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Last active October 12, 2015 01:18
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Save pizthewiz/3949228 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NSDate category to deal with NTP timestamps
// yoinked and recrafted from Gavin Eadie's ios-ntp
// NB - not perfectly symmetrical, this evaluates to NO:
// NSDate* now = [NSDate date]; [now isEqualToDate:[NSDate dateWithNTPTimestamp:[now NTPTimestamp]];
struct NTPTimestamp {
uint32_t seconds;
uint32_t fractionalSeconds;
typedef struct NTPTimestamp NTPTimestamp;
static inline NTPTimestamp NTPTimestampMake(uint32_t seconds, uint32_t fractionalSeconds) {
return (NTPTimestamp){seconds, fractionalSeconds};
static NSTimeInterval NTPTimestampDifference(NTPTimestamp start, NTPTimestamp end) {
int a;
unsigned int b;
a = end.seconds - start.seconds;
if (end.fractionalSeconds >= start.fractionalSeconds) {
b = end.fractionalSeconds - start.fractionalSeconds;
} else {
b = start.fractionalSeconds - end.fractionalSeconds;
b = ~b;
a -= 1;
return a + b / 4294967296.0; // 2^32
// 1970 - 1900 in seconds 2,208,988,800 | First day UNIX
// 1 Jan 1972 : 2,272,060,800 | First day UTC
#define JAN_1970 0x83aa7e80
static NTPTimestamp NTPTimestamp1970 = {JAN_1970, 0}; // network time for 1 January 1970, GMT
@interface NSDate (PEAdditions)
+ (instancetype)dateWithNTPTimestamp:(NTPTimestamp)timestamp;
- (NTPTimestamp)NTPTimestamp;
@implementation NSDate (PEAdditions)
+ (instancetype)dateWithNTPTimestamp:(NTPTimestamp)timestamp {
return [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:NTPTimestampDifference(NTPTimestamp1970, timestamp)];
- (NTPTimestamp)NTPTimestamp {
double integerValue;
double fractionalValue = modf([self timeIntervalSince1970], &integerValue);
fractionalValue *= 4294967296.0;
return NTPTimestampMake(JAN_1970 + integerValue, fractionalValue);
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