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Created June 20, 2019 20:28
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  • Save pkrumins/ab58506c225d1c388b85665609026a9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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nylki/lindenmayer library that works in IE
/* This is a modified version of
** The modifications make it work in Internet Explorer again.
** The modifications include:
** * Replacing `let` with `var`.
** * Replacing `{ x }` with `{ x : x }` in object context.
** * Replacing `class` with `function.
** * Replacing `{ arg1, arg2, }` with `opts` in function definition context.
** * Replacing `x of obj` with a `for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)`
** * Replacing default arguments with `if (arg === undefined) { arg = defaultVal; }`
** * Replacing `array.push(...obj)` with `array.extend(obj)`.
** * Adding `Object.entries` polyfill.
'use strict';
if (!Object.entries) {
Object.entries = function( obj ){
var ownProps = Object.keys( obj ),
i = ownProps.length,
resArray = new Array(i); // preallocate the Array
while (i--)
resArray[i] = [ownProps[i], obj[ownProps[i]]];
return resArray;
function LSystem (opts) {
var axiom = opts.axiom;
if (axiom === undefined) {
axiom = '';
var productions =;
var finals = opts.finals;
var branchSymbols = opts.branchSymbols;
if (branchSymbols === undefined) {
branchSymbols = '[]';
var ignoredSymbols = opts.ignoredSymbols;
if (ignoredSymbols === undefined) {
ignoredSymbols = '+-&^/|\\';
var allowClassicSyntax = opts.allowClassicSyntax;
if (allowClassicSyntax === undefined) {
allowClassicSyntax = true;
var classicParametricSyntax = opts.classicParametricSyntax;
if (classicParametricSyntax === undefined) {
classicParametricSyntax = false;
var forceObjects = opts.forceObjects;
if (forceObjects === undefined) {
forceObjects = false;
var debug = opts.debug;
if (debug === undefined) {
debug = false;
var self = this;
self.ignoredSymbols = ignoredSymbols;
self.debug = debug;
self.branchSymbols = branchSymbols;
self.allowClassicSyntax = allowClassicSyntax;
self.classicParametricSyntax = classicParametricSyntax;
self.forceObjects = forceObjects;
// TODO: forceObject to be more intelligent based on other productions??
function setAxiom(axiom) {
self.axiom = self.forceObjects ? stringToObjects(axiom) : axiom;
self.setAxiom = setAxiom;
function getRaw() {
return self.axiom;
self.getRaw = getRaw;
// if using objects in axioms, as used in parametric L-Systems
function getString(onlySymbols) {
if (onlySymbols === undefined) {
onlySymbols = true;
if (typeof self.axiom === 'string') return self.axiom;
if (onlySymbols === true) {
return self.axiom.reduce(function (prev, current) {
if (current.symbol === undefined) {
console.log('found:', current);
throw new Error('L-Systems that use only objects as symbols (eg: {symbol: \'F\', params: []}), cant use string symbols (eg. \'F\')! Check if you always return objects in your productions and no strings.');
return prev + current.symbol;
}, '');
} else {
return JSON.stringify(self.axiom);
self.getString = getString;
function setProduction(from, to, allowAppendingMultiSuccessors) {
if (allowAppendingMultiSuccessors === undefined) {
allowAppendingMultiSuccessors = false;
var newProduction = [from, to];
if (newProduction === undefined) {
throw new Error('no production specified.');
if (to.successor && to.successors) {
throw new Error('You can not have both a "successor" and a "successors" field in your production!');
// Apply production transformers and normalizations
if (self.allowClassicSyntax === true) {
newProduction = transformClassicCSProduction(newProduction);
newProduction = normalizeProduction(newProduction, self.forceObjects);
// check wether production is stochastic
newProduction[1].isStochastic = newProduction[1].successors !== undefined &&
newProduction[1].successors.every(function (successor) { return successor.weight !== undefined });
if (newProduction[1].isStochastic) {
// calculate weight sum
newProduction[1].weightSum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < newProduction[1].successors.length; i++) {
var s = newProduction[1].successors[i];
newProduction[1].weightSum += s.weight;
var symbol = newProduction[0];
if (allowAppendingMultiSuccessors === true && {
var existingProduction =;
var singleSuccessor = existingProduction.successor;
var multiSuccessors = existingProduction.successors;
if (singleSuccessor && !multiSuccessors) {
// replace existing prod with new obj and add previous successor as first elem
// to new successors field.
existingProduction = { successors: [existingProduction] };
existingProduction.successors.push(newProduction[1]);, existingProduction);
} else {, newProduction[1]);
self.setProduction = setProduction;
// set multiple productions from name:value Object
function setProductions(newProductions) {
if (newProductions === undefined) throw new Error('no production specified.');
var entries = Object.entries(newProductions);
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
var _ref = entries[i];
var from = _ref[0];
var to = _ref[1];
self.setProduction(from, to, true);
self.setProductions = setProductions;
function clearProductions() { = new Map();
self.clearProductions = clearProductions;
function setFinal(symbol, final) {
var newFinal = [symbol, final];
if (newFinal === undefined) {
throw new Error('no final specified.');
self.finals.set(newFinal[0], newFinal[1]);
self.setFinal = setFinal;
// set multiple finals from name:value Object
function setFinals(newFinals) {
if (newFinals === undefined) throw new Error('no finals specified.');
self.finals = new Map();
for (var symbol in newFinals) {
if (newFinals.hasOwnProperty(symbol)) {
self.setFinal(symbol, newFinals[symbol]);
self.setFinals = setFinals;
//var hasWeight = el => el.weight !== undefined;
function getProductionResult(p, index, part, params, recursive) {
if (recursive === undefined) {
recursive = false;
var contextSensitive = p.leftCtx !== undefined || p.rightCtx !== undefined;
var conditional = p.condition !== undefined;
var stochastic = false;
var result = false;
var precheck = true;
// Check if condition is true, only then continue to check left and right contexts
if (conditional && p.condition({ index : index, currentAxiom: self.axiom, part : part, params : params }) === false) {
precheck = false;
} else if (contextSensitive) {
if (p.leftCtx !== undefined && p.rightCtx !== undefined) {
precheck = self.match({
direction: 'left',
match: p.leftCtx,
index: index,
branchSymbols: self.branchSymbols,
ignoredSymbols: self.ignoredSymbols
}).result && self.match({
direction: 'right',
match: p.rightCtx,
index: index,
branchSymbols: self.branchSymbols,
ignoredSymbols: self.ignoredSymbols
} else if (p.leftCtx !== undefined) {
precheck = self.match({
direction: 'left',
match: p.leftCtx,
index: index,
branchSymbols: self.branchSymbols,
ignoredSymbols: self.ignoredSymbols
} else if (p.rightCtx !== undefined) {
precheck = self.match({
direction: 'right',
match: p.rightCtx,
index: index,
branchSymbols: self.branchSymbols,
ignoredSymbols: self.ignoredSymbols
// If conditions and context don't allow product, keep result = false
if (precheck === false) {
result = false;
// If p has multiple successors
else if (p.successors) {
// This could be stochastic successors or multiple functions
// Treat every element in the list as an individual production object
// For stochastic productions (if all prods in the list have a 'weight' property)
// Get a random number then pick a production from the list according to their weight
var currentWeight, threshWeight;
if (p.isStochastic) {
threshWeight = Math.random() * p.weightSum;
currentWeight = 0;
go through the list and use
the first valid production in that list. (that returns true)
This assumes, it's a list of functions.
No recursion here: no successors inside successors.
for (var i = 0; i < p.successors.length; i++) {
var _p = p.successors[i];
if (p.isStochastic) {
currentWeight += _p.weight;
if (currentWeight < threshWeight) continue;
// If currentWeight >= thresWeight, a production is choosen stochastically
// and evaluated recursively because it , kax also have rightCtx, leftCtx and condition to further inhibit production. This is not standard L-System behaviour though!
// last true is for recursiv call
// TODO: refactor getProductionResult to use an object if not a hit on perf
var _result = self.getProductionResult(_p, index, part, params, true);
if (_result !== undefined && _result !== false) {
result = _result;
// if successor is a function, execute function and append return value
else if (typeof p.successor === 'function') {
result = p.successor({ index : index, currentAxiom: self.axiom, part : part, params : params });
} else {
result = p.successor;
if (!result) {
// Allow undefined or false results for recursive calls of this func
return recursive ? result : part;
return result;
self.getProductionResult = getProductionResult;
function applyProductions() {
// a axiom can be a string or an array of objects that contain the key/value 'symbol'
var newAxiom = typeof self.axiom === 'string' ? '' : [];
var index = 0;
// iterate all symbols/characters of the axiom and lookup according productions
for (var i = 0; i < self.axiom.length; i++) {
var part = self.axiom[i];
// Stuff for classic parametric L-Systems: get actual symbol and possible parameters
// params will be given the production function, if applicable.
var symbol = part.symbol || part;
var params = part.params || [];
var result = part;
if ( {
var p =;
result = self.getProductionResult(p, index, part, params);
// Got result. Now add result to new axiom.
if (typeof newAxiom === 'string') {
newAxiom += result;
} else if (result instanceof Array) {
// If result is an array, merge result into new axiom instead of pushing.
} else {
// finally set new axiom and also return it for convenience.
self.axiom = newAxiom;
return newAxiom;
self.applyProductions = applyProductions;
function iterate(n) {
if (n === undefined) {
n = 1;
self.iterations = n;
var lastIteration;
for (var iteration = 0; iteration < n; iteration++) {
lastIteration = self.applyProductions();
return lastIteration;
self.iterate = iterate;
function final(externalArg) {
var index = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < self.axiom.length; i++) {
var part = self.axiom[i];
// if we have objects for each symbol, (when using parametric L-Systems)
// get actual identifiable symbol character
var symbol = part;
if (typeof part === 'object' && part.symbol) symbol = part.symbol;
if (self.finals.has(symbol)) {
var finalFunction = self.finals.get(symbol);
var typeOfFinalFunction = typeof finalFunction;
if (typeOfFinalFunction !== 'function') {
throw Error('\'' + symbol + '\'' + ' has an object for a final function. But it is __not a function__ but a ' + typeOfFinalFunction + '!');
// execute symbols function
// supply in first argument an details object with current index and part
// and in the first argument inject the external argument (like a render target)
finalFunction({ index : index, part : part }, externalArg);
} else {
// symbol has no final function
} = final;
how to use match():
It is mainly a helper function for context sensitive productions.
If you use the classic syntax, it will by default be automatically transformed to proper
Howerver, you can use the match helper function in your on productions:
index is the index of a production using `match`
eg. in a classic L-System
B<C>DE -> 'Z'
the index of the `B<C>D -> 'Z'` production would be the index of C (which is 2) when the
production would perform match(). so (if not using the ClassicLSystem class) you'd construction your context-sensitive production from C to Z like so:
LSYS.setProduction('C', (index, axiom) => {
(LSYS.match({index, match: 'B', direction: 'left'}) &&
LSYS.match({index, match: 'DE', direction: 'right'}) ? 'Z' : 'C')
You can just write match({index, ...} instead of match({index: index, ..}) because of new ES6 Object initialization, see:
function match(opts) {
var axiom_ = opts.axiom_;
var match = opts.match;
var ignoredSymbols = opts.ignoredSymbols;
var index = opts.index;
var direction = opts.direction;
var branchCount = 0;
var explicitBranchCount = 0;
axiom_ = axiom_ || self.axiom;
if (branchSymbols === undefined) branchSymbols = self.branchSymbols !== undefined ? self.branchSymbols : [];
if (ignoredSymbols === undefined) ignoredSymbols = self.ignoredSymbols !== undefined ? self.ignoredSymbols : [];
var returnMatchIndices = [];
var branchStart, branchEnd, axiomIndex, loopIndexChange, matchIndex, matchIndexChange, matchIndexOverflow;
// set some variables depending on the direction to match
if (direction === 'right') {
loopIndexChange = matchIndexChange = +1;
axiomIndex = index + 1;
matchIndex = 0;
matchIndexOverflow = match.length;
if (branchSymbols.length > 0) {
var _branchSymbols = branchSymbols;
branchStart = _branchSymbols[0];
branchEnd = _branchSymbols[1];
} else if (direction === 'left') {
loopIndexChange = matchIndexChange = -1;
axiomIndex = index - 1;
matchIndex = match.length - 1;
matchIndexOverflow = -1;
if (branchSymbols.length > 0) {
var _branchSymbols2 = branchSymbols;
branchEnd = _branchSymbols2[0];
branchStart = _branchSymbols2[1];
} else {
throw Error(direction, 'is not a valid direction for matching.');
for (; axiomIndex < axiom_.length && axiomIndex >= 0; axiomIndex += loopIndexChange) {
var axiomSymbol = axiom_[axiomIndex].symbol || axiom_[axiomIndex];
var matchSymbol = match[matchIndex];
// compare current symbol of axiom with current symbol of match
if (axiomSymbol === matchSymbol) {
if (branchCount === 0 || explicitBranchCount > 0) {
// if its a match and previously NOT inside branch (branchCount===0) or in explicitly wanted branch (explicitBranchCount > 0)
// if a bracket was explicitly stated in match axiom
if (axiomSymbol === branchStart) {
matchIndex += matchIndexChange;
} else if (axiomSymbol === branchEnd) {
explicitBranchCount = Math.max(0, explicitBranchCount - 1);
branchCount = Math.max(0, branchCount - 1);
// only increase match if we are out of explicit branch
if (explicitBranchCount === 0) {
matchIndex += matchIndexChange;
} else {
matchIndex += matchIndexChange;
// overflowing matchIndices (matchIndex + 1 for right match, matchIndexEnd for left match )?
// -> no more matches to do. return with true, as everything matched until here
// *yay*
if (matchIndex === matchIndexOverflow) {
return { result: true, matchIndices: returnMatchIndices };
} else if (axiomSymbol === branchStart) {
if (explicitBranchCount > 0) explicitBranchCount++;
} else if (axiomSymbol === branchEnd) {
branchCount = Math.max(0, branchCount - 1);
if (explicitBranchCount > 0) explicitBranchCount = Math.max(0, explicitBranchCount - 1);
} else if ((branchCount === 0 || explicitBranchCount > 0 && matchSymbol !== branchEnd) && ignoredSymbols.includes(axiomSymbol) === false) {
// not in branchSymbols/branch? or if in explicit branch, and not at the very end of
// condition (at the ]), and symbol not in ignoredSymbols ? then false
return { result: false, matchIndices: returnMatchIndices };
return { result: false, matchIndices: returnMatchIndices };
self.match = match;
// Get a list of productions that have identical initiators,
// Output a single stochastic production. Probability per production
// is defined by amount of input productions (4 => 25% each, 2 => 50% etc.)
// These transformers get a classic ABOP snytax as input and return a standardized
// production object in the form of ['F',
// {
// successor:String/Iterable
// [alternatively]stochasticSuccessors: Iterable of standardized objects with mandatory weight fields,
// leftCtx: iterable/string,
// rightCtx: Iterable/String,
// condition: Function }]
function transformClassicStochasticProductions(productions) {
return function transformedProduction() {
var resultList = productions; // the parser for productions shall create this list
var count = resultList.length;
var r = Math.random();
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var range = (i + 1) / count;
if (r <= range) return resultList[i];
console.error('Should have returned a result of the list, something is wrong here with the random numbers?.');
// TODO: implement it!
// TODO: Scaffold classic parametric and context sensitive stuff out of main file
// And simply require it here, eg:
// this.testClassicParametricSyntax = require(classicSyntax.testParametric)??
function testClassicParametricSyntax(axiom) {
return (/\(.+\)/.test(axiom)
// transforms things like 'A(1,2,5)B(2.5)' to
// [ {symbol: 'A', params: [1,2,5]}, {symbol: 'B', params:[25]} ]
// strips spaces
function transformClassicParametricAxiom(axiom) {
// Replace whitespaces, then split between square brackets.
var splitAxiom = axiom.replace(/\s+/g, '').split(/[\(\)]/);
// console.log('parts:', splitAxiom)
var newAxiom = [];
// Construct new axiom by getting the params and symbol.
for (var i = 0; i < splitAxiom.length - 1; i += 2) {
var params = splitAxiom[i + 1].split(',').map(Number);
newAxiom.push({ symbol: splitAxiom[i], params: params });
// console.log('parsed axiom:', newAxiom)
function transformClassicCSProduction(p) {
// before continuing, check if classic syntax actually there
// example: p = ['A<B>C', 'Z']
// left should be ['A', 'B']
var left = p[0].match(/(.+)<(.)/);
// right should be ['B', 'C']
var right = p[0].match(/(.)>(.+)/);
// Not a CS-Production (no '<' or '>'),
//return original production.
if (left === null && right === null) {
return p;
var predecessor;
// create new production object _or_ use the one set by the user
var productionObject = p[1].successor || p[1].successors ? p[1] : { successor: p[1] };
if (left !== null) {
predecessor = left[2];
productionObject.leftCtx = left[1];
if (right !== null) {
predecessor = right[1];
productionObject.rightCtx = right[2];
return [predecessor, productionObject];
function stringToObjects(string) {
if (typeof string !== 'string' && string instanceof String === false) return string;
var transformed = [];
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
transformed.push({ string : string[i] });
return transformed;
// TODO: continue here
// transform p to {successor: p}
// if applicable also transform strings into array of {symbol: String} objects
// TODO: make more modular! dont have forceObjects in here
function normalizeProductionRightSide(p, forceObjects) {
if (p.hasOwnProperty('successors')) {
for (var i = 0; i < p.successors.length; i++) {
p.successors[i] = normalizeProductionRightSide(p.successors[i], forceObjects);
} else if (p.hasOwnProperty('successor') === false) {
p = { successor: p };
if (forceObjects && p.hasOwnProperty('successor')) {
p.successor = stringToObjects(p.successor);
return p;
function normalizeProduction(p, forceObjects) {
p[1] = normalizeProductionRightSide(p[1], forceObjects);
return p;
self.getStringResult = getString;
// Set classic syntax helpers to library scope to be used outside of library context
// for users eg.
self.transformClassicStochasticProductions = transformClassicStochasticProductions;
self.transformClassicCSProduction = transformClassicCSProduction;
self.transformClassicParametricAxiom = transformClassicParametricAxiom;
self.testClassicParametricSyntax = testClassicParametricSyntax;
if (productions) self.setProductions(productions);
if (finals) self.setFinals(finals);
return self;
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