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Created December 3, 2015 20:28
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Interacting with Embedded Chromium and Embedded IE in .NET/WPF
<!doctype html>
function recieveMessage(message) {
// Chrome
if(myObject && myObject.sendMessage) {
myObject.sendMessage('hello, I am Chromium!');
// Internet Explorer
if(window.external && window.external.SendMessage) {
myObject.sendMessage('hello, I am Internet Explorer!');
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Initialize Internet Explorer
var ieScriptingObject = new ScriptingObject();
embeddedInternetExplorer.ObjectForScripting = ieScriptingObject;
// Initialize Chromium
var cefScriptingObject = new ScriptingObject();
embeddedChromium.RegisterJsObject("myObject", cefScriptingObject);
embeddedChromium.Address = '/path/to/index.html';
// Tell them both hello from WPF
embeddedInternetExplorer.InvokeScript("recieveMessage", "Hello from WPF!");
CefSharp.WebBrowserExtensions.ExecuteScriptAsync(embeddedChromium, "recieveMessage('Hello from WPF!')");
public class ScriptingObject
// This method is invoked from the webview
public void SendMessage(string message)
// Do something here with the message
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