ufw allow ssh
ufw allow 2222
ufw allow 6000:6007/udp
ufw allow from
ufw allow proto udp to any port 137 from
ufw allow proto udp to any port 138 from
ufw allow proto tcp to any port 139 from
ufw allow proto tcp to any port 445 from
Check all disks and what is what:
Unmount all partitions of USB drive:
umount /dev/sdd*
Burn it:
dd if=./something.iso of=<your USB device> oflag=sync bs=4M status=progress
Eject it:
diskutil eject /dev/disk2
hdparm -tT /dev/sdd
Timing cached reads: 39402 MB in 1.99 seconds = 19848.47 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 518 MB in 3.01 seconds = 172.19 MB/sec
Allow firewall rules
ufw allow from to any port 111
ufw allow from to any port 2049
ufw allow from to any port 20048
Create exports Edit /etc/exports and add the directory you want to export
- Allow read and write
- Doesn't care which source port requests come from
- Reply to requests only after the changes have been committed to stable storage
- disables subtree checking, which has mild security implications, but can improve reliability in some circumstances
- Map all uids and gids to the anonymous user
- NFS offers root squashing, a feature that maps uid 0 (root) to the anonymous (nfsnobody) uid, which defaults to -2 (65534 on 16 bit numbers)
- This is useful for windows clients that won't have matching UIDs
Enable NFS server (arch)
systemctl enable nfs-server.service systemctl start nfs-server.service
Refresh exports
exportfs -ra
Edit /etc/fstab /mnt/my-local-dir nfs defaults,noatime,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=10,timeo=14,x-systemd.idle-timeout=1min,x-systemd.after=network-online.target,nofail 0 0
More info https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NFS
Get disk UUIDs
ls -lah /dev/disk/by-uuid/
Mount as user-accessible
UUID=3020-85D3 /mnt/external exfat defaults,noatime 0 0
fdisk /dev/sdi
g--> creates GUID partition table n --> creates new partition (press enter repeatedly to get full disk size) w --> write to disk
Afterwards format the partition using:
mkfs.exfat /dev/sdi1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdi1
exfatlabel /dev/sdi1 MY_LABEL
To make it compatible with macs:
sudo parted /dev/sdX
set 1 msftdata on
Note 1 is partition number ^
printf "${username}:`openssl passwd -apr1`\n" >> .htpasswd
On new PC:
Need to modify "compatibility.ini" from a new profile to ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxx.default
Go to about:profiles, delete the new profile
pactl unload-module module-bluetooth-discover
pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover