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Last active May 31, 2022 11:18
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A bash script to merge the recent knausj reformat
# ============= Notes =====================
# This script contains the commands I ran to merge my Talon files (
# with the recent large reformat that took place in knausj (
# You can use this script for inspiration when you perform the merge on your own talon files.
# Note that this script is not meant to be run exactly; it is just a guideline.
# I'd recommend reading through and modifying each step to fit your individual setup
# Your mileage may vary
# ============= Initial setup =============
# Clone and cd into a fresh knausj just to use for the merge
git clone '[email protected]:knausj85/knausj_talon.git' knausj_talon_staging
cd knausj_talon_staging
# Add and fetch your remote (replace `pokey` with your own repo here)
git remote add pokey '[email protected]:pokey/pokey_talon.git'
git fetch pokey
# Checkout your remote branch; replace with your own branch name / repo name
git switch -c pokey-main pokey/main
# =============== Step 1 =================
# First, we will merge up until the last change before the big reformat commit
# We are using git-imerge (
# Can replace with a normal `git merge` if you prefer
# --------------------
# Start the merge
git-imerge merge d5696b0f7f7d8e0e30dd47e3bad71badae0d0be8
# Proceed through the merge process, resolving and adding any conflicts
# If you're using imerge above, you'll need to repeatedly issue
# git-imerge continue
# after each time you resolve / stage / commit
# Then, if you're using imerge, once you're done you issue
git-imerge finish
# ================== Step 2 ==================
# We are now merged with everything up to right before the reformat commit.
# Now we are going to get a bit tricky to handle the actual reformat commit.
# The idea is to just take our side of the merge, ignoring the reformat commit,
# then run pre-commit to do all the formatting, and commit it. This way we don't
# actually need to resolve any merge conflicts, but we get the same result.
# Note that others have recommended replacing this step with instead creating
# your own commit which runs pre-commit at this stage, then merging with the
# knausj reformat commit, so that you can look at any conflicts to see if they
# are sensible. That would allow you to detect differences in the way pre-commit
# runs locally on your machine
# ------------------
# Start merging with the reformat change, but don't commit anything, because we don't actually
# want to keep the files that git creates for us. We use a regular merge here because we
# don't need anything fancy, as we'll be hacking a bit
git merge --no-commit 3bf4882fa0a05b22171e59118bd7c9640aae753a
# Clear out the git working directory, and just replace it with our files (replacing pokey-main
# with your branch)
git rm -rf .
git checkout pokey-main -- .
# Now just run pre-commit on all of our files
pre-commit run --all-files
# Then add the files and commit them
git add .
git commit
# =============== Step 3 ==================
# We have now reformatted our files, and told git that we are up-to-date with the
# reformat commit. We will proceed to merge the rest of the commits after the reformat
# ---------------
# Feel free to use a regular merge if you prefer
git-imerge merge master
# Now proceed with merge as usual, using `git-imerge continue` if you're doing an imerge
# Finish the merge if using `imerge`
git-imerge finish
# ============= Step 4 ================
# We now have a local branch called `pokey-main`, which has our merged code!
# We just need to push it to our repo and then pull it from our actual talon user files
# ---------------------
# Perform the push, replacing `pokey` with whatever you're using for your remote,
# `pokey-main` with whatever you're using for the local branch name we have been using,
# and `main` with the branch you use for your main talon files
git push pokey pokey-main:main
# Finally, in your regular user files, pull your new results (replace `pokey_talon` with whatever you use)
cd ~/.talon/user/pokey_talon
git pull
# All done! You may want to restart Talon
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