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Last active October 12, 2021 07:00
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Calling dynamically some methods from structs in runtime without know actually the struct to run
// Example in The Go Playground:
package main
import (
// These two come from a different package
type One struct{}
type Two struct{}
type Three struct{}
// With this method does not run
func (o *One) Method1(t *Two) {}
// With this method runs, but I can modify the firm of the method because is in another package
// that my code has a dependency
//func (o *One) Method1(t Two) {}
// For testing purposes just comment out the first Method1 and use the second one
// and you can see that the code runs without panic
// In my project I do this
// types.go
type typeRegister map[string]reflect.Type
func (t typeRegister) Set(i interface{}) {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(i).Elem()
t[typ.Name()] = typ
func (t typeRegister) Get(name string) (interface{}, error) {
if typ, ok := t[name]; ok {
return reflect.New(typ).Elem().Interface(), nil
return nil, errors.New("not valid type registered: " + name)
var typeRegistry = make(typeRegister)
func init() {
// These two because they come from another package
// Something like:
// typeRegistry.Set(new(another_package.One))
// typeRegistry.Set(new(another_package.Two))
// main.go
func main() {
// Dynamically retrieve the string "Two"
// that is the name of the struct to initialize
// in this example a string declarated here
structNameThatIsParameter := "Two"
// Dynamically retrieve the string "Method1"
// that is the name of the method to call on the
// structName value retrieved dynamically
// here, hard coded
methodOfStructInstantiated := "Method1"
i, err := typeRegistry.Get(structNameThatIsParameter)
if err != nil {
// Handle the error, but here just panic
// I actually call this because I know what struct I want to call
// In the actual code this is something like:
// instance := new(other_package.One)
instance := new(One)
method := reflect.ValueOf(instance).MethodByName(methodOfStructInstantiated)
// I can't call like this because the firm of the Method1 that is run against
// a pointer to the struct Two
// func (o *One) Method1(t *Two) {} in the package that I'm using
// if the firm of that method is: func (o *One) Method1(t Two) {}
// without a pointer but a struct the method beneath runs
called := method.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(i)})
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", called)
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