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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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  • Save pkaminski/6c111a29712845f4dc90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pkaminski/6c111a29712845f4dc90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Output of `gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml --remote --version $BUILD_GROUP_NUMBER --force --set-default --verbosity debug`
Branch: release; pull request: false; build: 586
Deploying server...
DEBUG: Running with Namespace(__calliope_internal_deepest_parser=ArgumentParser(prog='', usage=None, description="*(BETA)* This command is used to deploy both code and configuration to the App Engine\nserver. As an input it takes one or more ``DEPLOYABLES'' that should be\nuploaded. A ``DEPLOYABLE'' can be a module's .yaml file or a configuration's\n.yaml file.", version=None, formatter_class=<class 'argparse.HelpFormatter'>, conflict_handler='error', add_help=False), bucket=None, cmd_func=<bound method Command.Run of <googlecloudsdk.calliope.backend.Command object at 0x7f3124024590>>, command_path=['gcloud', 'preview', 'app', 'deploy'], deployables=['app.yaml'], document=None, env_vars=None, force=True, format=None, h=None, help=None, http_timeout=None, log_http=None, markdown=None, project=None, quiet=None, remote=True, server=None, set_default=True, trace_token=None, user_output_enabled=None, verbosity='debug', version='586').
You are about to deploy the following modules:
- reviewable-prod/default (from [/root/workspace/src/])
Deployed URL: []
Do you want to continue (Y/n)?
Beginning deployment...
Verifying that Managed VMs are enabled and ready.
DEBUG: Host:
DEBUG: _Authenticate configuring auth; needs_auth=False
DEBUG: Sending request to headers={'X-appcfg-api-version': '1', 'content-length': '0', 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'} body=
INFO: Attempting refresh to obtain initial access_token
INFO: Refreshing access_token
DEBUG: Got response: {bucket:, path: /containers}
INFO: Refreshing access_token
INFO: Refreshing access_token
INFO: Refreshing access_token
INFO: Refreshing access_token
INFO: Refreshing access_token
INFO: Refreshing access_token
INFO: Refreshing access_token
Provisioning remote build service.
DEBUG: Loaded Command Group: ['gcloud', 'compute']
DEBUG: Loaded Command Group: ['gcloud', 'compute', 'firewall_rules']
DEBUG: Loaded Command Group: ['gcloud', 'compute', 'firewall-rules', 'list']
DEBUG: Running gcloud.compute.firewall-rules.list with Namespace(__calliope_internal_deepest_parser=ArgumentParser(prog='gcloud.compute.firewall-rules.list', usage=None, description='List Google Compute Engine firewall rules.', version=None, formatter_class=<class 'argparse.HelpFormatter'>, conflict_handler='error', add_help=False), cmd_func=<bound method Command.Run of <googlecloudsdk.calliope.backend.Command object at 0x7f31230b1ed0>>, command_path=['gcloud', 'compute', 'firewall-rules', 'list'], document=None, endpoint=None, format=None, h=None, help=None, http_timeout=None, limit=None, log_http=None, markdown=None, names=[], project=None, quiet=None, regexp=None, sort_by=None, trace_token=None, uri=False, user_output_enabled='false', verbosity=None, version=None).
DEBUG: Starting batch request...
DEBUG: Adding request: (<googlecloudapis.compute.v1.compute_v1_client.FirewallsService object at 0x7f3122b02610>, 'List', <ComputeFirewallsListRequest
maxResults: 500
project: 'reviewable-prod'>)
DEBUG: Making batch request...
DEBUG: Batch request done; responses [<FirewallList
id: u'projects/reviewable-prod/global/firewalls'
items: [<Firewall
allowed: [<AllowedValueListEntry
IPProtocol: u'tcp'
ports: [u'2376']>]
creationTimestamp: u'2015-07-31T17:58:24.884-07:00'
description: u''
id: 6963764327535128494
kind: u'compute#firewall'
name: u'allow-gae-builder'
network: u''
selfLink: u''
sourceRanges: [u'']
sourceTags: []
targetTags: [u'gae-builder']>, <Firewall
allowed: [<AllowedValueListEntry
IPProtocol: u'icmp'
ports: []>]
creationTimestamp: u'2015-07-31T14:34:38.710-07:00'
description: u'Allow ICMP from anywhere'
id: 70988715781519489
kind: u'compute#firewall'
name: u'default-allow-icmp'
network: u''
selfLink: u''
sourceRanges: [u'']
sourceTags: []
targetTags: []>, <Firewall
allowed: [<AllowedValueListEntry
IPProtocol: u'tcp'
ports: [u'1-65535']>, <AllowedValueListEntry
IPProtocol: u'udp'
ports: [u'1-65535']>, <AllowedValueListEntry
IPProtocol: u'icmp'
ports: []>]
creationTimestamp: u'2015-07-31T14:34:38.862-07:00'
description: u'Allow internal traffic on the default network'
id: 13745867491166054825L
kind: u'compute#firewall'
name: u'default-allow-internal'
network: u''
selfLink: u''
sourceRanges: [u'']
sourceTags: []
targetTags: []>, <Firewall
allowed: [<AllowedValueListEntry
IPProtocol: u'tcp'
ports: [u'3389']>]
creationTimestamp: u'2015-07-31T14:34:38.862-07:00'
description: u'Allow RDP from anywhere'
id: 4863165939226345642
kind: u'compute#firewall'
name: u'default-allow-rdp'
network: u''
selfLink: u''
sourceRanges: [u'']
sourceTags: []
targetTags: []>, <Firewall
allowed: [<AllowedValueListEntry
IPProtocol: u'tcp'
ports: [u'22']>]
creationTimestamp: u'2015-07-31T14:34:38.783-07:00'
description: u'Allow SSH from anywhere'
id: 11066996881113828688L
kind: u'compute#firewall'
name: u'default-allow-ssh'
network: u''
selfLink: u''
sourceRanges: [u'']
sourceTags: []
targetTags: []>]
kind: u'compute#firewallList'
selfLink: u''>]
INFO: Network already configured.
INFO: Creating remote build VM [gae-builder-vm-586]
DEBUG: Loaded Command Group: ['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances']
DEBUG: Loaded Command Group: ['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'create']
Copying certificates for secure access. You may be prompted to create an SSH keypair.
DEBUG: Loaded Command Group: ['gcloud', 'compute', 'copy_files']
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Permission denied (publickey).
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
DEBUG: Detected docker environment variables: DOCKER_HOST=tcp://, DOCKER_CERT_PATH=../../../../../../tmp/tmpSZkqjJ, DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=True
INFO: Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG: "GET /v1.16/_ping HTTP/1.1" 200 2
Building and pushing image for module [default]
INFO: Looking for the Dockerfile in /root/workspace/src/
INFO: Using Dockerfile found in /root/workspace/src/
INFO: Building docker image reviewable-prod.default.586 from /root/workspace/src/
INFO: -------------------------------- DOCKER OUTPUT ---------------------------------
DEBUG: "POST /v1.16/build?pull=True&nocache=False&q=False&t=reviewable-prod.default.586&forcerm=False&rm=True HTTP/1.1" 200 None
INFO: Step 0 : FROM node:0.12
INFO: ---> 7d78f074f358
INFO: Step 1 : RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
INFO: ---> Running in c963edcf0bf6
INFO: ---> a190b51b74bb
INFO: Removing intermediate container c963edcf0bf6
INFO: Step 2 : WORKDIR /usr/src/app
INFO: ---> Running in a43a4a7cf2bf
INFO: ---> 26759893a6c2
INFO: Removing intermediate container a43a4a7cf2bf
INFO: Step 3 : COPY package.json npm-shrinkwrap.json /usr/src/app/
INFO: ---> c0d1bb777b93
INFO: Removing intermediate container 452364630a95
INFO: Step 4 : RUN npm install
INFO: ---> Running in 176bf2aa7e72
INFO: npm WARN peerDependencies The peer dependency superagent@>= 0.15.4 && < 1 included from superagent-proxy will no
INFO: npm WARN peerDependencies longer be automatically installed to fulfill the peerDependency
INFO: npm WARN peerDependencies in npm 3+. Your application will need to depend on it explicitly.
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/escape-html
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/string-hash
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/ms
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/co-sleep
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/co
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/clone
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/agentkeepalive
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/toposort
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/serialized-lru-cache
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/underscore
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/mandrill-api
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/firebase
INFO: └── [email protected] ([email protected])
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/nodefire
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: └── [email protected]
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/firelease
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: └── [email protected]
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/hubkit
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: └── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/heroku-client
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected])
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected])
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
INFO: └── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/stripe
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: └── [email protected]
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/raven
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: └── [email protected]
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/loggly
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: └── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/request
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected])
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected])
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected])
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected])
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
INFO: └── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/analytics-node
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected])
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
INFO: └── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected])
INFO: [email protected] node_modules/express
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected]
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected])
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected])
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected])
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
INFO: ├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected])
INFO: └── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected])
INFO: ---> 3f3d3c4a7084
INFO: Removing intermediate container 176bf2aa7e72
INFO: Step 5 : COPY . /usr/src/app
INFO: ---> 33e5a6af1c0d
INFO: Removing intermediate container 45bf2e4d986b
INFO: Step 6 : EXPOSE 8080
INFO: ---> Running in d78072bc9ff2
INFO: ---> 3176f2bae833
INFO: Removing intermediate container d78072bc9ff2
INFO: Step 7 : CMD
INFO: ---> Running in e6f5949f1ab1
INFO: ---> f8f90586576e
INFO: Removing intermediate container e6f5949f1ab1
INFO: Step 8 : ENTRYPOINT node --harmony --expose-gc src/main.js
INFO: ---> Running in c83c57493ca5
INFO: ---> aaa2abc89ba5
INFO: Removing intermediate container c83c57493ca5
INFO: Successfully built aaa2abc89ba5
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Image reviewable-prod.default.586 built, id = aaa2abc89ba5
DEBUG: Configured access to
DEBUG: "POST /v1.16/images/aaa2abc89ba5/tag? HTTP/1.1" 201 0
INFO: Pushing image to Google Container Registry...
INFO: Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG: "GET /v2/ HTTP/1.1" 404 1428
INFO: Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG: "GET /v1/_ping HTTP/1.1" 200 None
DEBUG: "POST /v1.16/images/ HTTP/1.1" 200 None
INFO: The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
INFO: Sending image list
INFO: Pushing repository (1 tags)
INFO: Image 902b87aaaec9 already pushed, skipping
INFO: Image 9a61b6b1315e already pushed, skipping
INFO: Image 1ff9f26f09fb already pushed, skipping
INFO: Image 607e965985c1 already pushed, skipping
INFO: Image 9213e81cb0f2 already pushed, skipping
INFO: Image cc9b036c3f21 already pushed, skipping
INFO: Image c6666d87aca6 already pushed, skipping
INFO: Image 5981cac2f0ce already pushed, skipping
INFO: Image 62f17165f77c already pushed, skipping
INFO: Image 7d78f074f358 already pushed, skipping
INFO: Pushing
INFO: Buffering to disk: 2.56 kB
INFO: Buffering to disk
INFO: Pushing: 512 B/2.56 kB
INFO: Pushing: 1.024 kB/2.56 kB
INFO: Pushing: 1.536 kB/2.56 kB
INFO: Pushing: 2.048 kB/2.56 kB
INFO: Pushing: 2.56 kB/2.56 kB
INFO: Pushing: 2.56 kB/2.56 kB
INFO: Image successfully pushed
INFO: Pushing
INFO: Buffering to disk: 1.024 kB
INFO: Buffering to disk
INFO: Pushing: 512 B/1.024 kB
INFO: Pushing: 1.024 kB/1.024 kB
INFO: Pushing: 1.024 kB/1.024 kB
INFO: Image successfully pushed
INFO: Pushing
INFO: Buffering to disk: 86.02 kB
INFO: Buffering to disk
INFO: Pushing: 1.024 kB/86.02 kB
INFO: Pushing: 2.048 kB/86.02 kB
INFO: Pushing: 34.82 kB/86.02 kB
INFO: Pushing: 67.58 kB/86.02 kB
INFO: Pushing: 82.98 kB/86.02 kB
INFO: Pushing: 83.97 kB/86.02 kB
INFO: Pushing: 84.91 kB/86.02 kB
INFO: Pushing: 86.02 kB/86.02 kB
INFO: Pushing: 86.02 kB/86.02 kB
INFO: Image successfully pushed
INFO: Pushing
INFO: Buffering to disk: 557.1 kB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 1.114 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 1.671 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 2.228 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 2.785 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 3.342 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 3.899 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 4.456 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 5.014 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 5.571 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 6.128 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 6.685 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 7.242 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 7.799 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 8.356 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 8.913 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 9.47 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 10.03 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 10.58 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 11.14 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 11.7 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 12.26 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 12.81 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 13.37 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 13.93 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 14.48 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 15.04 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 15.6 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 16.15 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 16.71 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 17.27 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 17.83 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 18.38 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 18.94 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 19.5 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 20.05 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 20.61 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 21.17 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 21.73 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 22.28 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 22.84 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 23.4 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 23.95 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 24.51 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 25.07 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 25.62 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 26.18 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 26.74 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 27.3 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 27.85 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 28.41 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 28.97 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 29.52 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 30.08 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 30.64 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 31.2 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 31.75 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 32.31 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 32.87 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 33.42 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 33.98 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 34.54 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 35.09 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 35.65 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 36.21 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 36.77 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 37.32 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 37.88 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 38.44 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 38.99 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 39.55 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 40.11 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 40.67 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 41.22 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 41.78 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 42.34 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 42.89 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 43.45 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 44.01 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 44.56 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 45.12 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 45.68 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 46.24 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 46.79 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 47.35 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 47.91 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 48.46 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 49.02 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 49.58 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 50.14 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 50.69 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 51.25 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 51.81 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 52.36 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 52.92 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 53.48 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 54.03 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 54.59 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 55.15 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 55.71 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 56.26 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 56.82 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 57.38 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 57.93 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 58.49 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 59.05 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 59.6 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 60.16 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 60.72 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 61.28 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 61.83 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 62.39 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 62.95 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 63.5 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 64.06 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 64.62 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 65.18 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 65.73 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 66.29 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 66.85 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 67.4 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 67.96 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 68.52 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 69.07 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 69.63 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 70.19 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 70.75 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 71.3 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 71.86 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 72.42 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 72.97 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 73.53 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 74.09 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 74.65 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 75.2 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 75.76 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 76.32 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 76.87 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 77.43 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 77.99 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 78.54 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 79.1 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 79.66 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 80.22 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 80.77 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 81.33 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 81.89 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 82.44 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 83 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 83.56 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 84.12 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 84.67 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 85.23 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 85.79 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 86.34 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 86.9 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 87.46 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 88.01 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 88.57 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 89.13 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 89.69 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 90.24 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 90.8 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 91.36 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 91.91 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 92.47 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 93.03 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 93.59 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 94.14 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 94.7 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 95.26 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 95.81 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 96.37 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 96.93 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 97.48 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 98.04 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 98.6 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 99.16 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 99.71 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 100.3 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 100.8 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 101.4 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 101.9 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 102.5 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 103.1 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 103.6 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 104.2 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 104.7 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 105.3 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 105.8 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 106.4 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 107 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 107.5 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 108.1 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 108.6 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 109.2 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 109.7 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 110.3 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 110.9 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 111.4 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 112 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 112.5 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 113.1 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 113.6 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 114.2 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 114.8 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 115.3 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 115.9 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 116.4 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 117 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 117.5 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 118.1 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 118.7 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 119.2 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 119.8 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 120.3 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 120.9 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 121.4 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 122 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 122.6 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 123.1 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 123.7 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 124.2 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 124.8 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 125.3 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 125.9 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 126.5 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 127 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 127.6 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 128.1 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 128.7 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk: 129 MB
INFO: Buffering to disk
INFO: Pushing: 555.5 kB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 1.113 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 1.67 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 2.227 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 2.784 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 3.341 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 3.898 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 4.455 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 5.012 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 5.569 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 6.126 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 6.683 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 7.24 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 7.797 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 8.354 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 8.911 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 9.468 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 10.03 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 10.58 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 11.14 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 11.7 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 12.25 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 12.81 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 13.37 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 13.92 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 14.48 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 15.04 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 15.6 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 16.15 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 16.71 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 17.27 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 17.82 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 18.38 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 18.94 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 19.5 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 20.05 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 20.61 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 21.17 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 21.72 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 22.28 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 22.84 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 23.39 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 23.95 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 24.51 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 25.07 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 25.62 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 26.18 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 26.74 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 27.29 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 27.85 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 28.41 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 28.97 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 29.52 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 30.08 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 30.64 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 31.19 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 31.75 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 32.31 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 32.86 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 33.42 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 33.98 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 34.54 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 35.09 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 35.65 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 36.21 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 36.76 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 37.32 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 37.88 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 38.44 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 38.99 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 39.55 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 40.11 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 40.66 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 41.22 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 41.78 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 42.33 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 42.89 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 43.45 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 44.01 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 44.56 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 45.12 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 45.68 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 46.23 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 46.77 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 47.33 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 47.88 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 48.43 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 48.97 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 49.5 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 50.03 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 50.57 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 51.12 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 51.64 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 52.17 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 52.71 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 53.25 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 53.78 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 54.32 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 54.88 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 55.4 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 55.93 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 56.47 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 57 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 57.54 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 58.08 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 58.62 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 59.15 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 59.69 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 60.25 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 60.79 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 61.32 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 61.85 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 62.39 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 62.92 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 63.47 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 64 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 64.53 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 65.06 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 65.61 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 66.14 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 66.69 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 67.21 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 67.74 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 68.28 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 68.8 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 69.34 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 69.87 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 70.41 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 70.94 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 71.46 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 71.99 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 72.54 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 73.1 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 73.66 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 74.22 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 74.77 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 75.3 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 75.84 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 76.37 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 76.91 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 77.44 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 78 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 78.53 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 79.07 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 79.61 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 80.14 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 80.67 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 81.22 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 81.75 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 82.3 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 82.83 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 83.37 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 83.9 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 84.42 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 84.97 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 85.5 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 86.03 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 86.55 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 87.11 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 87.66 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 88.19 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 88.72 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 89.27 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 89.8 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 90.32 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 90.85 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 91.4 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 91.95 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 92.48 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 93.01 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 93.54 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 94.07 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 94.6 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 95.13 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 95.69 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 96.24 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 96.8 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 97.32 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 97.87 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 98.4 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 98.95 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 99.47 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 100 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 100.5 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 101.1 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 101.6 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 102.2 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 102.7 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 103.2 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 103.8 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 104.3 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 104.8 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 105.4 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 105.9 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 106.5 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 107 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 107.5 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 108.1 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 108.6 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 109.2 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 109.7 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 110.3 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 110.8 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 111.3 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 111.9 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 112.4 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 112.9 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 113.4 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 114 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 114.5 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 115.1 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 115.6 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 116.1 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 116.7 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 117.2 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 117.8 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 118.3 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 118.8 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 119.3 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 119.9 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 120.4 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 120.9 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 121.5 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 122 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 122.6 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 123.1 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 123.6 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 124.2 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 124.7 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 125.2 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 125.8 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 126.3 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 126.8 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 127.3 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 127.9 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 128.4 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 128.9 MB/129 MB
INFO: Pushing: 129 MB/129 MB
INFO: Image successfully pushed
INFO: Pushing
INFO: Buffering to disk: 244.2 kB
INFO: Buffering to disk
INFO: Pushing: 2.56 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 37.38 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 70.14 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 85.54 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 88.06 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 103.1 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 107 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 140.8 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 167.1 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 170 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 176.5 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 180.3 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 185.3 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 207.5 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 212.9 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 217.7 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 226.7 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 238.6 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 242.9 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Pushing: 244.2 kB/244.2 kB
INFO: Image successfully pushed
INFO: Pushing
INFO: Buffering to disk: 1.024 kB
INFO: Buffering to disk
INFO: Pushing: 512 B/1.024 kB
INFO: Pushing: 1.024 kB/1.024 kB
INFO: Pushing: 1.024 kB/1.024 kB
INFO: Image successfully pushed
INFO: Pushing
INFO: Buffering to disk: 1.024 kB
INFO: Buffering to disk
INFO: Pushing: 512 B/1.024 kB
INFO: Pushing: 1.024 kB/1.024 kB
INFO: Pushing: 1.024 kB/1.024 kB
INFO: Image successfully pushed
INFO: Pushing
INFO: Buffering to disk: 1.024 kB
INFO: Buffering to disk
INFO: Pushing: 512 B/1.024 kB
INFO: Pushing: 1.024 kB/1.024 kB
INFO: Pushing: 1.024 kB/1.024 kB
INFO: Image successfully pushed
INFO: Pushing tag for rev [aaa2abc89ba5] on {}
INFO: Tearing down remote build vm.
Updating module [default]...DEBUG: Host:
DEBUG: _Authenticate configuring auth; needs_auth=False
DEBUG: Sending request to headers={'X-appcfg-api-version': '1', 'content-length': '0', 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'} body=
INFO: Attempting refresh to obtain initial access_token
INFO: Refreshing access_token
DEBUG: Loaded Command Group: ['gcloud', 'compute', 'instances', 'delete']
Updating module [default].../
Updating module [default]...-
Updating module [default]...\
Updating module [default]...|
Updating module [default].../
Updating module [default]...-
Updating module [default]...\
Updating module [default]...|
Updating module [default].../
Updating module [default]...-
Updating module [default]...\
Updating module [default]...|
Updating module [default].../
Updating module [default]...-
Updating module [default]...\
Updating module [default]...|
Updating module [default].../
Updating module [default]...-
Updating module [default]...\
Updating module [default]...|
Updating module [default]...done.
DEBUG: Operations to inspect: [<Operation
endTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:19.386-07:00'
id: 5767150410494690684
insertTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.356-07:00'
kind: u'compute#operation'
name: u'operation-1438480638230-51c4a5f753df3-cfff9945-2b94d791'
operationType: u'delete'
progress: 0
selfLink: u''
startTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.555-07:00'
status: StatusValueValuesEnum(RUNNING, 2)
targetId: 13732723629684698987L
targetLink: u''
user: u'[email protected]'
warnings: []
zone: u''>]
DEBUG: Starting batch request...
DEBUG: Adding request: (<googlecloudapis.compute.v1.compute_v1_client.ZoneOperationsService object at 0x7f31236ce310>, 'Get', <ComputeZoneOperationsGetRequest
operation: u'operation-1438480638230-51c4a5f753df3-cfff9945-2b94d791'
project: 'reviewable-prod'
zone: u'us-central1-f'>)
DEBUG: Making batch request...
DEBUG: Batch request done; responses [<Operation
endTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:19.386-07:00'
id: 5767150410494690684
insertTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.356-07:00'
kind: u'compute#operation'
name: u'operation-1438480638230-51c4a5f753df3-cfff9945-2b94d791'
operationType: u'delete'
progress: 0
selfLink: u''
startTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.555-07:00'
status: StatusValueValuesEnum(RUNNING, 2)
targetId: 13732723629684698987L
targetLink: u''
user: u'[email protected]'
warnings: []
zone: u''>]
DEBUG: Sleeping for 7s.
DEBUG: Operations to inspect: [<Operation
endTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:19.386-07:00'
id: 5767150410494690684
insertTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.356-07:00'
kind: u'compute#operation'
name: u'operation-1438480638230-51c4a5f753df3-cfff9945-2b94d791'
operationType: u'delete'
progress: 0
selfLink: u''
startTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.555-07:00'
status: StatusValueValuesEnum(RUNNING, 2)
targetId: 13732723629684698987L
targetLink: u''
user: u'[email protected]'
warnings: []
zone: u''>]
DEBUG: Starting batch request...
DEBUG: Adding request: (<googlecloudapis.compute.v1.compute_v1_client.ZoneOperationsService object at 0x7f31236ce310>, 'Get', <ComputeZoneOperationsGetRequest
operation: u'operation-1438480638230-51c4a5f753df3-cfff9945-2b94d791'
project: 'reviewable-prod'
zone: u'us-central1-f'>)
DEBUG: Making batch request...
DEBUG: Batch request done; responses [<Operation
endTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:19.386-07:00'
id: 5767150410494690684
insertTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.356-07:00'
kind: u'compute#operation'
name: u'operation-1438480638230-51c4a5f753df3-cfff9945-2b94d791'
operationType: u'delete'
progress: 0
selfLink: u''
startTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.555-07:00'
status: StatusValueValuesEnum(RUNNING, 2)
targetId: 13732723629684698987L
targetLink: u''
user: u'[email protected]'
warnings: []
zone: u''>]
DEBUG: Sleeping for 8s.
DEBUG: Operations to inspect: [<Operation
endTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:19.386-07:00'
id: 5767150410494690684
insertTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.356-07:00'
kind: u'compute#operation'
name: u'operation-1438480638230-51c4a5f753df3-cfff9945-2b94d791'
operationType: u'delete'
progress: 0
selfLink: u''
startTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.555-07:00'
status: StatusValueValuesEnum(RUNNING, 2)
targetId: 13732723629684698987L
targetLink: u''
user: u'[email protected]'
warnings: []
zone: u''>]
DEBUG: Starting batch request...
DEBUG: Adding request: (<googlecloudapis.compute.v1.compute_v1_client.ZoneOperationsService object at 0x7f31236ce310>, 'Get', <ComputeZoneOperationsGetRequest
operation: u'operation-1438480638230-51c4a5f753df3-cfff9945-2b94d791'
project: 'reviewable-prod'
zone: u'us-central1-f'>)
DEBUG: Making batch request...
DEBUG: Batch request done; responses [<Operation
endTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:46.472-07:00'
id: 5767150410494690684
insertTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.356-07:00'
kind: u'compute#operation'
name: u'operation-1438480638230-51c4a5f753df3-cfff9945-2b94d791'
operationType: u'delete'
progress: 100
selfLink: u''
startTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.555-07:00'
status: StatusValueValuesEnum(DONE, 0)
targetId: 13732723629684698987L
targetLink: u''
user: u'[email protected]'
warnings: []
zone: u''>]
DEBUG: Sleeping for 9s.
DEBUG: Operations to inspect: [<Operation
endTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:46.472-07:00'
id: 5767150410494690684
insertTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.356-07:00'
kind: u'compute#operation'
name: u'operation-1438480638230-51c4a5f753df3-cfff9945-2b94d791'
operationType: u'delete'
progress: 100
selfLink: u''
startTime: u'2015-08-01T18:57:18.555-07:00'
status: StatusValueValuesEnum(DONE, 0)
targetId: 13732723629684698987L
targetLink: u''
user: u'[email protected]'
warnings: []
zone: u''>]
Deleted [].
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