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Last active November 24, 2019 04:27
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  • Save plusk01/e67ecc02b5728239adf571d4e8b2d9b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Given a directory with at least one bag file, find the filename with the
# latest timestamp (%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S) in name and open it with `rqt_bag`.
# This is particularly useful given a directory of many rosbags that were
# created via `rosbag record` without an explicit filename.
# If the files were created with `rosbag record -o <name>`, then <name>
# will be appended with a timestamp, in which case the latest of *these*
# bags can be found with `./lastbag <name>`.
# Parker Lusk
# 23 Nov 2019
BAG=$(find $PWD -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${1}*.bag" -print | sort -r | head -n1 | tr -d '\n')
if [ -z "$BAG" ]
echo -e "\033[31mNo bag found\033[0m"
echo -e "Opening \033[33;1m$(basename "${BAG}")\033[0m"
rqt_bag $BAG
#echo "Desktop/test_2019-11-23-21-42-27.bag" | sed 's#\(.*\)_\(....\)-\(..\)-\(..\)-\(..\)-\(..\)-\(..\).bag#\2-\3-\4 \5:\6:\7#' | xargs -I @ date -d @ +%s
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