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Created April 23, 2021 06:57
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[{:title ":clojureD 2020",
:id "PLaSn8eiZ631lrDFmUTBH9LFGzAxc3tvU4",
"clojureD 2020: Lightning Talks by Mikkel Gravgaard, Daniel Slutsky, Daniel Janus and Arne Brasseur",
:id "fVtawjGbvOQ",
:duration "1363"}
"clojureD 2020: \"From Lazy Lisper to Confident Clojurist\" by Alexander Oloo",
:id "j57UbYFbI-U",
:duration "1758"}
{:title "clojureD 2020: \"Debugging AI\" by Dr. Christian Betz",
:id "0avOnhSJ4hU",
:duration "2633"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Complexity in code – Improving flow control w/ functional pipelines\" by Dan Bunea",
:id "JvGXyNXky0Q",
:duration "1983"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Life in parens: simulating an ecosystem with Clojure\" by Davide Taviani",
:id "AhWWce8t-Eo",
:duration "2313"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Writing maintainable Clojure\" by Erik Assum",
:id "Tq7r97G4b7Y",
:duration "1807"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Elevation of the Senses – A Life Performance\" by Kayla Lindner and Fabrizio Ferrai",
:id "sapZXUYS55s",
:duration "1819"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Shell Scripting Made Simple with Clojure\" by Jakub Dundalek",
:id "1it_wBCYBf8",
:duration "1792"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Making Geographic Maps with Clojure\" by Joanne Cheng",
:id "J2GEBYbX5RM",
:duration "1528"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Programmation en Clojique\" by Lars Hupel",
:id "kmi2JM-scUU",
:duration "2313"}
{:title "clojureD 2020: \"Fun with JSON\" by Malcolm Sparks",
:id "gMYQ1vDy7d0",
:duration "2142"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Self-hosted ClojureScript: How to bootstrap a compiler?\" by Maria Geller",
:id "NDhbXuqBjBI",
:duration "1308"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Babashka and Small Clojure Interpreter: Clojure in new contexts\" by Michiel Borkent",
:id "Nw8aN-nrdEk",
:duration "1912"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Communicating the Impact of Youth Voter Registration w/ Clojure & R\" by Nick Starres",
:id "tQ34qHIYePI",
:duration "1522"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Angels Singing: Writing for Programmers\" by Paulus Esterhazy",
:id "T7-2DW-KDV4",
:duration "2350"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Bob: A composable and inclusive platform making CI/CD Simple\" by Rahul Dé",
:id "KtMJ4lHI_qM",
:duration "1917"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Malli: Inside Data-driven Schemas\" by Tommi Reiman",
:id "MR83MhWQ61E",
:duration "1917"}
"clojureD 2020: \"Learning Clojure by making Multiplayer games\" by Vibhav Sarraf",
:id "YOu1NLJCFmo",
:duration "1871"}
{:title "clojureD 2020: Conference Opening",
:id "aZGEF3DN43U",
:duration "1002"})}
{:title "Clojure/north 2020",
:id "PL_arKaS8JOXHHaK715NZjVpfzKebcJD5U",
({:title "More Powerful Multimethods - Cam Saul (Q&A)",
:id "7jBPiqAxl_Q",
:duration "1732"}
"Concurrency with Clojure - Kapil Reddy & Rhishikesh Joshi (Workshop)",
:id "FGxjqxXucsM",
:duration "12532"}
{:title "The REPL as a General Purpose Tool - Wesley Matson",
:id "yoBoBlMYrGk",
:duration "3578"}
{:title "Gluing Clojure Microservices - Alexander Fertman (Q&A)",
:id "1NDFFE_H_3c",
:duration "1421"}
"Building Marvelous and Heroic Systems from the Ground Up - Mark Bastian (Workshop)",
:id "eink6oICdOQ",
:duration "6106"}
"Clojure Katas - Designing Data-Driven DSLs - Rafal Dittwald & James Cash",
:id "j382BLptxCc",
:duration "5058"}
"Duckula: Type Safe Backend Services with Clojure, HTTP & Avro - Łukasz Korecki",
:id "3LS8lHQ7SwY",
:duration "1809"}
{:title "Evolving Code Through Accretion - Wilker Lucio (Q&A)",
:id "A5E9HLfCQ_Y",
:duration "1658"}
"Clojure Katas - Functional Programming - Rafal Dittwald & James Cash",
:id "CMJEWflBDCM",
:duration "4425"}
{:title "Parens for Python Q&A - Carin Meier & Chris Nuernberger",
:id "tdOJxnEDhjQ",
:duration "1992"}
"Data Diffing Based Software Architecture Patterns - Huahai Yang (Q&A)",
:id "_p8ISz-cZP0",
:duration "1669"}
{:title "Literate Stream Processing - Francisco Viramontes",
:id "YFipjJMwVZ0",
:duration "2166"}
{:title "Software, but not as we know it: Part Two - Dann Toliver",
:id "wyvltBjdNTQ",
:duration "688"}
{:title "Gluing Clojure Microservices - Alexander Fertman",
:id "_gVFPVlynPE",
:duration "768"}
"The Language of the Language: Comparing compiler construction in Clojure and F# - Ramsey Nasser",
:id "t8usj1fN9rs",
:duration "1982"}
"Data Diffing Based Software Architecture Patterns - Huahai Yang",
:id "n-avEZHEHg8",
:duration "1733"}
{:title "How Clojure Saved Our Office - Tomáš Lamr",
:id "3dE_lQ2qPuE",
:duration "1037"}
{:title "Evolving Code Through Accretion - Wilker Lúcio",
:id "R_XPwi0Kiwk",
:duration "1998"}
{:title "More Powerful Multimethods - Cam Saul",
:id "If3GT8zSHfE",
:duration "2395"}
"Duckula: Type Safe Backend Services with Clojure, HTTP & Avro - Łukasz Korecki",
:id "wPrigzBbrgg",
:duration "1620"}
{:title "Monoids and Software Engineering - Luke Meyers",
:id "EyV15ntebIA",
:duration "1726"}
{:title "Ants in My Chans - Rhishikesh Joshi",
:id "ycVm8fg-G90",
:duration "1791"}
{:title "Debugging Clojure Services Under Stress - Paul Lam",
:id "r_lW1YRycIk",
:duration "1531"}
{:title "Hassle-free reporting with Lumo - Dmitri Sotnikov",
:id "FUJPaE3-r5M",
:duration "498"}
{:title "Surfing With Clojure - Xavier O'Neil",
:id "tweX17BCgG8",
:duration "1511"}
{:title "TLA+ and Clojure, a Small Primer - Paulo Feodrippe",
:id "fEO4e546INA",
:duration "1812"}
"Building Reliable, Scalable Services with Clojure and Core.async - Kapil Reddy",
:id "sxxcDNbvCNE",
:duration "1585"}
{:title "Unleash the Power of the REPL - Dana Borinski",
:id "oLvwbDUXGsc",
:duration "1484"}
{:title "ClojureScript on Microcontrollers - Mike Fikes",
:id "u1jr4v7dhoo",
:duration "2326"}
{:title "Don't Stop Now - James Cash",
:id "0h1OZFUUyWc",
:duration "1845"}
{:title "Parens for Python - Carin Meier",
:id "whFqYgmJAmY",
:duration "2133"}
{:title "Introduction to Lambda Calculus - Asaf Chelouche",
:id "y7AbBFXYXc8",
:duration "1749"})}
{:title "Heart of Clojure 2019",
:id "PLhYmIiHOMWoEgJEvgkmUe8D0agxy_T2vR",
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Yulia Startsev - To loosen up, to put together.",
:id "-IGViUlbemo",
:duration "2460"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Fabrizio Ferrai - Live-coding a Compiler: A Challenge",
:id "_lMltUNB6Yw",
:duration "1917"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Lisa Passing - Come with us now, to the world of the fragment shader",
:id "HbW5hCdJgjA",
:duration "1877"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Chris Adams - What you can do when software is heating the world",
:id "bTPzvX9-6VU",
:duration "1447"}
{:title "Heart of Clojure 2019 - Lily M Goh - Engineering Empathy",
:id "nJIgw2J9ok0",
:duration "1907"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Tiago Luchini - Building Resilient Clojure Apps",
:id "KtN0vqOlmn8",
:duration "1805"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Mey Beisaron - Back to Future: How 80s Arcade Games Taught me Clojure",
:id "VgROF_J9ypU",
:duration "1367"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Ramón Huidobro - How teaching kids to code can make you a better developer",
:id "LA-UjMwhsTY",
:duration "1438"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Sarah Groff Hennigh-Palermo - Raving Through the 90s with SVG and Clojurescr",
:id "F4pozY_RF5c",
:duration "1770"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Daniel Compton - Building Stable Foundations",
:id "z_q6nVeD_K4",
:duration "1973"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Chelsey Mitchell - Does Clojure wear Prada?",
:id "_B8OjmbCvZw",
:duration "1075"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Maarten Truyens - Innovation in an immutable industry: Clojure in law",
:id "j4ozMCiAhpU",
:duration "1707"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Jivago Alves - '(Growing Function-Oriented Software (With Parenthesis))",
:id "4M7u2qyyAQ8",
:duration "1715"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Tobias Pfeiffer - Functioning Among Humans",
:id "S_fRwGY4SAU",
:duration "1843"}
{:title "Heart of Clojure 2019 - Lightning Talk 1 - Connie",
:id "qyhjok21Y3o",
:duration "340"}
{:title "Heart of Clojure 2019 - Lightning Talk 2 - Steven",
:id "C2p-e2Tbd6c",
:duration "344"}
{:title "Heart of Clojure 2019 - Lightning Talk 3 - Chris",
:id "Z_8idBre9uo",
:duration "247"}
{:title "Heart of Clojure 2019 - Lightning Talk 4 - Martin",
:id "coMw6BMWJAo",
:duration "270"}
{:title "Heart of Clojure 2019 - Lightning Talk 5 - Florian",
:id "NOnBSYR3kiU",
:duration "343"}
{:title "Heart of Clojure 2019 - Lightning Talk 6 - Saskia",
:id "xgMbykj8ZkA",
:duration "289"}
{:title "Heart of Clojure 2019 - Lightning Talk 7 - Juho",
:id "LhoLZAixz3Y",
:duration "314"}
{:title "Heart of Clojure 2019 - Lightning Talk 8 - Daniel",
:id "MuYD4A4rWwE",
:duration "347"}
{:title "Heart of Clojure 2019 - Lightning Talk 9 - Dave",
:id "8HOflt1_cH4",
:duration "330"}
{:title "Heart of Clojure 2019 - Lightning Talk 10 - Nils",
:id "iTM-nXibA5w",
:duration "290"}
"Heart of Clojure 2019 - Rachel Lawson - My opensource project; It’s all about the code",
:id "Vc3AM3_Au5E",
:duration "2327"})}
{:title "DCD 2019",
:id "PLjzcwcP9P2Lfcz38lDtMF_XupRnecKokz",
({:title "DCD 2019 Opening", :id "RenywqqB0V4", :duration "412"}
{:title "nREPL Redux - Bozhidar Batsov",
:id "WTzzUSw6iaI",
:duration "2457"}
"Building BNR Smart Radio & Recommender system using Clojure - Bahadir Cambel",
:id "-7-2Ohw8C5s",
:duration "2816"}
"Decentralized evolutionary computation with Clojure and ClojureScript - Rakhim Davletkaliyev",
:id "Uij-BvG_f58",
:duration "2064"}
"How we migrated a complex JavaScript application to ClojureScript step-by-step - Alex King",
:id "yhQp-GDHnZ0",
:duration "2268"}
"Clojure powered services at Finnish Broadcasting Company - Heimo Laukkanen",
:id "WRI7lTJ_hX0",
:duration "759"}
"Discourje: Automatically validated message exchange patterns in Clojure - Ruben Hamers",
:id "Vf6lfrX5caw",
:duration "806"}
{:title "Re-find: discover functions with spec - Michiel Borkent",
:id "Ygrml6tyrq0",
:duration "830"}
{:title "Future boot - Matthew Ratzke",
:id "xqGmE4KyhzQ",
:duration "577"}
"How I Supercharged Learning Clojure through Gamification - Mey Beisaron",
:id "mrXDc4e0e6s",
:duration "1965"}
{:title "The rise and fall of e2e testing at scale - Phillip Mates",
:id "uqWsTANFo58",
:duration "1974"}
"Growing a biomedical search engine in Clojure - Joël Kuiper",
:id "EM61rn9Gxl4",
:duration "2639"}
{:title "DCD 2019 Closing", :id "xiu_RKBahpA", :duration "371"})}
{:title "IN/Clojure 2019",
:id "PLlAML-kjpXY7kzJp0p1EPJ9eb8B15CCBU",
"You are in a maze of deeply nested maps, all alike — Eric Normand",
:id "Sjb6y19YIWg",
:duration "2581"}
{:title "Clojure, Concurrency, and You — Abhinav Sarkar",
:id "KeVpTCbLXo8",
:duration "2618"}
"Creating and evolving contracts with clojure.spec — Kapil Reddy",
:id "qnOe_4ckC5k",
:duration "569"}
"Using components in production — Rubal Jabbal & Pavitra Shetty",
:id "GNMYml-zpi4",
:duration "1402"}
"cljdoc — Better documentation tooling for the Clojure/Script ecosystem — Martin Klepsch",
:id "BsoJOU70TP4",
:duration "2502"}
{:title "Writing a fair task execution framework — Mourjo Sen",
:id "oonmTibQgLo",
:duration "1362"}
"async/await in Clojure using conquerant — Divyansh Prakash",
:id "kyvKOnxFoeY",
:duration "620"}
{:title "Chanakya: Building composable logical rules — Neha Mishra",
:id "aEOlCUiQ0Ug",
:duration "1289"}
"Bract: A minimal DRY application framework — Shantanu Kumar",
:id "2E5p-D3Vhb4",
:duration "3072"}
"Afraid of Clojure stacktraces? Fear no more! — Aditya Chowdhry",
:id "4fqGdt0-_is",
:duration "536"}
{:title "Evolution of a stream processing framework — Anirudh Vyas",
:id "tRKclPWxL9I",
:duration "2668"})}
{:title ":clojureD 2019",
:id "PLaSn8eiZ631nv68lHjZIfrSXOLIDsf726",
":clojureD 2019: Lightning Talks by Martin Klepsch, Ruediger Gad, Robert Avram and Miikka Koskinen",
:id "Ekngl04XcdU",
:duration "1285"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Music made simple\" by Thomas G. Kristensen",
:id "kM8AEGsfNwY",
:duration "1932"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Decomposing Problems\" by Paulus Esterhazy",
:id "y7nfCHs3O50",
:duration "2195"}
"clojureD 2019: \"3DF: Reactive Datalog for Datomic\" by Nikolas Göbel",
:id "CuSyVILzGDQ",
:duration "1766"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Microservices, REST, and other regrettable decisions\" by Ben Lovell",
:id "CBUuBP_vJIQ",
:duration "1344"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Faster Computations with Generative Expressions\" by Jonas Östlund",
:id "5RXPf5bOIO8",
:duration "1861"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Monitoring with Riemann\" by Abhishek Anand Amralkar",
:id "mA0_9ZawV1Q",
:duration "1649"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Reducing Accretion in Monoliths with Stream Processing\" by A. Gupta & S. Ghorpade",
:id "AOCoYf2TS5Q",
:duration "2512"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Our Journey from Elm and Elixir to Clojure\" by Martin Kavalar",
:id "geeK1-jjlhY",
:duration "1849"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Rapid Prototyping with Coast on Clojure\" by Ferruccio Balestreri",
:id "24PRtDJGvW8",
:duration "1499"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Workflow engines with Clojure – It's a match!\" by Tim Zöller",
:id "M1HrLAud6MA",
:duration "1992"}
"clojureD 2019: \"About the Unknown East of the Ancient LISP World. History and Thoughts\" by Ingo Mohr",
:id "s_2FlYwxI1M",
:duration "1868"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Native Clojure with GraalVM\" by Jan Stępień",
:id "topKYJgv6qA",
:duration "2082"}
{:title "clojureD 2019: \"How to Graph Your Data\" by Paula Gearon",
:id "tbVwmFBnfo4",
:duration "1975"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Polylith – A software architecture based on LEGO®-like blocks\" by Joakim Tengstrand",
:id "wy4LZykQBkY",
:duration "1900"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Tricking Sand into Thinking: Deep Learning in Clojure\" by Dave Liepmann",
:id "cZpckkTH-Is",
:duration "1292"}
"clojureD 2019: \"Reinforcement Learning Made Simple\" by Robert Avram",
:id "6SDCwn8MGtQ",
:duration "2004"}
{:title "clojureD 2019: Conference Opening",
:id "iQPjjEgrAKM",
:duration "1272"})}
{:title "ClojuTRE 2019",
:id "PLetHPRQvX4a-c3KDRTxxwGRmEMutL8Apf",
"A package manager? I could write that in a weekend – Fabrizio Ferrai",
:id "kPuGS4_9mRc",
:duration "1412"}
{:title "Do you have a problem? Write a compiler! – Oleg Grenrus",
:id "kOXfdZRD0wM",
:duration "1074"}
{:title "Programming IS(!) Philosophy – Nir Rubinstein",
:id "S5tYgvnLQdg",
:duration "1518"}
{:title "The power of lenses – Juhana Laurinharju",
:id "hnROywmy_HI",
:duration "1156"}
"Clojure and R: a love story of two Lispy souls – Daniel Slutsky",
:id "A55jO02ZKcg",
:duration "1304"}
"Computer Mathematics, AI and Functional Programming – Moa Johansson",
:id "sMnbwdLWrf0",
:duration "2792"}
{:title "Declarative Domain Logic – Rafal Dittwald",
:id "TFQlpBEpeks",
:duration "1591"}
"Why Isn't Functional Programming the Norm? – Richard Feldman",
:id "QyJZzq0v7Z4",
:duration "2769"}
"Keeping sites accessible with types – Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos",
:id "qyol-cB9IRE",
:duration "1506"}
{:title "Elixir Sightseeing Tour – Andrea Leopardi",
:id "yAfcma9vk94",
:duration "2851"}
{:title "Do Computers dream of Electric Beats? – CASSALPOPOLO",
:id "6XM2Fn2IWRM",
:duration "2149"}
{:title "Clojure as a first professional language – Eetu Kaivola",
:id "NtDkxZQ7ZCU",
:duration "1169"}
{:title "How I created my own Clojure job – Valtteri Harmainen",
:id "mfdX_Qlsxk8",
:duration "1553"}
"clj-kondo: a linter for Clojure code that sparks joy – Michiel Borkent",
:id "MB3vVREkI7s",
:duration "1424"}
"How to do Stateful Property Testing in Clojure – Magnus Kvalevåg",
:id "xw8ZFU8CGdA",
:duration "1356"}
{:title "Naked Performance (with Clojure) – Tommi Reiman",
:id "3SSHjKT3ZmA",
:duration "1623"}
{:title "Reduxed – Simon Perepelitsa",
:id "jVIIDGpw9eA",
:duration "1172"}
{:title "Creative Computation – Jack Rusher",
:id "TeXCvh5X5w0",
:duration "1261"}
{:title "Dealing with unanticipated needs – Dave Snowden",
:id "xYqWREPb3Lc",
:duration "2864"}
"The Design and Implementation of a Bitemporal DBMS – Håkan Råberg",
:id "YjAVsvYGbuU",
:duration "2158"}
"Lessons Learned; the Nice and Accurate Counsel of Alex Miller, Programmer – Alex Miller",
:id "KeZNRypKVa4",
:duration "2695"})}
{:title "IN/Clojure 2018",
:id "PLlAML-kjpXY4rljddpJ5qMUp-t1Qa-Vfy",
({:title "On Abstraction: Zach Tellman",
:id "l1UJM_Ol5pk",
:duration "2908"}
{:title "Deep learning in Clojure with Cortex: Kiran Karkera",
:id "gAiIJHKLwiE",
:duration "2160"}
"Creating Serverless Applications with ClojureScript and Firebase: Jake McCrary",
:id "rMqo3lgxe7o",
:duration "2392"}
{:title "Generative Tests in Clojure: Shafeeq Kunnakkadan",
:id "uiGLdaZN39w",
:duration "2120"}
"Elegant Error handling for a More Civilized Age: Varun Sharma",
:id "FsyPQG_IuaY",
:duration "1086"}
{:title "ClojureScript: Good Ideas Never Die - Antonio Monteiro",
:id "4nDtYaBbYbU",
:duration "2583"}
"Building reliable, scalable services with Clojure and Core.async: Kapil Reddy",
:id "deBUPZa1D3o",
:duration "1269"}
{:title "Lightning Talks", :id "JwuRClMNj_8", :duration "1845"}
{:title "Panel Discussion", :id "-G9InrwiFrM", :duration "4003"}
"Enabling One on One Personalized Communication with over 250 Million Users in Realtime using Clojure",
:id "gG7M_iio-9A",
:duration "733"})}
{:title "Dutch Clojure Days 2018",
:id "PLjzcwcP9P2LcUlqzwDHqDOUsm0JUxqjrL",
({:title "Dutch Clojure Days 2018 / Opening",
:id "GBNVXkKXubY",
:duration "558"}
{:title "Embrace the JVM - Alexander Yakushev",
:id "HNp5EaRs3KI",
:duration "2469"}
"Online statistical analysis using transducers and sketch algorithms - Simon Belak",
:id "SpQpNM-p7Bg",
:duration "2286"}
{:title "Practical Generative Testing Patterns - Srihari Sriraman",
:id "zjbcayvTcKQ",
:duration "2743"}
{:title "Implementing Graph API's with Clojure - Wilker Lúcio",
:id "r3zywlNflJI",
:duration "2493"}
"Easier REPL-based debugging with scope-capture - Valentin Waeselynck",
:id "dCInpNWlZ4k",
:duration "586"}
{:title "Stay agile with clojure.spec - Roland Kay",
:id "onigyh05gMk",
:duration "629"}
"Writing an asynchronous MQTT broker in Clojure (and a bit of Java) - Thomas van der Even",
:id "XHuNpkMc__c",
:duration "576"}
"REPtiLe - exercise your lizard brain and share REPLs in a cold-blooded browser - Ray McDermott",
:id "6kKAAHFAnRs",
:duration "848"}
"No EC2 instances were harmed during this deployment - Josh Glover",
:id "kXb1DHw632s",
:duration "2642"}
{:title "How we test at Nubank - Phillip Mates",
:id "X_PXoiOIdMs",
:duration "2331"}
"5 years of Clojure: building better infrastructure with parentheses - Pierre-Yves Ritschard",
:id "vhALntE0cBE",
:duration "2196"}
{:title "Dutch Clojure Days 2018 / Closing",
:id "3sqQQ_gi-pA",
:duration "337"})}
{:title "ClojuTRE & Small FP Conf 2018",
:id "PLetHPRQvX4a9DR7W75YxiCwD7T1q2QETf",
"OCaml, REborn: fullstack applications with ReasonML – António Monteiro",
:id "XLnWMfdbQEo",
:duration "1119"}
"Interactive, Functional, GPU Accelerated Programming in Clojure – Dragan Djuric",
:id "ZVnbNLks2Ow",
:duration "2148"}
"KernelF: a functional core for domain-specific languages in JetBrains MPS – Mikhail Barash",
:id "l0uz_9Zj2fo",
:duration "1832"}
"I used Elm in production and it cost me my job – Annaia Berry",
:id "RFrKffrKCeU",
:duration "1411"}
{:title "Regular Expressions of Types – Oleg Grenrus",
:id "gTrU_BxWH7c",
:duration "1664"}
{:title "Purely Functional DevOps with Dhall – Fabrizio Ferrai",
:id "UHp6nEF5m2o",
:duration "1464"}
{:title "Meetings With Remarkable Trees – Bodil Stokke",
:id "cUx2b_FO8EQ",
:duration "3210"}
"(block)chain reaction: Ethereum & ClojureScript – Dom Kiva-Meyer",
:id "Bi7gvzJ_4OE",
:duration "1385"}
{:title "ClojureScript Concurrency Revisited – Paulus Esterhazy",
:id "rV1gTJ2wsZg",
:duration "1533"}
{:title "Documenting the Clojure/Script Ecosystem – Martin Klepsch",
:id "mWrvd6SE7Vg",
:duration "1532"}
{:title "Native Clojure with GraalVM – Jan Stępień",
:id "kjZP_wBQJ2U",
:duration "1765"}
{:title "Carp—A Language for the 21st Century – Veit Heller",
:id "BQeG6fXMk28",
:duration "1351"}
"My long path towards O(n) longest-path in 2-trees – Jordan Biserkov",
:id "ppJ2qBbHxYE",
:duration "1448"}
"Domain-Driven Design in an event-driven Clojure application – Gilles Philippart",
:id "ZEcjEHYs0zo",
:duration "1639"}
"Named loop + recur-to: extending the loop + recur-to paradigm to nested loops – Michał Marczyk",
:id "SJmK1R0ADnc",
:duration "726"}
"Build your own tools for agile data science – Toni Vanhala",
:id "ASRG6mux2M0",
:duration "581"}
"Optimizing My Mental Focus with Machine Learning and Clojure – Oliver Eidel",
:id "jpFveXUe65I",
:duration "1431"}
"The philosophy of (functional) programming – Attila Egri-Nagy",
:id "-yGHsXSgYdg",
:duration "1634"}
"First 6 years of a life of Clojure project – Jarppe Länsiö",
:id "WtdegIqQbrg",
:duration "1931"}
{:title "CLP(SMT) – Nada Amin",
:id "KsC_9_-NuQg",
:duration "1477"})}
{:title "Clojure/conj 2018",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLpMkEBXT22FTaJYxB92i3V3",
({:title "Let's Talk about AI, ML and Bias - Rebecca Parsons",
:id "w1lqZcnamAQ",
:duration "2511"}
{:title "Maybe Not - Rich Hickey",
:id "YR5WdGrpoug",
:duration "3809"}
{:title "REBL - Stuart Halloway",
:id "c52QhiXsmyI",
:duration "1986"}
{:title "AWS, meet Clojure - David Chelimsky",
:id "ppDtDP0Rntw",
:duration "2716"}
"Kafka and the REPL: Stream Processing, the Functional Way - Charles Reese",
:id "eJFBbwCB6v4",
:duration "2121"}
"Clojure on the cyberpunk frontier of democracy - Christopher Small",
:id "2tBVMAm0-00",
:duration "2529"}
"Serverless-ish: Zero to App with Datomic Cloud and GraphQL - Chris Johnson Bidler",
:id "SUfgKiTI8nE",
:duration "2119"}
"A Clojure fusion of symbolic and data driven AI - Huahai Yang",
:id "phA4bMjKvCY",
:duration "2489"}
{:title "Java Made (Somewhat) Simple - Ghadi Shayban",
:id "-zszF8bbXM0",
:duration "2446"}
"Developing a Medical Image Viewer in ClojureScript - Oliver Eidel",
:id "kNiGu_VaoTg",
:duration "2080"}
"Re-usable GUI Components with Re-frame and Atomic Design - Mark Nutter",
:id "JCY_cHzklRs",
:duration "2308"}
{:title "Machines that Judge Us - Boris Kourtoukov",
:id "ONdK2u7LUV0",
:duration "1053"}
{:title "VR & AR On The Web Using Clojurescript - Andres Cuervo",
:id "_0ewZlTPV3g",
:duration "1200"}
"Declarative Domain Modeling for Datomic Ion/Cloud - Tiago Luchini",
:id "EDojA_fahvM",
:duration "2085"}
"AI Systems: Foundations for Artificial Minds - Ben Kamphaus",
:id "5egU3VrElmA",
:duration "2552"}
"Making Memories: Clojure For Hardware Engineers (And Others) - Aaron Cummings",
:id "Nk0cue8ghYY",
:duration "2340"}
"Babel: middleware for beginner-friendly error messages. - Elena Machkasova",
:id "H4O8tjYARrY",
:duration "1859"}
"Clojure vs Sepsis: path to real time enterprise data science - Igor Ges + Gerardo Castro",
:id "AyWbB52SzAg",
:duration "1545"}
{:title "Scaling Full-Stack Applications - Wilker Lucio da Silva",
:id "yyVKf2U8YVg",
:duration "2560"}
{:title "Tables Considered Helpful - Daniel Gregoire",
:id "b5UK-VHbJlQ",
:duration "2546"}
{:title "Code goes in, Art comes out - Tyler Hobbs",
:id "LBpqoj2nOQo",
:duration "1891"}
{:title "Reactive Datalog for Datomic - Nikolas Göbel",
:id "ZgqFlowyfTA",
:duration "1897"}
"Data-Shuffler: Bringing Order to The Galaxy (of Data Process) - Luke Hospadaruk",
:id "rWoVRoSn1Cc",
:duration "1943"}
"What Are All These Class Files Even About? And Other Stories - Gary Fredericks",
:id "-Qm09YiUHTs",
:duration "2304"}
"Party REPL — A multi-player REPL built for pair-programming - Tomomi Livingstone + Hans Livingstone",
:id "AJING0Vigpg",
:duration "2151"}
{:title "Can you GAN? - Carin Meier",
:id "yzfnlcHtwiY",
:duration "1908"}
"Learning and Teaching Clojure on the job at Amperity - Dave Fetterman",
:id "QBsjYyg9bLE",
:duration "2623"}
"Robust APIs with clojure.spec & GraphQL - Lily Goh + Dom Kiva-Meyer",
:id "mgSSVTDZvkI",
:duration "2343"}
"Probabilistic programming and meta-programming in Clojure - Vikash Mansinghka",
:id "KLGwLkmh8gI",
:duration "2262"}
{:title "Every Clojure Talk Ever - Alex Engelberg and Derek Slager",
:id "jlPaby7suOc",
:duration "1657"})}
{:title "Clojure / conj 2017",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLqCR8EKuil8NrffZuTl0kwL",
({:title "Effective Programs - 10 Years of Clojure - Rich Hickey",
:id "2V1FtfBDsLU",
:duration "4492"}
"Designing in Clojure - an experience report - Michael Parenteau",
:id "L8DKD_PshFM",
:duration "2391"}
"Learning Clojure and CLJS by playing a card game - Gijs Stuurman",
:id "B_ubbbm9cRg",
:duration "2169"}
"Building Machine Learning Models with Clojure and Cortex - Joyce Xu",
:id "0m6wz2vClQI",
:duration "2373"}
"Bayesian Data Analysis of Nonparametric Models in Clojure - Michael Lindon",
:id "76dhEBGuyLY",
:duration "1866"}
"Learning Clojure and ClojureScript by playing a card game - Gijs Stuurman",
:id "MzcgW9GIlQ0",
:duration "2169"}
"Inspiring a future Clojure editor with forgotten Lisp UX - Shaun Lebron",
:id "K0Tsa3smr1w",
:duration "2132"}
{:title "Poetry of Programming - Attila Egri-Nagy",
:id "XRjPnuPv6xo",
:duration "2528"}
{:title "Building test check Generators - Gary Fredericks",
:id "F4VZPxLZUdA",
:duration "2434"}
{:title "Datomic Made Easy Datomic in the Cloud - Stuart Halloway",
:id "Ljvhjei3tWU",
:duration "2251"}
{:title "Clojure Scaling the Event Stream - Derek Troy West",
:id "FMyk0Db9rQc",
:duration "2785"}
"All I needed for FP I learned in High School Algebra - Eric Normand",
:id "epT1xgxSpFU",
:duration "1985"}
"2017 in ClojureScript Web Perf & JS Ecosystem Integration - António Monteiro",
:id "63K--ctvT-g",
:duration "2184"}
{:title "Clojure Compilation, Backwards - Nicola Mometto",
:id "2SGFeegEt9E",
:duration "1744"}
"The Power of Lacinia & Hystrix in Production - Tiago Luchini",
:id "uL9QavmAInw",
:duration "2350"}
{:title "The Tensors Must Flow - William Piel",
:id "8_HOB62rpvw",
:duration "2427"}
"Yet & Datomic Immutable Facts Mutated Our Stack - Milton Reder",
:id "gcJmNYj4Mec",
:duration "2495"}
{:title "Homoiconicity It Is What It Is - Stuart Sierra",
:id "o7zyGMcav3c",
:duration "1840"}
"The Dawn of Lisp, or How to Write Eval and Apply in Clojure - Ariel Ortiz",
:id "2wPS_6oSD6k",
:duration "2612"}
{:title "Datomic Auto Schemas - Paula Gearon",
:id "8jXEqvTnOTg",
:duration "2433"}
"Lighting Talk - A few tips for writing macros - Jeff Terrell",
:id "VJEHtFNKSu8",
:duration "367"}
"Lighting Talk - Managing a Java Batch job with JobStreamer - Kazuki Tsutsumi",
:id "Vc6fqHl1g50",
:duration "334"}
"Lighting Talk - Sometimes it's so obvious in hindsight - Aaron Brooks",
:id "lq_WEM461M0",
:duration "299"}
"Lighting Talk - Forest: One Tree to Rule Them All - Alan Thompson",
:id "RtavTnRr0oM",
:duration "516"}
"Lighting Talk - Activating a Clojure Community - Andy Parsons",
:id "62qqvZa5HkY",
:duration "493"}
"Lighting Talk - How to Write a Fast, Reducible Collection - Ghadi Shayban",
:id "FjKnlzQfAPc",
:duration "383"}
"Lighting Talk - SVG in Custom PDF Templates - Daniel Glauser",
:id "X6rxaDtZMPg",
:duration "336"}
"Infinite State Machine Poetry in, with, and by Clojure - Eric Weinstein",
:id "O-8-IpMzkBo",
:duration "2169"}
{:title "Invited Talk - Guy Steele",
:id "dCuZkaaou0Q",
:duration "4042"}
{:title "Watching a Language Grow - Chris Houser, Michael Fogus",
:id "9N7xM40fio0",
:duration "2413"}
{:title "Tool Assisted spec Development -",
:id "kcZVkvO1Dpo",
:duration "2162"}
{:title "Declarative Deep Learning In Clojure -",
:id "1JWcyMag1e4",
:duration "2267"}
"Learning Clojure through Logo - Elango Cheran, Timothy Pratley",
:id "Y3-53JoGPE4",
:duration "2239"}
"Sequence and Concurrent Processing for Huge Genomic Data - Toshiki Takeuchi",
:id "ipNru1QSeWc",
:duration "2076"}
{:title "Deep Learning Needs Clojure - Carin Meier",
:id "eLl6_k_fZn4",
:duration "1739"})}
{:title "EuroClojure 2017",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLpzt6WENiHe16-vx74VbCw_",
"Moving People with Clojure - Abhinav Sarkar & Kartik Gupta",
:id "3y7xzH8jB8A",
:duration "1635"}
"The Feynman Machine: AI architecture in Clojure/Neanderthal - Fergal Byrne",
:id "um2uq5oURT8",
:duration "1584"}
"Clojure Tools for Symbolic Artificial Intelligence - Saul Johnson",
:id "jzLSnadyYso",
:duration "1217"}
{:title "Dependency Heaven - Alex Miller",
:id "sStlTye-Kjk",
:duration "1767"}
{:title "Save the Princess - Simon Belak",
:id "SpLlsM2amuU",
:duration "2191"}
"Intro to Probabilistic Programming and Clojure’s Anglican - Nils Blum-Oeste",
:id "ANyrmQESMkc",
:duration "2056"}
{:title "spec loves data structures - Michał Marczyk",
:id "LGGV7nxDghg",
:duration "2600"}
{:title "Simple AND Secure? - Joy Clark",
:id "lRHPZXKQVLk",
:duration "1904"}
"Tear down this wall – rethink distributed systems - Christian Betz",
:id "G1JWYxvucZ4",
:duration "1322"}
"Using Clojurescript to launch iOS/Android apps to 1M users - Emin Hasanov",
:id "ELM_eKZXl3M",
:duration "2225"}
{:title "Unravel your REPL - Paulus Esterhazy",
:id "2P-UzXksdHs",
:duration "2251"}
{:title "Microservices with Vase and Linkerd - Peter Brachwitz",
:id "EtWGDB_tm1Q",
:duration "2008"}
{:title "Generative Programming and Verification - Nada Amin",
:id "QuJ-cEvH_oI",
:duration "2288"}
"otplike – Erlang/OTP processes and behaviours for Clojure - Alexey Aristov",
:id "nHvRbZZhUDQ",
:duration "2164"}
"Building a collaborative web app with ClojureScript - Gijs Stuurman",
:id "NunlGbJgp4A",
:duration "2067"}
{:title "The Return of Clojure Data Science - Elise Huard",
:id "C1pYnpCgQL8",
:duration "1451"})}
{:title "Clojure/West 2017",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLp4W4ySd1sHPOsK83gvqBQp",
({:title "Core.Async in Use - Timothy Baldridge",
:id "096pIlA3GDo",
:duration "2045"}
{:title "With Great Composition Comes Great Responsibility -",
:id "PTMyTyMcxkU",
:duration "1382"}
"Using spec to Transparently Replace a Legacy System - Daniel Solano Gómez",
:id "vTw7mWtaGw4",
:duration "1523"}
{:title "Testing Made Simple - Tony Kay",
:id "Odp0M39g-LM",
:duration "1888"}
{:title "Let's Grow the Clojure Community",
:id "DHsSxOLJpt0",
:duration "2415"}
{:title "Why Clojure? - Derek Slager",
:id "BThkk5zv0DE",
:duration "2519"}
{:title "Navigating ClojureScript's Fire Swamps - Peter Schuck",
:id "tpXfASdPteI",
:duration "1912"}
"Practical Clojure Profiling in Production - Gregory Sizemore",
:id "-dnYQMr5lVM",
:duration "1403"}
{:title "Faster Delivery with Pedestal and Vase - Paul deGrandis",
:id "_Cf-STRvFy8",
:duration "2071"}
{:title "Fearless JVM Lambdas - John Chapin",
:id "GINI0T8FPD4",
:duration "2733"}
"Clojure Remixed: Pyroclast Data Processing - Michael Drogalis",
:id "iH5Mon8IG0g",
:duration "2235"}
"Full Stack Teleport Testing with Om Next & Datomic - António Monteiro, Mike Kaplinskiy",
:id "qijWBPYkRAQ",
:duration "2218"}
{:title "Solving Problems Declaratively - Mark Engelberg",
:id "TA9DBG8x-ys",
:duration "2064"}
"ClojureScript in Your Pocket - Dom Kiva-Meyer, Lily M. Goh",
:id "tHQAMrShHu8",
:duration "2035"}
{:title "Clojure, Java 9, and You - Toby Crawley",
:id "4fevIDAxQAM",
:duration "1935"}
"Power to the (Mobile) People: Clojure and GraphQL - Howard Lewis Ship",
:id "I0vVkQfmy9w",
:duration "1611"}
"Testing Stateful and Concurrent Systems Using test.check - Eric Normand",
:id "r5i_OiZw6Sw",
:duration "2155"}
{:title "It's Just Data - Bob Calco",
:id "wR2kYn-7ijQ",
:duration "2097"}
"Clojure at 4,000 msg/s-What We Learned, Loved, and Loathed - Nathan Barnett",
:id "zwuFJovzdHg",
:duration "1833"}
{:title "Physics in Clojure - Colin Smith",
:id "7PoajCqNKpg",
:duration "2419"}
{:title "Clojure Dispatches From a National Research Lab",
:id "RB65-zYLNSY",
:duration "1972"}
"Symbolic Assembly: Using Clojure to Meta-program Bytecode - Ramsey Nasser",
:id "eDad1pvwX34",
:duration "2383"}
{:title "Emulators, Immutability, and Time Travel - Angus Fletcher",
:id "fiK0SmaqN20",
:duration "2245"}
{:title "Synthesis and Verification for All - Emina Torlak",
:id "KpDyuMIb_E0",
:duration "3044"}
"Hiring Juniors: (not= \"Past Experience\" \"Future Success\") - Marla Brizel",
:id "WoFNWGfa1qM",
:duration "1973"})}
{:title "ClojuTRE 2017",
:id "PLetHPRQvX4a9iZk-buMQfdxZm72UnP3C9",
({:title "Developing (with) Keechma – Mihael Konjevic",
:id "2BF6yKIpXmM",
:duration "1312"}
{:title "Towards Awesome Clojure Documentation – Bozhidar Batsov",
:id "nrpsMB2gYI0",
:duration "1503"}
{:title "Scrap Your Query Boilerplate With Specql – Tatu Tarvainen",
:id "qEXNyZ5FJN4",
:duration "679"}
{:title "Clojure Flavoured Devops – Jon Pither",
:id "wqTxhhvOJng",
:duration "1521"}
{:title "Metaphors We Compute By – Alvaro Videla",
:id "3YqVK1th_cA",
:duration "1525"}
{:title "Livecoding the Cloud! – Christophe Grand & Kimmo Koskinen",
:id "qJXqQATJNTk",
:duration "1625"}
"Bootstrapping a Standalone ClojureScript Environment – Antonio Monteiro",
:id "jH1oJiLV7_0",
:duration "1366"}
{:title "The Previous Year of ClojureScript – Juho Teperi",
:id "NjPTyBXuDGE",
:duration "1436"}
{:title "The Symmetries of Things – Tom Hall",
:id "EcjyZAe8irU",
:duration "1567"}
"The Heresy Programming Language, or Learning Through Madness – John Berry",
:id "_4lJu_zl7aE",
:duration "708"}
{:title "On Abstraction – Zach Tellman",
:id "x9pxbnFC4aQ",
:duration "3603"})}
{:title "Dutch Clojure Days 2017",
:id "PLjzcwcP9P2Lc1ECd6sG0F4TnUVQBdYbmX",
({:title "Introduction", :id "nhwYgJqozg4", :duration "276"}
{:title "Keynote: Transparency through data by James Reeves",
:id "zznwKCifC1A",
:duration "2836"}
"Generatively testing user interfaces: Andreas Geffen Lundahl",
:id "hHH0LtHQ8T0",
:duration "2586"}
{:title "Building Hermetic Systems (without Docker): Will Farrell",
:id "ikLFUmY70u8",
:duration "2360"}
{:title "Our Road Trip to Component: Marketa Adamova",
:id "V8mSlPFZWeM",
:duration "2753"}
{:title "Sequencing Dance Music With Clojure: Piotr Jagielski",
:id "-PtL5WDZmjQ",
:duration "704"}
{:title "Shipping a ClojureScript App: Riccardo Cambiassi",
:id "NE8BW4Sc7N4",
:duration "1058"}
{:title "Mach: Malcolm Sparks", :id "RRoJaOs-K6U", :duration "582"}
{:title "CREPL: Write and run ClojureScript code together",
:id "kzbnk-zmSN0",
:duration "1088"}
{:title "Using Onyx in Anger: Simon Belak",
:id "5GLXmGeuoOU",
:duration "2413"}
{:title "Clojure Puzzlers: Renzo Borgatti",
:id "H9o3peh3hKY",
:duration "2674"}
"From 0 to prototype using ClojureScript, re-frame and friends: Martin Clausen",
:id "DdkwNTgtIJ0",
:duration "2675"}
{:title "Vote of Thanks", :id "YDafpmjUUMg", :duration "339"})}
{:title ":clojureD 2017",
:id "PLaSn8eiZ631kZfUdLuWGBRP-jAbPxWrDi",
"clojureD 2017: Lightning Talks by Zach O., Michael P., Sanel Z., Bozhidar B. and Michael J.",
:id "RU4537TUmdM",
:duration "1863"}
"clojureD 2017: \"From zero to app in six weeks\" by Damiano Rühl",
:id "rOcT1Lp94J4",
:duration "2011"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Packet Capturing with Clojure\" by Rüdiger Gad",
:id "mmkfifQMwT0",
:duration "1743"}
{:title "clojureD 2017: \"Symmetries of Things\" by Tom Hall",
:id "ddo7BRcdyd0",
:duration "1819"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Speculative Development\" by Andrew Mcveigh",
:id "BT2-RCcx374",
:duration "1439"}
{:title "clojureD 2017: \"Testing with Mutants\" by Jan Stępień",
:id "ux9wP3mU7xM",
:duration "1795"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Lost in Transduction\" by Christophe Grand",
:id "XiCwN-fv7os",
:duration "2273"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Powerful Data Access in Clojure\" by Yannick Scherer",
:id "8XkxvK5ogn4",
:duration "1609"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Making video games and learning Clojure\" by Lisa Passing",
:id "TcyTErqmB_4",
:duration "1811"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Implementing the k-means jump method\" by Dave Liepmann",
:id "mPGx6JJpPaI",
:duration "1751"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Automatic generation of user interfaces with ClojureScript\" by Philipp Meier",
:id "klX8d9A-M94",
:duration "1936"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Writing Clojure at Runtime with Nightlight\" by Zach Oakes",
:id "EG5BtBEow24",
:duration "1878"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Adventures in homoiconicity\" by Franka Schmidt",
:id "W6IEr43kVG4",
:duration "1780"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Let's replicate state together\" by Christian Weilbach",
:id "u8gUH8wT7Cg",
:duration "1715"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Foray into modern symmetric crypto\" by Dmitry Groshev",
:id "vNzLfP56Oks",
:duration "1944"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Debugging Clojure Code\" by Daniel Škarda",
:id "5oEfyeyyguY",
:duration "1848"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Design decisions in React-based ClojureScript applications\" by Falko Riemenschneider",
:id "SEjZIl_FD7A",
:duration "1745"}
"clojureD 2017: \"Identity in a World of Values\" by Hans Hübner",
:id "eODlbjagC9M",
:duration "1585"}
"clojureD 2017: \"The Elements of Style in Programming\" by Bozhidar Batsov",
:id "8bm1xXoIKMg",
:duration "1945"})}
{:title "EuroClojure 2016",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLowQLPjuZ7k3pl2ScEyW7A7",
({:title "Making Machines that Make Music - Srihari Sriraman",
:id "ZvSSeuzN_b4",
:duration "2453"}
{:title "Clojure is Not Afraid of the GPU - Dragan Djuric",
:id "bEOOYbscyTs",
:duration "2533"}
{:title "Now what? - David Nolen",
:id "cH4ZJAKZHjQ",
:duration "2501"}
"Machine Learning with Clojure and Apache Spark - Eric Weinstein",
:id "2Av5n7ffe0M",
:duration "2268"}
{:title "Communicating Risk Reactively - Mike Pearson",
:id "-NebRpbMTK8",
:duration "2468"}
{:title "ClojureBridge Europe - Arne and Malwine",
:id "EblfQQ1GcaI",
:duration "1953"}
{:title "Living with Spec - Simon Belak",
:id "-9dOZX-ERcM",
:duration "2265"}
"Priority Search Queues: 1.5 dimensional Tree Search - Michał Marczyk",
:id "pZ9gBKO_qCA",
:duration "2584"}
"Automating Resilience Testing with Clojure and Docker - Daniel Lebrero",
:id "xQeatvHejHU",
:duration "1636"}
"Clojure is a Foreign Country: Combining Datomic with Scala - Peter Brachwitz",
:id "AFakD8e7WsQ",
:duration "1939"}
"GeoRepl - Interactive Geometry with Clojure - Thomas Neuhalfen",
:id "OYmsPDwgeOk",
:duration "2440"}
"Bare Metal Clojure with clojure.Spec - Michael Reitzenstein",
:id "yGko70hIEwk",
:duration "2167"}
"A Tale of ClojureScript in Production - Jean Louis Giordano",
:id "s0QG3QCV1LY",
:duration "1953"}
"Live-Coding Mathematics Your First Clojure Proof - Frederic Peschanski",
:id "5YTCY7wm0Nw",
:duration "2515"}
"A Case Study of Natural Language Processing in Clojure - Daniel Janus",
:id "u9bmA1r2H1s",
:duration "2573"}
{:title "Genetic Programming with clojure.spec - Carin Meier",
:id "xvk-Gnydn54",
:duration "2540"})}
{:title "Clojure/conj 2016",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLofiMKo0bCeLHZC0_2rpqsz",
({:title "Spec-ulation Keynote - Rich Hickey",
:id "oyLBGkS5ICk",
:duration "4574"}
"Simplifying ETL with Clojure and Datomic - Stuart Halloway",
:id "oOON--g1PyU",
:duration "2151"}
{:title "Production Rules on Databases - Paula Gearon",
:id "8rRzESy0X2k",
:duration "2545"}
"Clojure at DataStax: The Long Road From Python to Clojure - Nick Bailey",
:id "wfrajaEyNX0",
:duration "1769"}
" 40k locs to build the first web-based sonogram - Asher Coren",
:id "K6ZoF3CHsa0",
:duration "2174"}
"Programming What Cannot Be Programmed: Aesthetics and Narrative - D. Schmüdde",
:id "UJ1pD-Z6PEY",
:duration "2119"}
"Charting the English pure Clojure - Alexander Mann",
:id "qRXhjElFJJE",
:duration "1660"}
"Proto REPL, a New Clojure Development and Visualization Tool - Jason Gilman",
:id "buPPGxOnBnk",
:duration "1811"}
{:title "Using Clojure with C APIs for crypto and more - lvh",
:id "Lf-M1ZH6KME",
:duration "2468"}
"Building a powerful Double Entry Accounting system - Lucas Cavalcanti",
:id "aw6y4r4NAlw",
:duration "2226"}
{:title "Becoming Omniscient with Sayid - Bill Piel",
:id "ipDhvd1NsmE",
:duration "2063"}
"In situ model-based learning in PAMELA - Paul Robertson, Tom Marble",
:id "i84i1X9k8_g",
:duration "2359"}
"Powderkeg: teaching Clojure to Spark - Igor Ges, Christophe Grand",
:id "OxUHgP4Ox5Q",
:duration "2126"}
{:title "Building composable abstractions - Eric Normand",
:id "jJIUoaIvD20",
:duration "2339"}
"A Clojure DSL for defining CI/CD orchestrations at scale - Rohit Kumar, Viraj Purang",
:id "T-3dPkdG_qc",
:duration "2665"}
"Clarifying Rules Engines with Clara Rules - Mike Rodriguez",
:id "Q_k5MkZmd-o",
:duration "2228"}
{:title "Overcoming the Challenges of Mentoring - Kim Crayton",
:id "gqnvSW9yniU",
:duration "2355"}
"WormBase database migration to Datomic on AWS: A case Study - Adam Wright",
:id "RzE9iencxT0",
:duration "1888"}
{:title "A Peek Inside SAT Solvers - Jon Smock",
:id "d76e4hV1iJY",
:duration "2121"}
"Spectrum, a library for statically \"typing\" clojure.spec - Allen Rohner",
:id "hzV7dFYmbAs",
:duration "2770"}
{:title "Composing music with clojure.spec - Wojciech Franke",
:id "404UXttr8kw",
:duration "2791"}
{:title "Adventures in Understanding Documents - Scott Tuddenham",
:id "94NjRg8zoCA",
:duration "2332"}
"Barliman: trying the halting problem backwards, blindfolded - William Byrd, Greg Rosenblatt",
:id "er_lLvkklsk",
:duration "2174"}
{:title "Juggling Patterns and Programs - Steve Miner",
:id "TqG176T69VM",
:duration "2931"}
{:title "re-frame your ClojureScript applications - Shaun Mahood",
:id "cDzjlx6otCU",
:duration "1835"})}
{:title "Clojure/west 2016",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLq4e8-1P2JNHBKUOLFTX3kb",
"Specter Powerful and Simple Data Structure Manipulation - Nathan Marz",
:id "VTCy_DkAJGk",
:duration "2515"}
"Managing One of the World's Largest Clojure Code Bases - Donevan Dolby",
:id "iUC7noGU1mQ",
:duration "2466"}
"Creating DSLs A tale of spec tacular success and failure - Claire Alvis",
:id "cO67QNn9hPY",
:duration "2387"}
{:title "+ Loom years 2 - Aysylu Greenberg",
:id "eadPwx-bVS8",
:duration "2590"}
{:title "The Age of Talkies - Mario Aquino",
:id "HU5IMqCkSAo",
:duration "2334"}
"Parallel Programming, Fork Join, and Reducers - Daniel Higginbotham",
:id "fA9ZXy4N13s",
:duration "2454"}
{:title "Inside Onyx - Michael Drogalis",
:id "KVByn_kp2fQ",
:duration "2220"}
{:title "Hybrid Automata and the Continuous Life - Nathan Sorenson",
:id "GglfimrfYn4",
:duration "2252"}
"Building a Legal Data Service with Clojure - Jonathan Boston, Caleb Phillips",
:id "sSUzn6g-6vE",
:duration "2282"}
"The Joys and Perils of Interactive Development - Stuart Sierra",
:id "-RaFcpNiYCo",
:duration "2362"}
"Deepen and Diversify the Clojure Community with Jr Engineers - Amie Kuttruff",
:id "gVafeYvuNII",
:duration "1413"}
"Model based programming in PAMELA 1 - Tom Marble, Paul Robertson",
:id "kFbj3PQynD8",
:duration "2296"}
"Defrecord Deftype in Clojure and ClojureScript - Michał Marczyk",
:id "vZtkqDIicqI",
:duration "2322"}
"ClojureBridge in Practice - Katherine Fellows, Anna Pawlicka",
:id "qjIUyUFOHhA",
:duration "2316"}
{:title "Fast full stack testing in - Jack Dubie",
:id "M1Tl-YLqkQc",
:duration "2408"}
"Web Development is Distributed Systems Programming - Mikaela Patella",
:id "KxMK2AklpNY",
:duration "1100"}
"Parallel Programming, Fork Join, and Reducers - Daniel Higginbotham (with slides)",
:id "eRq5UBx6cbA",
:duration "2454"}
"Deepen and Diversify the Clojure Community with Jr Engineers - Amie Kuttruff",
:id "SOIhncWcCjA",
:duration "2056"}
"Caching half a billion user transactions - Priyatam Mudivarti",
:id "SaBCMz0rNvY",
:duration "2585"}
{:title "Hash Maps: more room at the bottom - Peter Schuck",
:id "GibNOQVelFY",
:duration "2031"}
{:title "CIDER Inside the Brewery - Bozhidar Batsov",
:id "8wLwbpCxRf0",
:duration "2298"}
"USE lisp WITH game - Making an Adventure Game with Clojure - Bryce Covert",
:id "lql2yFXzKUs",
:duration "2301"}
"One Million Clicks per Minute with Kafka and Clojure - Devon Peticolas",
:id "VC_MTD68erY",
:duration "1844"}
{:title "Parsing Text with a Virtual Machine - Ghadi Shayban",
:id "9Q--oX5muxw",
:duration "2634"}
"Types are like the Weather, Type Systems are like Weathermen - Matthias Felleisen",
:id "XTl7Jn_kmio",
:duration "4519"}
"From Fluxus to Functional A Journey Through Interactive Art - Allison Carter",
:id "LKe8fBU_aoY",
:duration "1471"}
"Model based programming in PAMELA - Tom Marble, Paul Robertson",
:id "WLovW6hlYHM",
:duration "2297"}
{:title "Functional Game Engine Design for the Web - Alex Kehayias",
:id "TW1ie0pIO_E",
:duration "2466"}
{:title "Datalog all the way down - Christopher Small",
:id "aI0zVzzoK_E",
:duration "2557"})}
{:title "ClojuTRE 2016",
:id "PLetHPRQvX4a_jQjvn54Q-d1WYZ52nDfnT",
"Using Clojure to provide computerized psychotherapy - Robert Johansson",
:id "Ze3Acb42f3o",
:duration "1200"}
{:title "The Universe As A Value - Malcolm Sparks",
:id "odPAkEO2uPQ",
:duration "1148"}
{:title "Native mobile apps with ClojureScript - Viktor Eriksson",
:id "6IYm34nDL64",
:duration "1427"}
{:title "Isomorphic web apps with Rum - Nikita Prokopov",
:id "2fLx4fu9VV8",
:duration "1413"}
{:title "The Story of Sir Owl Lisp - Aki Helin",
:id "utOVF0U7Zd8",
:duration "1608"}
"Doing data science with Clojure: the good, the bad, the ugly - Simon Belak",
:id "xtmggfGD3RQ",
:duration "1389"}
"Interactive Clojure code snippets in any web page with KLIPSE - Yehonathan Sharvit",
:id "33mTFjPIN10",
:duration "1422"}
{:title "Distributed transducers - Markus Hjort",
:id "_9jdb5TOShk",
:duration "1332"}
{:title "Introduction to clojure.spec - Arne Brasseur",
:id "-MeOPF94LhI",
:duration "1622"}
{:title "Clojure of Things - Jarppe Länsiö",
:id "FUV_5Hwi5FU",
:duration "1420"}
{:title "The Next Five Years of ClojureScript - David Nolen",
:id "mty0RwkPmE8",
:duration "3658"})}
{:title "Dutch Clojure Days 2016",
:id "PLjzcwcP9P2LeiVXofnnXcxAqvmVNn3fTD",
"Complete User facing web application with Pedestal by Gijs Stuurman",
:id "4BMGlELVW20",
:duration "2670"}
"Clojure for Data Science the good, the bad, and the ugly by Simon Belak",
:id "uZ_3phggAJ8",
:duration "3057"}
{:title "Onyx - Data Processing the Clojure Way by Bahadir Cambel",
:id "MoDai3IyvN0",
:duration "2473"}
{:title "Moving from Ruby on Rails to Clojure by Erwin Kroon",
:id "qASLibw3KR0",
:duration "2225"}
"Conversational Computing How Okasaki made McCarthy right yet again by Michiel Trimpe",
:id "at6Q8sNx95A",
:duration "2631"}
{:title "Freecoin - Complementary currency toolkit by Jaromil Rojo",
:id "-2KFMj-dn9E",
:duration "2514"}
"Lightning Talk - Using MQTT from ClojureScript by Thomas van der Veen",
:id "xZdYkGAH2Oo",
:duration "664"}
"Lightning Talk - Containium, an Application Server as a Library - Arnout Roemers & Danny Wilson",
:id "QhbQ7n7C56o",
:duration "680"})}
{:title ":clojureD 2016",
:id "PLaSn8eiZ631l3kwqRFFzssOQ2QgnQ2EUb",
"clojureD 2016 Keynote: \"Creative Clojure\" by Karsten Schmidt",
:id "4w2kpSL68nM",
:duration "2271"}
"clojureD 2016: \"Is Clojure an acceptable Lisp?\" by Hans Hübner",
:id "Y0LUZ7gbWbk",
:duration "1860"}
"clojureD 2016: \"Growing Clojure Systems. From Functions to Microservices\" by Marcin Bilski",
:id "QCt1q7KNdvY",
:duration "1794"}
"clojureD 2016: \"Build Pipelines as Code: Build your own build server w/ Clojure\" by Florian Sellmayr",
:id "XXiAS_BEDhQ",
:duration "1428"}
"clojureD 2016: \"Doing data science with Clojure: the ugly, the sad, the joyful\" by Simon Belak",
:id "PSTSO8K80U4",
:duration "1585"}
"clojureD 2016: \"Unlimited Register Machines, Gödelization and Universality\" by Tom Hall",
:id "Hou5VFFPkyc",
:duration "1978"}
{:title "clojureD 2016: \"Type Your Data!\" by Michael Sperber",
:id "MVThzZf-tJ4",
:duration "1592"}
"clojureD 2016: \"Dependency Management in Clojure\" by Holger Schauer",
:id "g7W6n47mur4",
:duration "1556"}
"clojureD 2016: \"Conversational Computing: How Okasaki proved McCarthy right again\" by Michiel Trimpe",
:id "CD-Dtr9j0f4",
:duration "1778"})}
{:title "IN/Clojure 2016",
:id "PLlAML-kjpXY6XllFUezz6RYow6hF4zlFV",
({:title "Opening Remarks - Mohit Thatte",
:id "yDN1uep9DOU",
:duration "894"}
{:title "Progressive web apps with Clojure(script) - Tejas Dinkar",
:id "atUdVSuNRjA",
:duration "2804"}
"Functional Composition with Dependency Injection - Shantanu Kumar",
:id "yKqB877DL8c",
:duration "3506"}
{:title "Functional programming in the large - Aleksander Sumowskl",
:id "vu9I53zx_yU",
:duration "2767"}
"Designing an Object-Functional system with Clojure - Aditya Athalye",
:id "hwoLON80ZzA",
:duration "2871"}
{:title "Onyx - Distributed Computation Platform - Anuj Kumar",
:id "5_kRjgS_E5Q",
:duration "3306"})}
{:title "Clojure/conj 2015",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLrl5ie970A24kvti21hGiOf",
({:title "A Deep Specification for Dropbox - Benjamin Pierce",
:id "Y2jQe8DFzUM",
:duration "2802"}
{:title "Debugging with the Scientific Method - Stuart Halloway",
:id "FihU5JxmnBg",
:duration "2949"}
"Solving Problems with Automata - Mark Engelberg & Alex Engelberg",
:id "AEhULv4ruL4",
:duration "2284"}
"Improving Clojure's Error Messages with Grammars - Colin Fleming",
:id "kt4haSH2xcs",
:duration "2453"}
"Onyx: Distributed Computing for Clojure - Michael Drogalis",
:id "YlfA8hFs2HY",
:duration "2244"}
{:title "Scientific Computing with Clojure - Kyle Harrington",
:id "Ju3ns_mbjTE",
:duration "1850"}
"Super-fun with First-class Shapes in Quil - Elena Machkasova, Thomas Hagen, Ryan McArthur",
:id "n0yN1GauxCA",
:duration "2434"}
{:title "ClojureScript for Skeptics - Derek Slager",
:id "gsffg5xxFQI",
:duration "2469"}
"Clojure for Business Teams - Decomplecting Data Analysis - Ram Krishnan",
:id "WNOTVsthhpI",
:duration "2286"}
{:title "Mobile Apps with ClojureScript - Jearvon Dharrie",
:id "GDA-g6Ca_dQ",
:duration "1750"}
"Using Clojure+Spark to Find All the Topics on the Interwebs - Hunter Kelly",
:id "ARBiyYyW4Ow",
:duration "2446"}
{:title "Dagobah, a Data centric Meta scheduler - Matt Bossenbroek",
:id "V2E1PdboYLk",
:duration "2090"}
{:title "Bottom Up vs Top Down Design in Clojure - Mark Bastian",
:id "Tb823aqgX_0",
:duration "2202"}
"Condition Systems in an Exceptional Language - Chris Houser",
:id "zp0OEDcAro0",
:duration "2012"}
{:title "Om Next - David Nolen",
:id "MDZpSIngwm4",
:duration "2363"}
{:title "Genetic Programming in Clojure - Lee Spector",
:id "HWMJdO4klIE",
:duration "2408"}
"I did the API wrong - Tales of a Library Maintainer - Philipp Meier",
:id "fTBEMpmFFmw",
:duration "2401"}
{:title "Serverless Microservices - Ben Vandgrift & Adam Hunter",
:id "w14NJkV5yAg",
:duration "2837"}
{:title "Teaching Clojure at IBM - Steve Shogren",
:id "BsLiPt90HDo",
:duration "2195"}
"Climate Data, Scientific Data Visualization and Clojure - George Kierstein",
:id "tBUmRcoCmPc",
:duration "2295"}
{:title "Wrapping Clojure Tooling in Containers - Mark Mandel",
:id "FtkHgQSSb3c",
:duration "1530"}
"The ClojureScript Compiler - A Look Behind the Curtains - Maria Geller",
:id "Elg17s_nwDg",
:duration "1721"}
{:title "clojure.core/typing - Matt Adereth",
:id "uk3A41U0iO4",
:duration "2141"}
{:title "Optimizing ClojureScript Apps For Speed - Allen Rohner",
:id "fICC26GGBpg",
:duration "2186"}
{:title "Clojure/conj 2015 - Lightning Talks",
:id "zvocHR_gg1Y",
:duration "2074"}
"From REST to CQRS with Clojure, Kafka, & Datomic - Bobby Calderwood",
:id "qDNPQo9UmJA",
:duration "2665"}
{:title "Clojure Versus the Botnets - Marshall Bockrath Vandegrift",
:id "5lL1xYHDCSk",
:duration "1062"}
"Game Development Development - Michael Nygard & Ragnar Svensson",
:id "ajX09xQ_UEg",
:duration "2110"})}
{:title "EuroClojure 2015",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLoBx0Y5ZrpdmLxc160PIwzQ",
({:title "Om Next - David Nolen",
:id "ByNs9TG30E8",
:duration "2778"}
{:title "Clojure, a Sweetspot for Analytics - Alex Petrov",
:id "8MnHhENJVFE",
:duration "2222"}
"What Lies Beneath - A Deep Dive Into Clojure's Data Structures - Mohit Thatte",
:id "7BFF50BHPPo",
:duration "2114"}
"Building a Real World, End User, Open Source Application in Clojure - Moritz Heidkamp, Moritz Ulrich",
:id "loL7_lvsDBo",
:duration "2124"}
"Mesomatic: The Cluster is a Library - Pierre Yves Ritschard",
:id "X-fVA5DxezE",
:duration "2263"}
{:title "¿Where's My Data? - David Chelimsky",
:id "i3HDKNzZ5iw",
:duration "2001"}
"Generative Testing: Properties, State and Beyond - Jan Stepien",
:id "D2TCuDXmyw4",
:duration "1896"}
"Beyond Code: Repository Mining with Clojure - Adam Tornhill",
:id "hWhBmJJZoNM",
:duration "2304"}
{:title "Clojure on Android - Alexander Yakushev",
:id "mVXTcAEKgF8",
:duration "2371"}
"μKanren: Running the Little Things Backwards - Bodil Stokke",
:id "2e8VFSSNORg",
:duration "2395"}
"Ctries in Clojure; or, Concurrent Transients - Michał Marczyk",
:id "n8KZPqtPYzQ",
:duration "2859"}
{:title "Grudging Monkeys and Microservices - Carlo Sciolla",
:id "5rNoe4axunk",
:duration "2164"}
"Reinventing Haxl: Efficient, Concurrent and Concise Data Access - Alexey Kachayev",
:id "T-oekV8Pwv8",
:duration "2415"}
{:title "Real Estate Clojure - Jon Pither",
:id "Z_RWPx5Gzdo",
:duration "1776"}
"ClojureBridge - Building a more diverse Clojure community - Ali King",
:id "ici57gdUzqo",
:duration "1816"}
{:title "Realtime Collaboration with Clojure - Leonardo Borges",
:id "3QR8meTrh5g",
:duration "1812"}
{:title "Performance and Lies - Tom Crayford",
:id "0tUrbf6Uzu8",
:duration "1918"})}
{:title "Clojure/West 2015",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLrKAOj8FJ1GGmNM5l7Okz0a",
({:title "John Hume - Life of a Clojure Expression",
:id "6DaBmz_6y0s",
:duration "2408"}
{:title "Leon Barrett - Clojure Parallelism Beyond Futures",
:id "BzKjIk0vgzE",
:duration "1840"}
{:title "Luke VanderHart - The ReactJS Landscape",
:id "oRmj3IUkRVk",
:duration "2464"}
{:title "Boris Kourtoukov - Clojure, Sound, and Wearable Tech",
:id "aWPQq4NJgfg",
:duration "1044"}
"Morgan Mullaney - Well I Wouldn't Want To Make a *Dys*functional Game",
:id "TDDJsKLUh1Y",
:duration "1098"}
{:title "Nathan Sorenson - Domain Specific Type Systems",
:id "gY0H0KVc_h0",
:duration "2406"}
{:title "Robert Krahn- Programming Clojure, Smalltalk-Style",
:id "qQvvgzvPgQI",
:duration "2380"}
"Alex Miller, David Nolen - Clojure and ClojureScript Update",
:id "NvF-GZI20L4",
:duration "3276"}
{:title "Fumiko Hanreich - HoneySQL",
:id "alkcjyhesjI",
:duration "1770"}
{:title "Alan Dipert, Micha Niskin - Boot Can Built It",
:id "TcnzB2tB-8Q",
:duration "2307"}
{:title "Nathaniel Smith, Ruth Linehan - Intro to Trapperkeeper",
:id "IniU7pF5-vs",
:duration "2345"}
{:title "Brandon Bloom - Building CircleCI's Front end With Om",
:id "LNtQPSUi1iQ",
:duration "1778"}
{:title "Gary Fredericks - Purely Random",
:id "u0t-6lUvXHo",
:duration "2285"}
{:title "James MacAulay - Composing Interactive Apps With Zelkova",
:id "rOKOCAkHNYw",
:duration "2497"}
{:title "Ron Toland - Staying SAFE: A Foundation for Clojure Apps",
:id "aChlrpZ90hA",
:duration "2271"}
{:title "Colin Fleming - Debugging Clojure Code Wtih Cursive",
:id "ql77RwhcCK0",
:duration "2474"}
{:title "Priyatam Mudivarti - Responsive Grid with Garden CLJS",
:id "-jnJGNDoSXc",
:duration "2273"}
"Yoko Harada - Joys and Pains to Write a Clojure Curriculum for Beginners",
:id "fiIJuthOhnk",
:duration "1136"}
"Elango Cheran - Exploring Programming Clojure In Other Human Languages",
:id "MqjMZNwnYCY",
:duration "1033"}
{:title "Soren Macbeth - Data Science in Clojure",
:id "omSTAwSjYc8",
:duration "2644"}
"Timothy Gardner, Ramsey Nasser - Games and 3D Graphics in Arcadia",
:id "zmmdYyAQhmM",
:duration "2286"}
{:title "Dan Lidral Porter - Generating Art In Many Worlds",
:id "vLlbEZt-3j0",
:duration "996"}
"Tom Faulhaber - Creating Beautiful Spreadsheets With Data and Templates",
:id "qnJs79W0BDo",
:duration "2329"}
{:title "Sean Johnson - Pattern Matching in Clojure",
:id "n7aE6k8o_BU",
:duration "2823"}
{:title "Tyler Tallman - Composable Healthcare",
:id "CIstdJFSSzY",
:duration "2305"}
{:title "Christopher Small - How Clojure Saved My Chickens",
:id "0EQMrpZb7-Y",
:duration "1423"}
{:title "Zach Tellman - Everything Will Flow",
:id "1bNOO3xxMc0",
:duration "2413"}
{:title "Zachary Kim - No Strings Mobile App Dev for Clojure",
:id "AgjRo54ImUM",
:duration "2188"}
{:title "Anthony Marcar - Clojure At Scale @WalmartLabs",
:id "av9Xi6CNqq4",
:duration "2381"}
{:title "Melanie Mitchell - Visual Situation Recognition",
:id "I1ay-iwk2sI",
:duration "3277"}
"Jeanine Adkisson - Design and Prototype a Language In Clojure",
:id "i1KVwoE3n28",
:duration "2077"}
"Elena Machkasova - Adapting Clojure to an Intro CS Classroom",
:id "k5erDyDPzgc",
:duration "2456"}
{:title "Bruce Hauman - Developing ClojureScript With Figwheel",
:id "j-kj2qwJa_E",
:duration "2731"}
{:title "Ryan Neufeld - Simulant in Anger",
:id "RHf8ngqVKys",
:duration "1571"})}
{:title "ClojuTRE 2015",
:id "PLetHPRQvX4a_tA9hGP935-OyLOYaRKpnj",
"Hoplon and Javelin, WebDev Alternate Reality - Micha Niskin",
:id "UoZyyo2Bwr8",
:duration "1328"}
"Unknown pearls from the Clojure standard library - Renzo Borgatti",
:id "QI9Fc5TT87A",
:duration "1025"}
{:title "Polymorphic Codebases - Sebastian Bensusan",
:id "wjHTsaqwMIE",
:duration "1089"}
{:title "The Other Data Structures - Jonas Enlund",
:id "hGWovJGbKJk",
:duration "1267"}
{:title "(end-of-buffer) - Joseph Wilk",
:id "_S5FZ2CcLlc",
:duration "865"}
{:title "Desktop Apps with ClojureScript - Martin Klepsch",
:id "tBnu2JmK4p0",
:duration "1262"}
"Developing a multi-tenant SaaS using Clojure - Ari-Pekka Viitanen",
:id "rgtkDpcXjXU",
:duration "1221"}
"Polyglot microservices: Comparison between Javascript, Scala and Clojure - Markus Hjort",
:id "1ZOj6R9vOi0",
:duration "1109"}
{:title "Introduction to yada - Malcolm Sparks",
:id "tKFrqsFC1XM",
:duration "1240"}
"Kekkonen - commands and queries for the web - Tommi Reiman",
:id "BIjVH4SAmiM",
:duration "1465"}
{:title "Simplicity in Practice - Luke VanderHart",
:id "2YmmfS5YTQ0",
:duration "1848"}
{:title "Wherefore art thou LFE? - Robert Virding",
:id "BvCBTpnlqs8",
:duration "2012"})}
{:title ":clojureD 2015",
:id "PLaSn8eiZ631mrbh1Nqed4oz66GIjGsGY3",
"clojureD 2015: \"Boot – Build Tooling For Clojure\" by Martin Klepsch",
:id "93CttPV79Q0",
:duration "2416"}
"clojureD 2015: \"Taking purity to the limit in GUI programming w/ React and Reacl\" by Michael Sperber",
:id "qF3AFyTQjdc",
:duration "2821"}
"clojureD 2015: \"ClojureScript & User Interfaces: Simplicity yields Possibilities\" by Jelle Akkerman",
:id "AiTzNozu2Hc",
:duration "2086"}
"clojureD 2015: \"Web Applications by Example: Client, Server, Development\" by Steffen Beyer",
:id "Zhccwr6r-Co",
:duration "1891"}
"clojureD 2015: \"The power of Datomic database\" by Konrad Szydlo",
:id "i9hlXaBifOE",
:duration "2423"}
"clojureD 2015: \"Frameworkless Web Development in Clojure\" by Andreas ‘Kungi’ Klein",
:id "_LghX4oDWcY",
:duration "1931"})}
{:title "Clojure/conj 2014",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLoc322bYirANEso3mmzvCiI",
({:title "Paul deGrandis - Unlocking data-driven systems",
:id "BNkYYYyfF48",
:duration "2301"}
{:title "Colin Fleming - Cursive: A different type of IDE",
:id "vt1y2FbWQMg",
:duration "2441"}
{:title "Anna Pawlicka - Om nom nom nom",
:id "4-oyZpLRQ20",
:duration "2034"}
{:title "Steve Miner - Generating Generators",
:id "4JGu33WF0Us",
:duration "2401"}
{:title "Ghadi Shayban - JVM Creature Comforts",
:id "S1mzUi_zbEs",
:duration "2440"}
"Bozhidar Batsov - The evolution of the Emacs tooling for Clojure",
:id "4X-1fJm25Ww",
:duration "2111"}
"Steven Yi - Developing Music Systems on the JVM with Pink and Score",
:id "wDcN7yoZ6tQ",
:duration "2466"}
{:title "Rich Hickey - Inside Transducers",
:id "4KqUvG8HPYo",
:duration "3791"}
"Nathan Herzing & Chris Shea - Helping voters with Pedestal, Datomic, Om and core.async",
:id "Ohuadp9S2hg",
:duration "2437"}
"Michał Marczyk - Persistent Data Structures for Special Occasions",
:id "Z_iLjL0mc4I",
:duration "2685"}
"Julian Gamble - Applying the paradigms of core.async in ClojureScript",
:id "JUrOebC5HmA",
:duration "2128"}
{:title "Jeanine Adkisson - Variants are Not Unions",
:id "ZQkIWWTygio",
:duration "2274"}
"Lucas Cavalcanti & Edward Wible - Exploring four hidden superpowers of Datomic",
:id "7lm3K8zVOdY",
:duration "2442"}
{:title "Clojure/conj Washington, D.C. - Lightning talks",
:id "MFdEVeZ_4j8",
:duration "2009"}
{:title "Zach Oakes - Making Games at Runtime with Clojure",
:id "0GzzFeS5cMc",
:duration "2254"}
{:title "Glenn Vanderburg - Cló: The Algorithms of TeX in Clojure",
:id "824yVKUPFjU",
:duration "2545"}
{:title "Zach Tellman - Always Be Composing",
:id "3oQTSP4FngY",
:duration "2112"}
"David Pick - Building a Data Pipeline with Clojure and Kafka",
:id "6xlyWjqFDWs",
:duration "2533"}
{:title "Ashton Kemerling - Generative Integration Tests",
:id "HXGpBrmR70U",
:duration "2611"}
{:title "Brian Goetz - Stewardship: the Sobering Parts",
:id "2y5Pv4yN0b0",
:duration "3811"})}
{:title "Clojure/West 2014",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLp__wRg5OTavVj4wefg69hM",
({:title "Aaron Brooks - lein-voom: Projects Want to Be Values",
:id "axztcYJUN4I",
:duration "1956"}
{:title "Matt Bossenbroek - PigPen: Map-Reduce for Clojure",
:id "drzMkklC05U",
:duration "1211"}
"Daniel Solano Gomez - How Clojure Works: Understanding the Clojure Runtime",
:id "8NUI07y1SlQ",
:duration "1808"}
"Nelson Morris - Extending Leiningen to Make it Do What you Want",
:id "uXebQ7RkhKs",
:duration "1938"}
{:title "Aaron Bedra - clojure.web/with-security",
:id "CBL59w7fXw4",
:duration "1879"}
{:title "David Nolen - The Functional Final Frontier",
:id "DMtwq3QtddY",
:duration "1622"}
"Andrew Nguyen - Healthcare \"big\" Data from Data Management to Web Apps",
:id "s8P3GQI1iQA",
:duration "2001"}
{:title "Mark Engelberg - Instaparse",
:id "b2AUW6psVcE",
:duration "2319"}
"Bridget Hillyer - ClojureBridge | Jennifer Eliuk - Apprenticeships, I Implore You",
:id "eWVaNaKUGzU",
:duration "1851"}
{:title "Timothy Baldridge - Data All The ASTs",
:id "KhRQmT22SSg",
:duration "2543"}
{:title "Zach Tellman - Predictably Fast Clojure",
:id "iQwQXVM6oiY",
:duration "2042"}
"Vincent Rivellino: DevOps Done Right - Room Key's Datomic Deployment in AWS",
:id "vFX6T5oQC7Y",
:duration "1779"}
{:title "Reid Draper - Powerful Testing with test.check",
:id "JMhNINPo__g",
:duration "1492"}
{:title "Alex Miller - State of Clojure",
:id "jFctG2Tp2A0",
:duration "942"}
{:title "Aysylu Greenberg - Loom and Graphs in Clojure",
:id "wEEutxTYQQU",
:duration "2129"}
{:title "Ian Eslick - Probe: Program Traces as First Class State",
:id "yroKdhAt8as",
:duration "1433"}
"Chas Emerick - Targeting Clojure & ClojureScript from a Single Codebase",
:id "Ah9p8cqkTOg",
:duration "2411"}
{:title "Dendrology - Brandon Bloom",
:id "YgvJqWiyMRY",
:duration "1705"}
"David Greenberg - Building Interactive Query Tools on Datomic",
:id "YHctJMUG8bI",
:duration "2467"}
"Travis Vachon - cljs All The Things: Full Stack Apps with ClojureScript",
:id "a8has_eEka4",
:duration "2302"}
{:title "Priyatam Mudivarti - The Poem as Value",
:id "78akckfpvnQ",
:duration "2091"}
{:title "Alan Dipert & Micha Niskin - Web Programming with Hoplon",
:id "wVXjExRiFy0",
:duration "2471"}
"Alice Liang - How to grow your own distributed array database",
:id "ps_HwCvAcfk",
:duration "1780"}
{:title "Daniel Glauser & Denise Zimmerman - Beginner's Luck",
:id "XeWP60DK6O0",
:duration "2411"}
{:title "Stuart Sierra - Components Just Enough Structure",
:id "13cmHf_kt-Q",
:duration "2479"}
"Dave Golland - Wiring Prismatic's API with fnHouse and Coax",
:id "VEDLSvSSMSk",
:duration "2176"}
{:title "John Hughes - Testing the Hard Stuff and Staying Sane",
:id "zi0rHwfiX1Q",
:duration "2837"})}
{:title "Clojure/conj 2013",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLpFFB54kq3FU5A0_C94l2WF",
({:title "Stu Halloway - Data.Fressian",
:id "JArZqMqsaB0",
:duration "2628"}
"Jennifer Smith - The Internet of Strings: Getting Smarter about Web Integration",
:id "Gh9z_l7NdZk",
:duration "2335"}
{:title "Russ Olsen - To the Moon!",
:id "4Sso4HtvJsw",
:duration "3164"}
"Toby Crawley - Developing Asynchronous Polyglot Applications with vert.x",
:id "MXrNAXGOSOg",
:duration "2019"}
{:title "Timothy Baldridge - Core.Async",
:id "enwIIGzhahw",
:duration "2386"}
{:title "Nada Amin / William Byrd - From Greek to Clojure!",
:id "7kPMFkNm2dw",
:duration "2313"}
"Michael Fogus - Zeder - Production Rule Systems in Clojure",
:id "1E2CoObAaPQ",
:duration "2520"}
{:title "Antonio Andrade - Building a Data Platform with Datomic",
:id "sQCoTu5v1Mo",
:duration "2397"}
{:title "Doug Selph - Personalized Medicine, Powered by Clojure",
:id "ZMe2DruGMmY",
:duration "2334"}
{:title "Rich Hickey - Harmonikit",
:id "bhkdyCPYgLs",
:duration "3512"}
"Carin Meier - Learning to Talk to Machines with Speech Acts",
:id "4qFvNMnPX68",
:duration "2174"}
{:title "Andy Keep - Writing a Nanopass Compiler",
:id "Os7FE3J-U5Q",
:duration "2448"}
{:title "Sam Ritchie - Cascalog 2- Streaming MapReduce in Clojure",
:id "uuJW3EaN_3Q",
:duration "2208"}
{:title "Chris Houser / Jonathan Claggett - Illuminated Macros",
:id "o75g9ZRoLaw",
:duration "2169"}
"Aria Haghighi - Prismatic's Schema for Server and Client-Side Data Shape Declaration and Validation",
:id "o_jtwIs2Ot8",
:duration "2959"}
{:title "Mike Anderson - Enter the Matrix",
:id "_h9TLJtjSJo",
:duration "2401"}
{:title "David Pollak - Don't Shed a Tier for Me, Clojure",
:id "Nb3ztFeFfdw",
:duration "2239"}
{:title "Tim Ewald - Clojure: Programming with Hand Tools",
:id "ShEez0JkOFw",
:duration "3519"}
{:title "Thomas Kristensen - Propagators in Clojure",
:id "JXOOO9MLvhs",
:duration "2245"}
{:title "Michael O'Keefe - Predicting Vehicle Usage with Clojure",
:id "joOGH-JtHNY",
:duration "2460"}
{:title "Philipp Meier - Liberator - Free your Data",
:id "OEZZOz6__CY",
:duration "2555"})}
{:title "Clojure/conj 2012",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLoyWsKpovatiBYJyf-RKx0c",
({:title "Functional Composition - Chris Ford",
:id "Mfsnlbd-4xQ",
:duration "2361"}
{:title "ClojureScript All the Way Down - Bodil Stokke",
:id "MTxNnYfWHOw",
:duration "2223"}
"Building a Grammar for Statistical Graphics in Clojure - Kevin Lynagh",
:id "xyGggdg31mc",
:duration "2283"}
{:title "Machine Learning Live - Mike Anderson",
:id "QJ1qgCr09j8",
:duration "1658"}
{:title "REPL-Based Development with Immutant - Jim Crossley",
:id "P9tfxdcpkCc",
:duration "2441"}
{:title "Activity Stream Processing in Clojure - Travis Vachon",
:id "0l7Va3-wXeI",
:duration "2449"}
{:title "Playing Go with Clojure - Zach Tellman",
:id "v5dYE0CMmHQ",
:duration "2153"}
{:title "miniKanren Philosophy - William Byrd & Daniel Friedman",
:id "fHK-uS-Iedc",
:duration "2398"}
{:title "Light Table - Chris Granger",
:id "V1Eu9vZaDYw",
:duration "2682"}
{:title "Typed Clojure - Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant",
:id "wNhK8t3uLJU",
:duration "2467"}
{:title "Challenges for Logic Programming - Steve Miner",
:id "y6WKr9j76kw",
:duration "2446"}
{:title "Clojure/conj 2012 - Lightning Talks",
:id "xaxF5RDdVRE",
:duration "1979"}
{:title "Whence Complexity? - Michael Nygard",
:id "l_tULSeO9yg",
:duration "3332"}
{:title "What's New in Leiningen - Phil Hagelberg",
:id "sBSUIKMdQ4w",
:duration "2106"}
"Functional Client-Side ClojureScript UI Programming with Webfui - Conrad Barski",
:id "HeI5-D7SQe8",
:duration "2375"}
{:title "Reinventing the REPL - Kovas Boguta",
:id "sSQ1dqqINrQ",
:duration "2679"}
"Production Ready ClojureScript: Tales from the Frontier - Paul deGrandis",
:id "1zdzivUmL4s",
:duration "2294"}
{:title "Clojure Data Science - Edmund Jackson",
:id "RVmY2lQ4DHE",
:duration "1960"}
{:title "Web Testing with Logic Programming - Daniel Gregoire",
:id "09zlcS49zL0",
:duration "2351"}
{:title "TCO - Chris Frisz", :id "RLqqGSthmC0", :duration "2203"}
{:title "Debuggers for Clojure - Hugo Duncan",
:id "sA5zOLCa3Xw",
:duration "2425"}
{:title "The Language of the System - Rich Hickey",
:id "ROor6_NGIWU",
:duration "3770"})}
{:title "Clojure Conj 2011",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLo2QltND1rpy8EA7gbopCIH",
({:title "Learning Clojure: Next Steps - Stuart Sierra",
:id "pbodL96HM28",
:duration "2260"}
{:title "Concurrent Stream Processing - David McNeil",
:id "FSkKTxc2RHQ",
:duration "2478"}
{:title "Clojail: Life in a Clojure Prison - Anthony Grimes",
:id "juCIC0OsWI4",
:duration "2800"}
{:title "ClojureScript - Chris Houser",
:id "5edtbpVOOBI",
:duration "2369"}
{:title "Striving to Make Things Simple and Fast - Phil Bagwell",
:id "K2NYwP90bNs",
:duration "2925"}
"Introduction to Logic Programming with Clojure - Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant",
:id "irjP8BO1B8Y",
:duration "2254"}
"Hacking the Human Genome Using Clojure and Similarity Search - Arnoldo Jose Muller-Molina",
:id "ATTIe3GDM6I",
:duration "1846"}
"Ousterhout's Dichotomy Isn't (Part 2 of the Simplicity/Power/Focus Series) - Stuart Halloway",
:id "KZ8u_sWT9Ls",
:duration "2540"}
{:title "miniKanren - Dan Friedman and William Byrd",
:id "5Q9x16uIsKA",
:duration "2777"}
"(Neal's) Master Plan for Clojure Enterprise Mindshare Domination - Neal Ford",
:id "2WLgzCkhN2g",
:duration "2618"}
{:title "Predicate Dispatch - David Nolen",
:id "iCl9rB1tyxo",
:duration "1739"}
"Extending JavaScript Libraries from ClojureScript - Kevin Lynagh",
:id "XfzXFWTT-z0",
:duration "1726"}
{:title "From Linear to Incremental - Christophe Grand",
:id "LtTsJkVLBqI",
:duration "2528"}
{:title "Logs as Data - Mark McGranaghan",
:id "rpmc-wHFUBs",
:duration "1441"}
"Modeling the World Probabilistically using Bayesian Networks in Clojure - Chas Emerick",
:id "xoSFcSqo1jQ",
:duration "1733"}
{:title "Clojure and Android - Daniel Solano Gomez",
:id "1NptqU3bqZE",
:duration "1617"}
{:title "Cascalog: Making Data Processing Fun Again - Nathan Marz",
:id "7qq_PmwplEc",
:duration "2742"}
"Extreme Cleverness: Functional Data Structures in Scala - Daniel Spiewak",
:id "pNhBQJN44YQ",
:duration "2365"}
{:title "The Macronomicon - Michael Fogus",
:id "0JXhJyTo5V8",
:duration "2523"}
{:title "Clojure/conj 2011 - Lightning Talks",
:id "tSw3x0rVh88",
:duration "2243"}
{:title "Performance in the Wild - Craig Andera",
:id "2XDg-C5y0Bc",
:duration "2304"}
{:title "Programming Music with Overtone - Sam Aaron",
:id "imoWGsipe4k",
:duration "2572"}
{:title "Keynote - Rich Hickey",
:id "I5iNUtrYQSM",
:duration "4965"})}
{:title "Clojure Conj 2010",
:id "PLZdCLR02grLoeorpcxc4vZKWjWI_O2KXf",
"Aleph: A Framework for AsynchronousCommunication - Zach Tellman",
:id "naElicZWnMM",
:duration "323"}
"Lisp, Functional Programming, and the State of Flow - Tom Faulhaber",
:id "i43SU6wGGIc",
:duration "2381"}
{:title "Simplicity Ain't Easy - Stuart Halloway",
:id "cidchWg74Y4",
:duration "3001"}
{:title "Protocol XIII: Clojure Protocols Explained - Sean Devlin",
:id "kQhOlWXXl2I",
:duration "2357"}
{:title "Making Leiningen Work for You - Phil Hagelberg",
:id "IgNocVDtMIQ",
:duration "1842"}
{:title "Fertile Ground, the Roots of Clojure - Michael Fogus",
:id "NnSpaR67hXg",
:duration "1121"}
{:title "One Ring to Bind Them - Mark McGranaghan",
:id "qqNevHwH47w",
:duration "1214"}
{:title "Clojure Zippers - Luke Vanderhart",
:id "6c4DJX2Xr3k",
:duration "1557"}
"The State of Counterclockwise: Past, Present and Future - Laurent Petit",
:id "MNohqNxRkzI",
:duration "2184"}
{:title "From Concurrency to Parallelism - David Liebke",
:id "ZampUP6PdQA",
:duration "1665"}
{:title "(not= DSL macros) - Christophe Grand",
:id "3yvrs9S0RIw",
:duration "1914"}
{:title "Finger Trees Custom Persistent Collections - Chris Houser",
:id "UXdr_K0Lwg4",
:duration "1891"}
{:title "Tree Editing with Zippers - Alex Miller",
:id "PS61gtzgnpE",
:duration "332"}
{:title "Hammock Driven Development - Rich Hickey",
:id "f84n5oFoZBc",
:duration "2389"})}]
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