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Last active November 26, 2017 23:22
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(ns slacker.async)
(defmacro promise
"Creates a promise. Takes a binding form which binds the [resolve reject]
(promise [res rej]
(res 42))"
{:style/indent 1}
[bindings & body]
{:pre [(vector? bindings)
(<= 1 (count bindings) 2)]}
`(js/Promise. (fn [~@bindings]
(defmacro async
"Evaluate body inside a promise, return a promise which resolves to the returned
value. If body throws the promise will reject."
{:style/indent 0}
[& body]
`(js/Promise. (fn [resolve# _#]
(resolve# (do ~@body)))))
(defmacro await
"Wait for the fulfillment of promises, then run body with the resolved values
bound. Any top-level catch forms inside body will be used to handle promise
Consecutive bindings can refer to previous bindings, so you can chain
resolution of multiple promises.
(await [page (fetch "")
text (.text page)]
(println (re-find #"clj-header-message\">.*<" text))
(catch :default e
(println "Failed to access the network."))) "
{:style/indent 1}
[bindings & body]
{:pre [(even? (count bindings))]}
(let [[[bind-var bind-val] & more-binds] (partition 2 bindings)
catch? #(and (seq? %) (= 'catch (first %)))
catches (filter catch? body)
body (remove catch? body)
error-sym (gensym 'error)]
`(-> ~bind-val
(.then (fn [~bind-var]
~(if more-binds
`(await ~(into [] cat more-binds)
`(do ~@body))))
(.catch (fn [~error-sym]
~(if (empty? catches)
`(throw ~error-sym)
(throw ~error-sym)
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