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Last active December 7, 2017 20:03
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Useful AWS CLI snippets
# Delete buckets tagged with a key
for bucket in `aws --profile mojintegration s3api list-buckets --query "Buckets[].Name" --output text` ; doecho -n "Bucket: [${bucket}]: " ; [ "$(aws --profile mojintegration s3api get-bucket-tagging --bucket "${bucket}" --query 'TagSet[?Key==`pm` && Value==`works`].Key' --output text 2>/dev/null)" == "pm" ] && echo -e "\033[31mdelete\033[0m" || echo -e "\033[32mkeep\033[0m" ; done
# Delte old logstreams from a logGroup
for streamName in $(aws --profile mojintegration logs describe-log-streams --log-group-name "${LOG_GROUP}" --query 'logStreams[?lastIngestionTime <= `1502092833000`].logStreamName' --output text) ; do aws --profile mojintegration logs delete-log-stream --log-group-name "${LOG_GROUP}" --log-stream-name "${streamName}" ; done
# Delte log grouos which name starts with <LOG_GROUP>
for logGroup in $(aws --profile mojintegrations logs describe-log-groups --query "logGroups[?starts_with(logGroupName, \`${LOG_GROUP}\`)].logGroupName" --output text) ; do aws --profile mojintegrations logs delete-log-group --log-group-name "${logGroup}" ; done
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