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[user] | |
name = Pavan Kumar Sunkara | |
email = [email protected] | |
username = pksunkara | |
[init] | |
defaultBranch = master | |
[core] | |
editor = nvim | |
whitespace = fix,-indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space,cr-at-eol | |
pager = delta | |
[sendemail] | |
smtpencryption = tls | |
smtpserver = smtp.gmail.com | |
smtpuser = [email protected] | |
smtppass = password | |
smtpserverport = 587 | |
[web] | |
browser = google-chrome | |
[instaweb] | |
httpd = apache2 -f | |
[rerere] | |
enabled = 1 | |
autoupdate = 1 | |
[color] | |
ui = auto | |
[color "branch"] | |
current = yellow bold | |
local = green bold | |
remote = cyan bold | |
[color "diff"] | |
meta = yellow bold | |
frag = magenta bold | |
old = red bold | |
new = green bold | |
whitespace = red reverse | |
[color "status"] | |
added = green bold | |
changed = yellow bold | |
untracked = red bold | |
[diff] | |
tool = vimdiff | |
[difftool] | |
prompt = false | |
[delta] | |
features = line-numbers decorations | |
line-numbers = true | |
[delta "decorations"] | |
minus-style = red bold normal | |
plus-style = green bold normal | |
minus-emph-style = white bold red | |
minus-non-emph-style = red bold normal | |
plus-emph-style = white bold green | |
plus-non-emph-style = green bold normal | |
file-style = yellow bold none | |
file-decoration-style = yellow box | |
hunk-header-style = magenta bold | |
hunk-header-decoration-style = magenta box | |
minus-empty-line-marker-style = normal normal | |
plus-empty-line-marker-style = normal normal | |
line-numbers-right-format = "{np:^4}│ " | |
[trim] | |
bases = master,main | |
protected = *production | |
[github] | |
user = pksunkara | |
token = token | |
[sequence] | |
editor = interactive-rebase-tool | |
[alias] | |
a = add --all | |
ai = add -i | |
############# | |
ap = apply | |
as = apply --stat | |
ac = apply --check | |
############# | |
ama = am --abort | |
amr = am --resolved | |
ams = am --skip | |
############# | |
b = branch | |
ba = branch -a | |
bd = branch -d | |
bdd = branch -D | |
br = branch -r | |
bc = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | |
bu = !git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name "@{u}" | |
bs = !git-branch-status | |
############# | |
c = commit | |
ca = commit -a | |
cm = commit -m | |
cam = commit -am | |
cem = commit --allow-empty -m | |
cd = commit --amend | |
cad = commit -a --amend | |
ced = commit --allow-empty --amend | |
############# | |
cl = clone | |
cld = clone --depth 1 | |
clg = !sh -c 'git clone https://github.com/$1 $(basename $1)' - | |
clgp = !sh -c 'git clone [email protected]:$1 $(basename $1)' - | |
clgu = !sh -c 'git clone [email protected]:$(git config --get user.username)/$1 $1' - | |
############# | |
cp = cherry-pick | |
cpa = cherry-pick --abort | |
cpc = cherry-pick --continue | |
############# | |
d = diff | |
dp = diff --patience | |
dc = diff --cached | |
dk = diff --check | |
dck = diff --cached --check | |
dt = difftool | |
dct = difftool --cached | |
############# | |
f = fetch | |
fo = fetch origin | |
fu = fetch upstream | |
############# | |
fp = format-patch | |
############# | |
fk = fsck | |
############# | |
g = grep -p | |
############# | |
l = log --oneline | |
lg = log --oneline --graph --decorate | |
############# | |
ls = ls-files | |
lsf = !git ls-files | grep -i | |
############# | |
m = merge | |
ma = merge --abort | |
mc = merge --continue | |
ms = merge --skip | |
############# | |
o = checkout | |
om = checkout master | |
ob = checkout -b | |
############# | |
pr = prune -v | |
############# | |
ps = push | |
psf = push -f | |
psu = push -u | |
pst = push --tags | |
############# | |
pso = push origin | |
psao = push --all origin | |
psfo = push -f origin | |
psuo = push -u origin | |
############# | |
psom = push origin master | |
psaom = push --all origin master | |
psfom = push -f origin master | |
psuom = push -u origin master | |
psoc = !git push origin $(git bc) | |
psaoc = !git push --all origin $(git bc) | |
psfoc = !git push -f origin $(git bc) | |
psuoc = !git push -u origin $(git bc) | |
psdc = !git push origin :$(git bc) | |
############# | |
pl = pull | |
pb = pull --rebase | |
############# | |
plo = pull origin | |
pbo = pull --rebase origin | |
plom = pull origin master | |
ploc = !git pull origin $(git bc) | |
pbom = pull --rebase origin master | |
pboc = !git pull --rebase origin $(git bc) | |
############# | |
plu = pull upstream | |
plum = pull upstream master | |
pluc = !git pull upstream $(git bc) | |
pbum = pull --rebase upstream master | |
pbuc = !git pull --rebase upstream $(git bc) | |
############# | |
rb = rebase | |
rba = rebase --abort | |
rbc = rebase --continue | |
rbi = rebase --interactive | |
rbs = rebase --skip | |
############# | |
re = reset | |
rh = reset HEAD | |
reh = reset --hard | |
rem = reset --mixed | |
res = reset --soft | |
rehh = reset --hard HEAD | |
remh = reset --mixed HEAD | |
resh = reset --soft HEAD | |
rehom = reset --hard origin/master | |
############# | |
r = remote | |
ra = remote add | |
rr = remote rm | |
rv = remote -v | |
rn = remote rename | |
rp = remote prune | |
rs = remote show | |
rao = remote add origin | |
rau = remote add upstream | |
rro = remote remove origin | |
rru = remote remove upstream | |
rso = remote show origin | |
rsu = remote show upstream | |
rpo = remote prune origin | |
rpu = remote prune upstream | |
############# | |
rmf = rm -f | |
rmrf = rm -r -f | |
############# | |
s = status | |
sb = status -s -b | |
############# | |
sa = stash apply | |
sc = stash clear | |
sd = stash drop | |
sl = stash list | |
sp = stash pop | |
ss = stash save | |
ssk = stash save -k | |
sw = stash show | |
st = !git stash list | wc -l 2>/dev/null | grep -oEi '[0-9][0-9]*' | |
############# | |
t = tag | |
td = tag -d | |
############# | |
w = show | |
wp = show -p | |
wr = show -p --no-color | |
############# | |
svnr = svn rebase | |
svnd = svn dcommit | |
svnl = svn log --oneline --show-commit | |
############# | |
subadd = !sh -c 'git submodule add https://github.com/$1 $2/$(basename $1)' - | |
subrm = !sh -c 'git submodule deinit -f -- $1 && rm -rf .git/modules/$1 && git rm -f $1' - | |
subup = submodule update --init --recursive | |
subpull = submodule foreach 'git pull --tags -f origin master || git pull --tags -f origin main || git pull --tags -f origin development' | |
############# | |
assume = update-index --assume-unchanged | |
unassume = update-index --no-assume-unchanged | |
assumed = !git ls -v | grep ^h | cut -c 3- | |
unassumeall = !git assumed | xargs git unassume | |
assumeall = !git status -s | awk {'print $2'} | xargs git assume | |
############# | |
bump = !sh -c 'git commit -am \"Version bump v$1\" && git psuoc && git release $1' - | |
release = !sh -c 'git tag v$1 && git pst' - | |
unrelease = !sh -c 'git tag -d v$1 && git pso :v$1' - | |
merged = !sh -c 'git o master && git plom && git bd $1 && git rpo' - | |
aliases = !git config -l | grep alias | cut -c 7- | |
snap = !git stash save 'snapshot: $(date)' && git stash apply 'stash@{0}' | |
bare = !sh -c 'git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/$1 && git rm --cached -r . && git clean -xfd' - | |
whois = !sh -c 'git log -i -1 --author=\"$1\" --pretty=\"format:%an <%ae>\"' - | |
serve = daemon --reuseaddr --verbose --base-path=. --export-all ./.git | |
############# | |
behind = !git rev-list --left-only --count $(git bu)...HEAD | |
ahead = !git rev-list --right-only --count $(git bu)...HEAD | |
############# | |
ours = "!f() { git checkout --ours $@ && git add $@; }; f" | |
theirs = "!f() { git checkout --theirs $@ && git add $@; }; f" | |
subrepo = !sh -c 'git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter $1 master' - | |
human = name-rev --name-only --refs=refs/heads/* | |
[filter "lfs"] | |
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f | |
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f | |
process = git-lfs filter-process | |
required = true |
# Compiled source # | |
################### | |
*.com | |
*.class | |
*.dll | |
*.exe | |
*.o | |
*.so | |
# Temporary files # | |
################### | |
*.swp | |
*.swo | |
*~ | |
# Packages # | |
############ | |
*.7z | |
*.dmg | |
*.gz | |
*.iso | |
*.jar | |
*.rar | |
*.tar | |
*.zip | |
# Logs # | |
###################### | |
*.log | |
# OS generated files # | |
###################### | |
.DS_Store* | |
ehthumbs.db | |
Icon? | |
Thumbs.db | |
# Editor files # | |
################ | |
.vscode |
Thanks for posting. I'm curious, what's the difference between the following?
username = ...
user = ...
I'm exploring the use of multiple GitHub accounts (without SSH) and these seem like they might be useful/related. My early GitHub and StackOverflow searches were not very helpful.
Does anyone know if you can use variables in a gitconfig include path?
I already add this command, but still I can't clone repo from outside my proxy :
git config --global http.proxy http://hendi santika:myp@[email protected]:8080
Any suggest?
Very useful! Thanks.
You don't have a [credential] section. Do you know how that would be used?
@hendisantika you need change your password encoding special characters:
git config --global http.proxy http://hendi santika:myp%[email protected]:8080
Is there a way to specify two different .gitignore files in the gitconfig file?
Something like this:
[remote "origin"]
.gitignore = .gitignore-origin
[remote "ac"]
.gitignore = .gitignore-ac
[credential "https://github.com"]
username = scott18
to define username for github.com only
I'm trying to find the full list of options I can use inside the .gitconfig
file. Where I can find those?
Thanks, this is great!
Another alternative for
files: https://www.gitignore.io/
Thanks. Very useful
Thanks !
Thanks a lot man....
super useful 👍
signingkey = 0A3D7C5B8C2499A8BEBCE72869D2E5C413569DA2
To sign commits with yout GPG key.
gpg --list-secret-keys
and copy
To sign your commit:
git commit -S -m "signed commit"
thank you mucho
Add rebase tool, download here: https://github.com/MitMaro/git-interactive-rebase-tool
Place it in .git folder in User Profile folder.
Edit .gitconfig, if using Git Bash in Windows:
editor = "winpty /c/Users/{Username}/.git/interactive-rebase-tool.exe"
Very useful! Thanks. You don't have a [credential] section. Do you know how that would be used?
I found it:
helper = cache
# same as above, but pass an argument to the helper
helper = "cache --timeout=3600"
Important you need both stanzas for it to work.
this is nice. Thanks
Very helpful
oh, man! this saved my day!
These two specifications!
# This is Git's per-user configuration file.
# Please adapt and uncomment the following lines:
# name = user
# email = user@SDF-1
name = user name
email = user@SDF-1
signingkey = 584xxxxxxx4C7sdfs df sdfsfsdf dsx
user = user
token = dfgh dfgh fdh455 w45tw gdfgfs g
helper = cache
# same as above, but pass an argument to the helper
helper = "cache --timeout=3600"
I just regret that I didn't know this repo.
This is incredible, thanks a lot!
Thanks! Also, if you know, what kind of format is this? I've seen it around (e.g. .aws/config file for aws cli) but I haven't come across the name for it.
According to the documentation, there is no specific "standard" .gitconfig
format. It's just a list defined by brackets and indents that Git expects to see. The closest related filetype would be a .ini file. Although similar, they still have distinct qualities that define the difference, especially in the subsections and when using values with quotations.
files are not difficult to edit; simply remember 1.) Sections & comments are never indented. 2.) All other lines are evenly indented (anything between 2 and 6 spaces is okay in my experience); the important point is to make them all the same width. If you prefer, use sed
or awk
on the Unix/Linux command line to make edits more effectively.
thanks for this!
I'm trying to find the full list of options I can use inside the
file. Where I can find those?
This can be a good start: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-Configuration
A very useful .gitconfig example! The alias section, in particular, has greatly improved my Git workflow. Thanks! Also, I’ve shared some useful Git tips on my website: https://codingcops.com/github-vs-gitlab/
Thanks! Also, if you know, what kind of format is this? I've seen it around (e.g. .aws/config file for aws cli) but I haven't come across the name for it.