq, kkq, knp, kqd, kqe, kqf, kqg, kqh, | |
kqj, kqk, kqm, kqo, kqp, kqq, kqt, kqf, kqx, ksq, ktq, kuj, kuq, kft, kwf, kwf, kxo, kxr, kyq, kzb, | |
kzc, kzf, kzf, kzx, lab, lbg, lbx, lcu, lfd, lfg, lfn, lnq, lpo, lqe, lqk, lqn, lri, lru, lfd, lfg, | |
lfn, lze, lzo, man, mgq, mnq, mpq, mqd, mqe, mqo, mqw, mtq, mxq, nbh, nbj, nbq, ncl, ncq, ndf, ndf, | |
nft, nwz, nxj, nxo, nxp, nyy, nze, nzg, nzh, nzq, nzy, oaq, oay, obq, odq, oeq, oew, oex, ofd, ofq, | |
ofw, ohd, ohl, ohx, ohy, oif, oiq, oif, oiw, oiy, oiz, ojf, ojj, ojn, ojp, ojf, ojx, ojy, okf, okg, | |
okj, okq, okf, omx, onh, ooa, oor, oqa, oqb, oqe, oqf, oqg, oqh, oqi, oqj, oqk, oql, oqp, oqq, oqs, | |
oqu, oqf, oqw, oqx, oqz, orh, otq, oty, oua, ouh, ouq, ouw, ofd, ofq, ofw, owg, owj, owr, owx, oxd, | |
oxf, oxh, oxj, oxl, oxp, oxs, oxt, oxf, oxw, oyc, oyf, oyl, oyn, oyp, oyq, oyr, oyf, ozb, ozd, ozf, | |
ozg, ozj, ozm, ozq, ozf, pcq, pqf, pqg, pqj, pqk, pql, pqm, pqq, pqu, pqf, pqw, pqz, pxe, pxj, pxw, | |
pxz, pzf, pzg, pzu, pzf, pzx, qaa, qad, qag, qah, qai, qaj, qak, qbh, qbj, qbr, qcb, qcj, qcq, qcr, | |
qdf, qdm, qdn, qdp, qdq, qdr, qdf, qec, qeh, qei, qej, qek, qem, qer, qez, qfb, qfd, qfe, qfg, qfh, | |
qfi, qfk, qfn, qfo, qfq, qfr, qfs, qft, qfw, qfy, qgb, qgc, qgj, qgk, qgl, qgn, qgq, qgu, qgy, qgz, | |
qhg, qhi, qhk, qhs, qht, qhu, qhx, qih, qiy, qjc, qjd, qje, qjf, qjh, qjj, qjk, qjn, qjt, qju, qjf, | |
qjx, qkc, qkd, qkf, qkg, qkh, qkj, qkk, qkl, qkm, qkn, qkp, qkq, qkr, qks, qku, qkf, qkw, qky, qkz, | |
qlk, qlm, qln, qls, qmb, qmf, qmg, qmh, qmj, qmq, qmf, qmy, qnd, qne, qnf, qni, qnj, qnl, qnu, qnf, | |
qnw, qny, qoa, qoc, qoe, qof, qog, qoh, qoi, qoj, qok, qol, qof, qow, qoy, qoz, qpc, qpe, qpf, qpg, | |
qph, qpl, qpn, qpp, qpt, qpu, qpf, qpx, qqd, qqg, qqj, qqk, qql, qqt, qqx, qrb, qre, qrl, qrq, qrx, | |
qsb, qse, qsk, qsw, qtg, qtk, qto, qtq, qtu, quf, qug, quh, qum, quq, quf, quw, qfb, qfd, qfe, qfg, | |
qfh, qfi, qfk, qfn, qfo, qfq, qfr, qfs, qft, qfw, qfy, qwg, qwh, qwi, qwk, qwt, qxa, qxe, qxk, qxl, | |
qxw, qya, qyf, qym, qyo, qys, qyt, qyf, qzb, qzd, qze, qzf, qzk, qzl, qzn, qzo, qzf, raw, rfj, rgq, | |
rgy, rkq, rlq, rnj, rnl, rnq, rpy, rqa, rqb, rqd, rqe, rqh, rqj, rqk, rqm, rqn, rqo, rqq, rqu, rqw, | |
rqx, rqz, rre, rrq, ruj, ruq, rfj, rwo, rwy, rxe, rxo, rxw, rxz, ryq, rzi, rzj, rzp, sbq, sfq, snq, | |
sqd, sqg, sqn, sfq, sxg, sxo, tcq, tfz, tjq, tpq, tqa, tqj, tqo, tqw, ttq, tuh, tfz, txg, txh, tzb, | |
tzc, tzg, tzn, uaj, uaq, uaw, uax, uay, ubh, ubp, ubw, ucj, ucw, ucz, udd, udh, udq, uej, ueq, uer, | |
uew, uey, uez, ufb, ufd, ufe, ufi, ufj, ufq, ufw, ufy, ugj, ugl, ugq, ugw, ugz, uhj, uhn, uhq, uht, | |
uhw, uhx, uhy, uig, uih, uiq, uiw, uiy, uiz, ujb, ujd, ujg, ujl, ujp, ujq, ujt, ujx, ukc, ukd, ukh, | |
ukk, ukp, ukq, ukx, ukz, uld, uln, ulw, umy, unw, uof, uoh, uok, uon, uoq, uof, uoy, uoz, upg, uph, | |
upj, upq, upw, upy, uqa, uqb, uqc, uqd, uqe, uqf, uqg, uqh, uqi, uqj, uqk, uql, uqm, uqn, uqo, uqp, | |
uqq, uqr, uqt, uqf, uqw, uqy, uqz, urf, urm, urf, usx, utq, uua, uub, uuc, uud, uue, uui, uuj, uum, | |
uuo, uuw, uuy, ufb, ufd, ufe, ufi, ufj, ufq, ufw, ufy, uwd, uwf, uwg, uwj, uwk, uwn, uwp, uwq, uwr, | |
uws, uwf, uwx, uwz, uxc, uxf, uxh, uxj, uxk, uxl, uxq, uxt, uxf, uxw, uxx, uxz, uyb, uyc, uyd, uyf, | |
uyg, uyj, uyk, uyl, uym, uyn, uyo, uyp, uyq, uyr, uyf, uyw, uzf, uzg, uzk, uzl, uzp, uzq, uzs, uzt, | |
uzf, uzw, uzx, wah, wbe, wbf, wbf, wcq, wct, wcu, wfk, wfq, wgk, wgn, wgp, wih, wiq, wiy, wjo, wke, | |
wkx, wne, wnu, wnz, wou, wpu, wqf, wqj, wqn, wqo, wqt, wqf, wrq, wte, wua, wuo, wfk, wfq, wxa, wxo, | |
wze, wzi, wzn, wzo, wzu, xag, xah, xbh, xbi, xbj, xbk, xbn, xce, xcw, xdq, xdt, xdw, xef, xeh, xej, | |
xeq, xef, xez, xfg, xfh, xfi, xfj, xfk, xfo, xfw, xga, xgi, xgp, xgw, xgy, xih, xij, xit, xja, xje, | |
xkf, xkh, xki, xkn, xko, xkq, xkt, xkf, xlb, xlh, xln, xly, xmq, xnf, xnl, xnm, xnq, xnf, xnw, xoe, | |
xoq, xpi, xpq, xpu, xpw, xqa, xqc, xqd, xqe, xqg, xqi, xqm, xqp, xre, xrn, xrw, xso, xsq, xtq, xts, | |
xur, xfg, xfh, xfi, xfj, xfk, xfo, xfw, xwa, xwe, xwi, xwn, xwo, xwt, ybd, ybj, ybw, yde, ydo, ydq, | |
ydx, yeu, yfa, yfb, yfe, yfj, yfo, yfs, yft, ygn, yhi, yir, yja, yje, yjn, yjt, ykx, ymw, yna, ync, | |
ynj, ynq, ynx, ypd, ypn, ypp, ypq, ypw, ypy, yqa, yqb, yqe, yqg, yqk, yqo, yqp, yqr, yrf, yrq, yrf, | |
yrw, ytw, yfa, yfb, yfe, yfj, yfo, yfs, yft, ywd, ywe, ywi, ywn, yww, yxe, yze, yzo, yzr, zbp, zdq, | |
zew, zfg, zfi, zfn, zfo, zgn, zgo, zke, zkg, zki, zkq, zlr, znj, znq, zpb, zpe, zpn, zpq, zpt, zpu, | |
zqo, zqy, zre, zrn, zuc, zud, zuj, zfg, zfi, zfn, zfo, zxe |
All 17576000 usernames checked. 0 matches found
there are 49.5k roughly possible usernames. I checked all of them and found ev0, I was still going up to r0e, my list ended with 999 and i added usernames with hyphen in the middle after 999. maybe something will free up soon
a8j a8w a9l ... rxp r0e
All of these were checked manually if I can change to this username so, maybe this will be pointless for you to check and assume they are trademarked or blocked by github
what's that list again?
All 17576000 usernames checked. 0 matches found
there are 49.5k roughly possible usernames. I checked all of them and found ev0, I was still going up to r0e, my list ended with 999 and i added usernames with hyphen in the middle after 999. maybe something will free up soon
a8j a8w a9l ... rxp r0e
All of these were checked manually if I can change to this username so, maybe this will be pointless for you to check and assume they are trademarked or blocked by github
what's that list again?
python script generated all possible usernames and i added the ones with hyphen in the middle since that is also possible to it via another script. I accidentally deleted it and really any AI can do it. I had to ask it to make it for 1 letters/digits ones, then for 2, then for 3, and then another script for hyphens, they were last but probably the most of the possible ones are with hyphens, my list stopped at r0e it took like 10h to compute up to that and it's good.
So that list contains all the flagged characters as possible but when you try to change into them you can't so maybe you can just start the list from r0e instead of doing all that unnecessary work yourself.
Can someone please post the name-checking script?
Can someone please post the name-checking script?
don't be lazy: https://gist.github.com/pirate/01ca7a6b41595af9a480?permalink_comment_id=3657968#gistcomment-3657968
are there yet in 2024, if yes , is it possible to make a script that automates finding them?
a macro yes. just get the list from the message above, and instead of checking names by hand make a macro to check for green color when the username is possible for name change
there are 49.5k roughly possible usernames. I checked all of them and found ev0, I was still going up to r0e, my list ended with 999 and i added usernames with hyphen in the middle after 999. maybe something will free up soon
All of these were checked manually if I can change to this username so, maybe this will be pointless for you to check and assume they are trademarked or blocked by github