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Last active January 23, 2025 16:41
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  • Save pixelrevision/2981863 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pixelrevision/2981863 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script for unity to create a pixel locked orthogonal camera
using UnityEngine;
* A camera to help with Orthagonal mode when you need it to lock to pixels. Desiged to be used on android and retina devices.
public class PixelPerfectCam : MonoBehaviour {
* The target size of the view port.
public Vector2 targetViewportSizeInPixels = new Vector2(480.0f, 320.0f);
* Snap movement of the camera to pixels.
public bool lockToPixels = true;
* The number of target pixels in every Unity unit.
public float pixelsPerUnit = 32.0f;
* A game object that the camera will follow the x and y position of.
public GameObject followTarget;
private Camera _camera;
private int _currentScreenWidth = 0;
private int _currentScreenHeight = 0;
private float _pixelLockedPPU = 32.0f;
private Vector2 _winSize;
protected void Start(){
_camera = this.GetComponent<Camera>();
Debug.LogWarning("No camera for pixel perfect cam to use");
_camera.orthographic = true;
public void ResizeCamToTargetSize(){
if(_currentScreenWidth != Screen.width || _currentScreenHeight != Screen.height){
// check our target size here to see how much we want to scale this camera
float percentageX = Screen.width/targetViewportSizeInPixels.x;
float percentageY = Screen.height/targetViewportSizeInPixels.y;
float targetSize = 0.0f;
if(percentageX > percentageY){
targetSize = percentageY;
targetSize = percentageX;
int floored = Mathf.FloorToInt(targetSize);
if(floored < 1){
floored = 1;
// now we have our percentage let's make the viewport scale to that
float camSize = ((Screen.height/2)/floored)/pixelsPerUnit;
_camera.orthographicSize = camSize;
_pixelLockedPPU = floored * pixelsPerUnit;
_winSize = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);
public void Update(){
if(_winSize.x != Screen.width || _winSize.y != Screen.height){
if(_camera && followTarget){
Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2(followTarget.transform.position.x, followTarget.transform.position.y);
float nextX = Mathf.Round(_pixelLockedPPU * newPosition.x);
float nextY = Mathf.Round(_pixelLockedPPU * newPosition.y);
_camera.transform.position = new Vector3(nextX/_pixelLockedPPU, nextY/_pixelLockedPPU, _camera.transform.position.z);
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Bamboy commented Apr 23, 2016

Thank you so much for this!

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This is glorious.

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can i have this without the follow target ?

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Thanks a lot for sharing this!

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ViniciusMontanari commented Feb 10, 2021

This is glorious bro! Thank you so much for this! But i have one question: what can i do if i want to make a smooth camera movement following the player using this amazing code?

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