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Created November 19, 2024 22:02
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Script For Killing All Steam Processes in Linux
# Steam on Linux doesn't seem to like to actually
# quit, when you tell it to quit.
# Get all of the Steam processes
STEAMPROCESSES=$(ps aux | grep Steam | grep valvesoftware)
# Loop and kill them one-by-one
while read STEAMPROCESSES; do
PID=$(echo $STEAMPROCESSES | perl -pe 's/^\w+\s+(\d+).+/$1/')
if [[ ! -z "$PID" ]]; then
kill -9 $PID > /dev/null 2>&1
# Get the bwrap process which is doing something for Steam
# and kill it
PID=$(ps aux | grep bwrap | grep steam | perl -pe 's/^\w+\s+(\d+).+/$1/')
kill -9 $PID > /dev/null 2>&1
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