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andriy@notebook:~$ /opt/scala-2.13.0-RC1/bin/scala
Welcome to Scala 2.13.0-RC1 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_212).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> def timed[A](f: => A): A = { val t = System.currentTimeMillis; val r = f; println(s"Elapsed time (ms): ${System.currentTimeMillis - t}"); r }
timed: [A](f: => A)A
scala> timed(BigDecimal("1e-1000000000") + 1)
Elapsed time (ms): 1
res0: scala.math.BigDecimal = 1.000000000000000000000000000000000
scala> timed(BigDecimal("1e-1000000000", java.math.MathContext.UNLIMITED) + 1)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: BigInteger would overflow supported range
at java.math.BigInteger.reportOverflow(
at java.math.BigInteger.pow(
at java.math.BigDecimal.bigTenToThe(
at java.math.BigDecimal.bigMultiplyPowerTen(
at java.math.BigDecimal.add(
at java.math.BigDecimal.add(
at java.math.BigDecimal.add(
at scala.math.BigDecimal.$plus(BigDecimal.scala:487)
at .$anonfun$res1$1(<console>:1)
at .timed(<console>:1)
... 28 elided
scala> timed(BigDecimal("1e-100000000", java.math.MathContext.UNLIMITED) + 1)
Elapsed time (ms): 84467
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