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Last active February 8, 2025 10:39
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D2 Example of API traffic
aws cname: "AWS CNAME" {
description: |md with an imperva dns
imperva: "WAF" {
description: |md
WAF to protect against bots, attacks
Forward traffic to APIGEE
apigee: "API Gateway" {
description: |md
API Gateway with routing, configuration, proxies, policies
aws alb: "Application Load Balancer" {
description: |md
An external facing public ALB with a security group
configured to only allow APIGEE IP traffic
aws target group: "Target Group" {
description: |md
Contains a set of servers configured with request rules
to route traffic to the appropriate servers that can handle the incoming request
reverse proxy: "Nginx/Apache" {
rules: {
"/path1" -> "eks cluster A ingress"
"/path2/(.*)" -> "eks cluster B ingress"
"/some-other-path" -> "aws ec2 IP"
"/some/other-path" -> "aws elastic container service"
aws ec2: {
description: |md
This could be an IIS ASP.NET Hosted application
listening on port 443/80 to handle the request
aws eks ingress: {
description: |md
An `Ingress` manifest definition is defined for each `k8s deployment`
The `k8s ingress controller` matches on an `k8s ingress` based on `host and path`
The matched `k8s ingress` is associated to the `K8s service` manifest which is used to `forward
traffic` to the appropriate `pod` by using a `selector` on the defined `k8s service`
The `K8s Pod` acts as an individual machine with an IP, and can have multiple `containers`
k8s namespace: {
grid-columns: 1
network policies: {
description: |md
contains `rules` around `IPs`, `Ports` for `ingress` and `egress` traffic
This enables pods to reach out to external systems, such as databases, or other services
egress rules: {
allow / disallow
ingress rules: {
allow / disallow
ingress: {
rule path: {
domain host: {
service: {
description: |md
The service is used to expose the pod
port: {
targetPort: {
selector: {
pod: {
selector: {
container a: {
port: {
forward: {
localhost: 80
container b: {
port: {
description: |md
handles the request
web server: {
ingress -> service
service -> pod
pod.container a -> pod.container b
nosql: {
postgres: {
schema items: {
aws cname -> imperva
imperva -> apigee
apigee -> aws alb
aws alb -> aws target group
aws target group -> reverse proxy
reverse proxy -> aws ec2
reverse proxy -> aws eks ingress -> k8s namespace
k8s namespace -> nosql
k8s namespace -> postgres
# k8s namespace.pod.container b.web server./path2/customers/ -> nosql
# k8s namespace.pod.container b.web server./path2/orders/ -> nosql
# k8s namespace.pod.container b.web server./path2/items/ -> postgres
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