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Last active January 11, 2024 14:10
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Configuring xRDP in Ubuntu with Unity as Desktop Environment

Configuring xRDP in Ubuntu with Unity as Desktop Environment

Run the following commands in the terminal

sudo apt-get --yes update

sudo apt install --yes xrdp

sudo apt-get install --yes xserver-xorg-core

sudo apt-get install --yes xorgxrdp

sudo nano /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/02-allow-colord.conf
  • Copy Paste the polkit and then Ctrl+O (Save) and then Ctrl+X (Exit)
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if (( == "org.freedesktop.color-manager.create-device" || == "org.freedesktop.color-manager.create-profile" || == "org.freedesktop.color-manager.delete-device" || == "org.freedesktop.color-manager.delete-profile" || == "org.freedesktop.color-manager.modify-device" || == "org.freedesktop.color-manager.modify-profile") && subject.isInGroup("{users}"))
return polkit.Result.YES;
sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp

sudo /etc/init.d/xrdp restart

sudo systemctl status xrdp

sudo systemctl enable xrdp

sudo apt-get install --yes xserver-xorg-input-all
  • Get IP address

  • Log out of ubuntu

  • Connect from Windows RDP.

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