simple Autumn falling leaves with GSAP
A Pen by Pelayo Maojo on CodePen.
simple Autumn falling leaves with GSAP
A Pen by Pelayo Maojo on CodePen.
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/* a Pen by Diaco m.lotfollahi : */ | |
var falling = true; | |
TweenLite.set("#container",{perspective:400}) | |
TweenLite.set("img",{xPercent:"-50%",yPercent:"-20%"}) | |
var total = 8; | |
var container = document.getElementById("container"), w = window.innerWidth , h = window.innerHeight; | |
for (i=0; i<total; i++){ | |
var Div = document.createElement('div'); | |
TweenLite.set(Div,{attr:{class:'dot' + i},x:R(0,w),y:R(-200,-150),z:R(-200,200)}); | |
container.appendChild(Div); | |
animm(Div); | |
} | |
function animm(elm){ | |,R(6,15),{y:h+100,ease:Linear.easeNone,repeat:-1,delay:-15}); | |,R(4,8),{x:'+=100',rotationZ:R(0,180),repeat:-1,yoyo:true,ease:Sine.easeInOut}); | |,R(2,8),{rotationX:R(0,360),rotationY:R(0,360),repeat:-1,yoyo:true,ease:Sine.easeInOut,delay:-5}); | |
}; | |
function R(min,max) {return min+Math.random()*(max-min)}; | |
/* a Pen by Diaco m.lotfollahi : */ |
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