###Disclaimer I have no freaking idea what I'm doing or if this will even work out but that's never really stopped me from trying. So let's see where it goes. Committing to a group that meets physically together was going to be tough, so I wondered how well a virtual group would work, no travel time, can do it after the kids go to bed, etc. I'm also going to put a time limit on this, both in how long the group meets and how long we do this.
##Concept Over the next 6 months, work through some of the problems in Brian Hogan's Exercises for Programmers using Elixir. Then once or twice a month, we will hold a 45-60 minute skype conference call to discuss problems we had and how we solved them.
Time | Agenda |
7:45-8:00 | Can you hear me now? (mic check) |
8:00-8:20 | Topic Presentation |
8:20-8:45 | Sharing Time (I like my solution/I had a hard time with this) |
8:45-9:00 | Where are we going? |
###Schedule (proposed only, subject to change) I've picked 3rd Tuesday of each month but we can discuss this at first meeting. Sun/Mon/Tues evenings are pretty wide open for me. I've also moved things around a bit in Nov/Dec to avoid holidays.
Date | Chapter | Presentation Topic |
October 27 | Kick-off/Test Run | |
November 17 | Chapter 1 | |
December 15 | Chapter ? | |
Jan 12 | Chapter ? | |
Feb 16 | Chapter ? | |
Mar 15 | Chapter ? |
####Topic Ideas
Approaching the Problems - bphogan?
Things you should know about Erlang - sproctor?
Repos are not Repos - robconery?
Do This Not That - chris_mccord?
Distributed Elixir/Phoenix
Always keep in mind this is a a study group with people at various levels and time available. The Elixir Contributer Code of Conduct applies here too. (Warning: I'm going to be fairly intense about being nice and keeping it constructive. We're all friends here and want to continue to be.)
I know the pain and I'm completely open to alternatives, I would like each person to be on video (with a headset) and we need screen sharing capabilities. The two main contenders are skype and google hangouts, I picked skype because I work under a delusion that it works better, sometimes.
Topic Ideas - Elixir adoption in the workplace - john winn