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Last active January 3, 2025 17:38
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SQL parsing in java using Apache-Calcite SQL parser.
public class BaseQueryValidator {
private static List<String> extractTableAliases(SqlNode node) {
final List<String> tables = new ArrayList<>();
// If order by comes in the query.
if (node.getKind().equals(SqlKind.ORDER_BY)) {
// Retrieve exact select.
node = ((SqlSelect) ((SqlOrderBy) node).query).getFrom();
} else {
node = ((SqlSelect) node).getFrom();
if (node == null) {
return tables;
// Case when only 1 data set in the query.
if (node.getKind().equals(SqlKind.AS)) {
tables.add(((SqlBasicCall) node).operand(1).toString());
return tables;
// Case when there are more than 1 data sets in the query.
if (node.getKind().equals(SqlKind.JOIN)) {
final SqlJoin from = (SqlJoin) node;
// Case when only 2 data sets are in the query.
if (from.getLeft().getKind().equals(SqlKind.AS)) {
tables.add(((SqlBasicCall) from.getLeft()).operand(1).toString());
} else {
// Case when more than 2 data sets are in the query.
SqlJoin left = (SqlJoin) from.getLeft();
// Traverse until we get a AS.
while (!left.getLeft().getKind().equals(SqlKind.AS)) {
tables.add(((SqlBasicCall) left.getRight()).operand(1).toString());
left = (SqlJoin) left.getLeft();
tables.add(((SqlBasicCall) left.getLeft()).operand(1).toString());
tables.add(((SqlBasicCall) left.getRight()).operand(1).toString());
tables.add(((SqlBasicCall) from.getRight()).operand(1).toString());
return tables;
return tables;
private static Map<String, String> extractWhereClauses(SqlNode node) {
final Map<String, String> tableToPlaceHolder = new HashMap<>();
// If order by comes in the query.
if (node.getKind().equals(SqlKind.ORDER_BY)) {
// Retrieve exact select.
node = ((SqlOrderBy) node).query;
if (node == null) {
return tableToPlaceHolder;
final SqlBasicCall where = (SqlBasicCall) ((SqlSelect) node).getWhere();
if (where != null) {
// Case when there is only 1 where clause
if (where.operand(0).getKind().equals(SqlKind.IDENTIFIER)
&& where.operand(1).getKind().equals(SqlKind.LITERAL)) {
return tableToPlaceHolder;
final SqlBasicCall sqlBasicCallRight = where.operand(1);
SqlBasicCall sqlBasicCallLeft = where.operand(0);
// Iterate over left until we get a pair of identifier and literal.
while (!sqlBasicCallLeft.operand(0).getKind().equals(SqlKind.IDENTIFIER)
&& !sqlBasicCallLeft.operand(1).getKind().equals(SqlKind.LITERAL)) {
tableToPlaceHolder.put(((SqlBasicCall) sqlBasicCallLeft.operand(1)).operand(0).toString(),
((SqlBasicCall) sqlBasicCallLeft.operand(1)).operand(1).toString());
sqlBasicCallLeft = sqlBasicCallLeft.operand(0); // Move to next where condition.
return tableToPlaceHolder;
return tableToPlaceHolder;
public static void main(String[] args) throws SqlParseException {
final String query = "SELECT e.first_name AS FirstName, s.salary AS Salary from employee AS e join salary AS s on e.emp_id=s.emp_id where e.organization = 'Tesla' and s.organization = 'Tesla'";
final SqlParser parser = SqlParser.create(baseQuery);
final SqlNode sqlNode = parser.parseQuery();
final SqlSelect sqlSelect = (SqlSelect) sqlNode;
final SqlJoin from = (SqlJoin) sqlSelect.getFrom();
// Extract table names/data sets, For above SQL query : [e, s]
final List<String> tables = extractTableNames(from);
// Extract where clauses, For above SQL query : [e.organization -> 'Tesla', s.organization -> 'Tesla']
final Map<String, String> whereClauses = extractWhereClauses(sqlSelect);
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OOOleo commented Aug 31, 2020


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