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Last active March 31, 2019 18:05
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// Globally defined helper function that injects a spy
// to record all stub function calls along with their arguments
func spyCalls<I,O>(of stub: inout (I) -> (O)) -> (ArgRecords<I>) {
// data structure to track all args
let argRecords = ArgRecords<I>()
// keep previously used stub function
let orginalStub = stub
// override stub implementation (inout stub argument)
stub = { [weak weakArgRecords = argRecords] i in
weakArgRecords?.record(i) // store arg to the data structure
return orginalStub(i) // call original body implementation
return argRecords
// Stub declaraion
class DatabaseStub: Database {
lazy var addUserAction = niceStub(of: addUser)
func addUser(name: String) -> Bool {
return addUserAction(name)
// Sample testcase
func testAddingUser_savesToDatabase() {
// Arrange - introduce addUser's spy
let addUserArgs = spyCalls(&database.addUserAction)
// Act
database.addUser(name: "myuser") // returns defaultly `false`
// Assert
XCTAssertEqual(addUserArgs[0], "myuser") // ✅
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