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Created December 12, 2016 00:04
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Cheating in computer science can be a little tricky in terms of moral perception. On the one hand there are so many open
sources and shared code in places like GitHub that can create a feeling that it's ok to borrow solutions for problems that
other people previously encountered. However, I see a clear distinction between googling seeking for inspiration/advice about
how to solve a specific small challenge in your project and copying an entire project code and make it looks you produced it.
I can understand how stressful can be the tought that you will be graded for a project and that you passing or failing the
course might depend on it. However, if you are studying a subject, the final goal is not to get an A+ but to learn a skill and
be good doing that job so more serious than cheating your teachers is cheating yourself and jeopardizing your future for
stealing that learning. For me taking somebody's code plus not understanding what it does is like taking somebody's pills
without having been prescribed nor having even read the brochure, an insane and stupid idea. I agree with the author's opinion
that it's crucial to get your students engaged and provide alternative ways of grading than a final exam or project. The same
applies for teachers, their success in their careers can't probably be measure by how many good grades their students got but
how many lives they changed for the best so changing the traditional approach of gradingwould be benefitial for students,
teachers and the society in general. One of the hardest subjects and bigger learning experiences that I had was when in college
a professor decided not doing final exam but an strict but motivating continuous evaluation. I can't say how much I learn and
how excited I was attending her classes and how demanding I was with myself to do awesome in that subject in a daily basis. In
this regard, Turing is excellent of being always open to feedback and looking for improvement, only with this mindset one do
great things.
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