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pk2 is typing...

Pete Karl II pkarl

pk2 is typing...
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pkarl /
Last active August 31, 2015 14:58
This is a list of articles compiled (mostly) by a friend who's helped me understand.

These reads (and videos) were tough, sobering, and, in the end, completely worthwhile.

Guys, you may feel like this doesn't apply to you, or you may reject many of these ideas outright. If that's the case, then keep reading. Keep reading because to make a positive change in our industry, we need to cultivate empathy. We must understand the problems and the motivations of the people experiencing them.

Go for it,

  • pk

pkarl /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
ffmpeg + ImageMagick + python stuffs

So here's what I did. I don't know if it's anywhere NEAR what you're getting at, but I think it's neato. Thanks for the source images :)

I created a bunch of interstitial 50% blended frames, and at higher rates (like 24fps) I see a difference!

Here's what I did:

  1. dumped all the images to a dir
  2. wrote a python script (attached)
  3. created an /output dir
  4. ran the python script, which copies source images + generates blended images using ImageMagick CLI junk
welcome to Steakology!
muscle is most of what we eat, along with water.
deep tissue exploration to set the table for the conversation
concentric bundles of fibers wrapped in connective tissue. The tiny filaments at the ends are what we care about the most. Proteins Actin and Myosin (esp). If you leave with any knowledge today, let it be about the presence and behavior of proteins.
besides the muscle tissue, we care a lot about this. It carries with it some water, active aromatic compounds, and provides us with natural moisture in a variety of processes.
pkarl / blades mongo schema.js
Last active December 18, 2015 23:28
Whadday think it is.
// player
_id: "jvlahos",
name: "Jeff Vlahos",
title: "Comissioner"
// team

This PR adds support for URL query string parameters to pathjs. While query string params are typically used to send information to an application running on a server, I ran into a use case where query string params would be very useful in the construction of a single page app.

Specifically, I wanted to give other technical teams (and myself) the ability to modify certain app-wide parameters through a simple query string key/value pair.

This PR add support for the following situations, and has the following effects:

// if this were the pathjs mapping...'#/some/:id').to(function() {
pkarl / grunt.js
Created December 3, 2012 19:48
Grunt error
module.exports = function(grunt) {
exec: {
build: {
command: 'node node_modules/requirejs/bin/r.js -o require-config.js'
pkarl / Vagrantfile.rb
Created November 29, 2012 17:50
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby : do |config| = "lucid32"
# config.vm.box_url = ""
config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080 :hostonly, ""
pkarl /
Created September 21, 2012 18:13
AT&T Screwed up the iPhone 5 Launch (mirror) @NickWoodhams

AT&T Screwed up the iPhone 5 Launch

September 21, 2012

I was invited into the AT&T store this morning, after a long wait, to purchase my iPhone 5. I avoided looking at the display model iPhones on the way in, and averted my gaze from everyone elses iPhones. I wanted to enrich the experience of opening my own iPhone 5, and make it more special than it already would be. The sales rep retrieved the iPhone I requested…

Then he then proceeded to open the iPhone himself, with his back to me.

My stomach sank. Opening an Apple product is a religious experience. It’s one of the best things about the first day with your shiny new device. He took that from me. I felt like this sales rep had stolen from me. They were stealing from everyone. No one was opening their new iPhone. Is it not supposed to be special anymore? Then why does Apple continue to spend 3, 5, or 10 times as much on packaging and presentation as other companies?

$.get('', {'since_id':'1234'}, function(data){
// parse that shit
// insert that shit
var ProgressForm = {
_currentStep: 1,
_totalSteps: 0,
_prevButton: false,
_nextButton: false,
_progressbar: false,
// this would be _init() for jQuery UI versions < 1.8