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Created April 8, 2021 16:05
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A simple minor mode for Google Code Jam and similar programming competitions
;;; A simple minor mode for programming competitions. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; competition.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
;; Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
;; later version.
;; Improvement ideas:
;; * Add a keybinding that will prompt for a test name, e.g. `A-small', then
;; open `test/' and `test/A-small.out' in two windows.
;; * Add a keybinding that will prompt for the name of an existing test, e.g.
;; `A-small', then run the program with `test/' as the input.
;; When the program finishes, if there's a `test/A-small.out', it will be
;; compared with the program output and a message will be displayed in the
;; minibuffer, e.g. "Output correct (time 0:12, RSS 51 MB)" or "Outputs differ
;; from line 25 (time 0:12, RSS 51 MB)". If there's no file with the expected
;; output, the actual output will simply be displayed in a window.
;; * Add a test runner that will create a window with a report, e.g.:
;; my-test... skipped (no associated output)
;; A-small... OK (time 0:12, RSS 51 MB)
;; A-large... outputs differ from line 501, see the windows below
;; (time 0:54, RSS 257 MB)
(defvar competition-directory nil
"Directory of the current competition.")
(defvar competition-template
(expand-file-name "~/Programming/Competitive programming/Templates/C++")
"Directory that's the template for every new solution.")
(defun competition-cheatsheet ()
"Show message with a cheatsheet of keybindings."
(lambda (match)
(propertize (match-string 1 match) 'face '(:box t)))
"This [c]heatsheet\n"
"[g]o to problem or create it\n"
"Choose competition [d]irectory, [r]eset it\n"
"Run the current solution [i]nteractively"))))
(defun competition--find-file-in-directory (directory)
(if ido-mode
(ido-find-file-in-dir directory)
(let ((default-directory (file-name-as-directory directory)))
(call-interactively #'find-file))))
(defun competition--read-directory (prompt &optional start-directory)
(if ido-mode
(ido-read-directory-name prompt start-directory)
(read-directory-name prompt start-directory)))
(defun competition--merge-directories
(directory newname &optional ok-if-already-exists)
"A simplified `copy-directory' that lets the caller decide what
to do when a file already exists:
If OK-IF-EXISTS is nil, we signal `file-already-exists'.
If it's 'ignore, we skip the file. If it's a number, we request
confirmation from the user. Any other value means to overwrite
the existing file."
(when (file-in-directory-p newname directory)
(error "Cannot copy `%s' into its subdirectory `%s'"
directory newname))
(setq directory (directory-file-name (expand-file-name directory))
newname (directory-file-name (expand-file-name newname)))
(when (not (file-directory-p newname))
(make-directory newname t))
(dolist (file
(directory-files directory 'full
(let ((target (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory file) newname))
(filetype (car (file-attributes file))))
((eq filetype t) ; Directory but not a symlink.
(competition--merge-directories file target ok-if-already-exists))
((and (eq ok-if-already-exists 'ignore) (file-exists-p target))
((stringp filetype) ; Symbolic link.
(make-symbolic-link filetype target ok-if-already-exists))
((copy-file file target ok-if-already-exists)))))
(when-let ((modes (file-modes directory)))
(set-file-modes newname modes)))
(defun competition-choose-competition-directory ()
(setq competition-directory
(competition--read-directory "Competition directory: ")))
(defun competition-reset ()
(setq competition-directory nil))
(defun competition--ask-for-missing-settings ()
(unless competition-directory
(call-interactively #'competition-choose-competition-directory)))
(defun competition-go-to-problem-create (&optional arg)
"Ask for a competition problem's directory. If it doesn't
exist, create it from a template. Then, open its main.cpp.
With prefix ARG, copy files from template even when the directory
already exists."
(interactive "P")
(let ((problem-directory
"Problem directory: " competition-directory)))
(when (or (not (file-exists-p problem-directory)) arg)
(competition--merge-directories competition-template problem-directory 0))
(let ((enable-local-variables :all)) ; Assume that the files are trusted.
(find-file (expand-file-name "main.cpp" problem-directory)))
(when (and (fboundp #'lsp) (or (not (boundp 'lsp-mode)) (not lsp-mode)))
(require 'lsp-mode)
(lsp-workspace-folders-add problem-directory) ; Set the LSP project root.
(call-interactively #'lsp))))
(defun competition--run (program-and-args)
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*Competition solution*")))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(insert (format "Running through `time`: %s\n\n"
(mapconcat #'shell-quote-argument program-and-args " "))))
(let* ((time-temp-file (make-temp-file "emacs-competition-"))
(append (list "--quiet" (concat "--output=" time-temp-file)
"--format=time %E, RSS %M kB"
(_ (comint-exec buffer (car program-and-args) "time" nil time-args))
(process (get-buffer-process buffer)))
(process-put process 'time-temp-file time-temp-file)
(process-put process 'old-sentinel (process-sentinel process))
(set-process-sentinel process #'competition--sentinel)
(display-buffer buffer))))
(defun competition--upcase-first-letter (str)
(concat (upcase (substring str 0 1)) (substring str 1)))
(defun competition--sentinel (process _output)
(when-let ((old-sentinel (process-get process 'old-sentinel)))
(funcall old-sentinel process _output))
(unless (process-live-p process)
(let* ((time-temp-file (process-get process 'time-temp-file))
(insert-file-contents time-temp-file)
(goto-char (point-max))
(delete-char -1) ; Delete trailing newline.
(buffer (process-buffer process)))
(delete-file time-temp-file)
(when (buffer-live-p buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(insert (competition--upcase-first-letter time-output) "\n")))
(message "Solution exited with status %d, %s"
(process-exit-status process)
(defun competition-run-interactive ()
"Run the current solution, interactively accepting input."
(competition--run '("make" "run")))
(define-minor-mode competition-mode
"Helper for Google Code Jam and similar programming competitions."
:lighter " Comp"
:global t
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
(prefix-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(bind-key "c" #'competition-cheatsheet prefix-map)
(bind-key "g" #'competition-go-to-problem-create prefix-map)
(bind-key "d" #'competition-choose-competition-directory prefix-map)
(bind-key "r" #'competition-reset prefix-map)
(bind-key "i" #'competition-run-interactive prefix-map)
(bind-key "C-c p" prefix-map map)
(bind-key "C-c C-p" prefix-map map) ; In case I hold down Control too long.
(provide 'competition)
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