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pkazmier / .skhdrc
Last active January 19, 2025 02:23
# Modified from configuration.
# The following configuration heavily leverages modal keymaps to minimize the
# pollution of global keybindings. In addition, the modal keymaps facilitate
# the consistent use of the same keybindings across different modes. For
# example, this configuration uses 'h', 'l', 'j', and 'k' to represent west,
# east, south, and north when: changing focus, warping windows, resizing
# windows, swapping windows, and moving floating windows. Those four keys are
# mapped differently depending on the current mode to provide a consistent user
# experience.
Globally initialize some things. Module can depend on this being done.
Why can this page not be rendered? What am I doing wrong?
function initialize ()
pkazmier / gist:5192251
Created March 19, 2013 00:06
Why not move the local statement inside the anonymous function?
function seq.keys(t)
local key,value
return function()
key,value = next(t,key)
return key
pkazmier / gist:1147588
Created August 15, 2011 19:42
orbitz erc-minor-mode has been revived!!
;; orbitz Mode
;; Need to add the ERC hook in emacs for it to work:
;; (add-hook 'erc-send-pre-hook 'erc-maybe-orbitz)
(define-minor-mode erc-orbitz-mode
"Toggle automatic orbitzing everything you type in ERC."
nil " orbitz")
(defun erc-maybe-orbitz (ignore)
"Change the text to orbitz text, if `erc-orbitz-mode' is non-nil."