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Last active July 31, 2023 15:26
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How to build a Domino container

How to build a Domino container

Commands for building a container image for HCL Domino, using a comunity script.

First, set the software installers location:

export SOFTWARE_DIR=~/software

Build a Domino image with the most used add-ons:

./ domino +verse +nomad +restapi -checkonly -verifyonly
./ domino +verse +nomad +restapi

Build a Leap image (applied on top of the Domino image):

./ leap -checkonly -verifyonly
./ leap

Build a Traveler image (applied on top of the Domino image):

./ traveler -checkonly -verifyonly
./ traveler

Build a Domino image for the specific version:

./ domino 12.0.1 +verse +nomad +restapi -checkonly -verifyonly
./ domino 12.0.1 +verse +nomad +restapi -imagename=hclcom/domino -imagetag=12.0.1

Build a Domino image for the beta version:

./ domino 14.0.0EA2 -checkonly -verifyonly
./ domino 14.0.0EA2 -imagename=hclcom/domino -imagetag=14.0.0EA2
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