- Add Indian disputed boundaries source:
to your style project from the layers panel - If the source is locked, open the project.yml file and append it manually to the source field. You would also need to manually add the layers
after theadmin
layer similiar to this:
source: "mapbox:///mapbox.mapbox-terrain-v2,mapbox.mapbox-streets-v6,planemad.bb1ba8b5"
- landcover
- landuse
- contour.line
- hillshade
- waterway
- water
- aeroway
- barrier_line
- building
- landuse_overlay
- tunnel
- road
- bridge
- admin
- boundaries-claimed
- boundaries-disputed
- country_label_line
- country_label
- marine_label
- state_label
- place_label
- water_label
- poi_label
- road_label
- waterway_label
- housenum_label
- contour.label
- Add
#boundaries-claimed["@relations"=~'.*"claimed_by":[ ]*"IN".*']
selector to the#admin
style block to enable the additional boundaries for styling
#admin,#boundaries-claimed["@relations"=~'.*"claimed_by":[ ]*"IN".*'] {
- Add
selector to[admin_level=2]
style block to render the additional boundaries in the same style as the international boundaries
[admin_level=2],#boundaries-claimed {
- Add this style block within the previous style block to make disputed boundaries transparant
The result should look like this: http://openstreetmap.in/#5/22.167/79.102