Merge two sorted linked lists.
- input: head of sorted linked list one, head of sorted linked list two
- output: head of linked list containing one and two merged
- constraints: the new list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the two lists
- edge cases: null inputs, duplicate values
Iterative Strategy:
- Save the head of the smaller linked list to return
- Make a copy of that head
- While either linked list head isn't null
- Set the next key of the copy to the smaller head
- Set the copy equal to its' next node
- Set the smaller head equal to its' next node
- Set the next key of copy to which ever linked list node isn't null
- Return the saved head
Recursive Strategy:
- If listA or listB is null, return the other one
- If listA is greater than listB,
- listB next equals the recurisve call to (listA,
- return listB
- Else do the opposite
Iterative justification: Just iterating through both lists at the same time, going one node at a time, until one ends, and attaching the end of the other list.
Recursive justification: Were repeating the same basic step over and over, which makes this problem a great case for recursion.
1->2->3, 1->2->4 => 1->1->2->2->3->4
2->5->7, 3->6->8 => 2->3->5->6->7->8
1, null => 1
null, null => null
- if either input is null, return the non-null one
- set an output variable equal to the smaller of the two inputs
- set the smaller of the two inputs to equal its next
- set a currentOutput variable equal to output
- while listA and listB
- if listA >= listB
- currentOutput next is equal to listB
- currentOutput is equal to currentOutput next
- listB is equal to listB next
- else
- currentOutput next is equal to listA
- currentOutput is equal to currentOutput next
- listA is equal to listB next
- if listA >= listB
- currentOutput next is equal to the non-null list
- return output
- if listB is null, return listA
- if listA is null, return listB
- if listA > list B
- listB next is equal to recursive call, (listA,;
- return listB
- listA next is equal to recursive call, (, listB);
- return listA
run the implementation
time: o(n + m) size: o(1)