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Created August 1, 2018 19:18
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ArcPy Python script to list out broken data sources in an ArcMap document
# Name: Lesson 24 - Working With Multiple Maps In A Directory,
# Geospatial Programming
# Author: Patrick McKinney, Harrisburg Area Community College
# Created: 6/13/17
# Description: sample script for looping through a folder (directory)
# and listing broken data sources in each map document (.mxd)
# file within the folder
# Copyright: Harrisburg Area Community College, 2017#
import arcpy, os, sys
# placeholder for text for text file
logMsg = ''
# text file to write report information to
logFile = r'C:\[path]\[to]\[folder]\GIS Python Course\Lessons\Lesson Scripts\Unit 6\Broken Data Sources Report.txt'
# directory to search within for broken data sources in map documents (.mxd)
directory = r'C:\[path]\[to]\[folder]\GIS Python Course\Lessons\Lesson Scripts\Unit 6\Maps'
# add message
logMsg += 'Finding broken data sources for map documents (.mxd) in {}\n'.format(directory)
# loop through files in directory
# os module -
# os.listdir returns a list containing the names of the entries in the directory
for fileName in os.listdir(directory):
# fullPath is set to the path and file name for each file in directory
# i.e., C:\[path]\[to]\[folder]\GIS Python Course\Lessons\Lesson Scripts\Unit 6\Maps\Transportation Map.mxd
fullPath = os.path.join(directory, fileName)
# Returns True if path is an existing regular file
if os.path.isfile(fullPath):
# Split the pathname path into a pair (root, ext) such that root + ext == path
# get the extension for the file
basename, extension = os.path.splitext(fullPath)
# if the file is a map document (.mxd), execute code to find broken data sources
if extension == ".mxd":
# add message
logMsg += '\nListing of broken data sources for {}:\n'.format(fileName)
# variable for map document
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(fullPath)
# get a list of broken data sources in mapd document
brknList = arcpy.mapping.ListBrokenDataSources(mxd)
# test if there are any broken data sources
if len(brknList) == 0: # condition for no broken data sources
logMsg += '\n\tThere are no broken data sources in this map\n'
else: # condition for broken data sources
# loop through list of broken data layers and write the name of the layer
for brknItem in brknList:
logMsg += '\n\t{}\n'.format(
# end for broken data sources list
# add spacer
logMsg += '\n'
logMsg += '*' * 50
logMsg += '\n'
# end if for mxd file type
# end if for files within directory
# end for files/folders within directory
# handle error outside of Python system with Environment Error
except EnvironmentError as e:
# Store information about the error
tbE = sys.exc_info()[2]
# write the line number the error occured
logMsg += 'Failed at Line %i \n' % tbE.tb_lineno
# write the error message
logMsg += '\nError: {}\n'.format(str(e))
# Exception error
except Exception as e:
# Store information about the error
tbE = sys.exc_info()[2]
# write the line number the error occured
logMsg += 'Failed at Line %i \n' % tbE.tb_lineno
# write the error message
logMsg += '\nError: {}\n'.format(e.message)
# clean up operations
# del mxd to release locks
if mxd:
del mxd
# write information to text file
with open(logFile,'w') as f:
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