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Created June 10, 2014 21:33
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Swift folding
operator infix |> {associativity left precedence 140}
func |> <T,U> (left: @auto_closure () -> T,right: T -> U) -> U {
return right(left())
func fold<S,T>(f : (S,T) -> S,acc: S)(s : Array<T>) -> S {
if s.isEmpty {
return acc
else {
return fold(f,f(acc,s[0]))(s: Array(s[1..s.count]))
// Ints
let z =
|> fold({
(acc,value) in
return acc + value
// Not generic as it relies on the + operator (Swift type hierarchy makes this difficult to make generic - will try and work out a better solution)
func sum(s : Array<Int>, seed: Int) -> Int {
return s |> fold({(acc,value) in acc + value},seed)
sum([1,2,3,4,5],10) // 25
sum([],0) // 0
// Strings
let z1 =
|> fold({
(acc,value) in
acc + ":" + value
},"Name") // Name:Andy:Calderbank
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