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Last active June 7, 2021 08:51
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Code colors for embed discord.js

Here is an updated list of the colors that are currently implemented with a name

Name Int value Hex Code
DEFAULT 0 #000000
AQUA 1752220 #1ABC9C
DARK_AQUA 1146986 #11806A
GREEN 3066993 #2ECC71
DARK_GREEN 2067276 #1F8B4C
BLUE 3447003 #3498DB
DARK_BLUE 2123412 #206694
PURPLE 10181046 #9B59B6
DARK_PURPLE 7419530 #71368A
DARK_VIVID_PINK 11342935 #AD1457
GOLD 15844367 #F1C40F
DARK_GOLD 12745742 #C27C0E
ORANGE 15105570 #E67E22
DARK_ORANGE 11027200 #A84300
RED 15158332 #E74C3C
DARK_RED 10038562 #992D22
GREY 9807270 #95A5A6
DARK_GREY 9936031 #979C9F
DARKER_GREY 8359053 #7F8C8D
LIGHT_GREY 12370112 #BCC0C0
NAVY 3426654 #34495E
DARK_NAVY 2899536 #2C3E50
YELLOW 16776960 #FFFF00

Official Discord color palette

Name Int value Hex Code
WHITE 16777215 #FFFFFF
BLURPLE 7506394 #7289DA
GREYPLE (Default) 10070709 #99AAB5
DARK_BUT_NOT_BLACK 2895667 #2C2F33
NOT_QUITE_BLACK 2303786 #23272A

Discord brand color palette (2021)

Name Int value Hex code
BLURPLE 5793266 #5865F2
GREEN 5763719 #57F287
YELLOW 16705372 #FEE75C
FUSCHIA 15418782 #EB459E
RED 15548997 #ED4245
WHITE 16777215 #FFFFFF
BLACK 2303786 #23272A

Other role colors

Name Int value Hex Code
Unnamed role color 1 6323595 #607D8B
Unnamed role color 2 5533306 #546E7A

Unnamed colors

Updated by @Olympic1

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