This is an ultra-small library for dynamic CSS rules construction (accompanying DOM construction library XT.js). 244 bytes minified, under 200 bytes gzipped.
Download it here or include it into your HTML:
<script src="//"></script>
Similarly to XT.js, XS.js has only one exposed function - XS(styleArray)
, where styleArray
is an array that must obey the following syntax rules:
- toplevel array must include arrays only;
- for each array directly inside the toplevel array, the first element must be a selector string, and each following element must be a rule-definition array;
- for each rule-definition array, the first element is a property name, and the second one is the property value.
function returns the reference to an already inserted <style>
element responsible for holding created rules.
That's it.
The following XS.js call:
['background', 'skyblue'],
['font-family', 'sans-serif']
['color', 'yellow'],
['font-size', '3em']
will insert and return a stylesheet with the following CSS representation:
body {
background: skyblue;
font-family: sans-serif;
h1 {
color: yellow;
font-size: 3em;
The following CoffeeScript code will create a completely usable grid system of arbitrary column number, allowing to auto-size col
elements placed in a row
and defining size-classes like col-5-12
to directly specify the width.
window.createGrid = (columns = 12, breakpointWidth = 700, w = window) ->
matchCurrentMedia = -> w.matchMedia("(min-width:#{breakpointWidth}px)").matches
matchCache = false
buildGrid = ->
styles = [
['.row, .col', ['box-sizing', 'border-box']] # reset sizing model
# styles for desktops and non-media-compliant obsolete browsers
if !w.matchMedia? or matchCache = matchCurrentMedia()
styles.push ['.row',
['display', 'table'],
['width', '100%'],
['table-layout', 'fixed']
], ['.col', ['display', 'table-cell']]
for i in [1...columns]
styles.push [".col-#{i}-#{columns}", # define classes like col-5-12
['width', "#{100*i/columns}%"], # fallback for non-calc browsers
['width', "-webkit-calc( 100 * #{i} / #{columns} )"], # fallback for old webkits
['width', "calc( 100 * #{i} / #{columns} )"] # standard way
else # styles for mobiles
styles.push ['.row, .col', ['display', 'block'], ['width', '100%']]
return XS(styles)
styleElem = buildGrid()
if w.matchMedia? # rebuild grid on resize if we are on a media-compliant browser
w.addEventListener 'resize', ->
if matchCurrentMedia() isnt matchCache
styleElem.parentNode.removeChild styleElem
styleElem = buildGrid()
, false