Since my github account has so many repositories, I've made a selected list.
Here's my key projects, some of them doesn't have source code inside because I lost it.
You may ignore them or just guessing with some screenshots or dev docs.
Contact: [email protected]
- ui
- uss, unity style sheet
- StyleSheet(.css) for Unity UGUI
- uver
- Code transformation in Unity/C#.
- Rookie
- Dynamic programming language with simple and readable syntax.
- My first language implementation
- Runs on .NET CLR (means output is .exe or .dll)
- minidity
- a language for blockchain
- lookatme
- .NET obfuscator for Studying purpose.
- StrongHTTP
- Define interfaces for REST call. As a normal C # API does.
- Runtime code generation
- BuildsFlight
- Distribute application without server (like TestFlight, in Apple)
- HttpServer.cs
- HTTP server implementation (studying purpose, WebSocket, HTTP2)
- to.cpp
- Brings type conversion in modern C++.
- STL, SFINAE, TemplateMetaProgramming
- DynamicThreadPool
- mchain
- Basic implementation of blockchain which runs SmartContract.
- IntegratedWallet
- Multiple exchanges -> one integrated API.
- BtcPriceWidget
- Keep watching bitcoin prices while you are working!