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Created June 25, 2014 21:28
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package main
// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include <lua5.1/lua.h>
// #include <lua5.1/lualib.h>
// #include <lua5.1/lauxlib.h>
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -llua5.1
import "C"
import "unsafe"
type Lua struct {
ptr *C.lua_State
func NewLuaInterp() (self *Lua) {
p := C.luaL_newstate()
return &Lua { ptr: p }
func (interp Lua) eval(s string) {
cs := C.CString(s)
C.luaL_loadstring(interp.ptr, cs)
C.lua_pcall(interp.ptr, 0, C.LUA_MULTRET, 0)
func main() {
lua := NewLuaInterp()
lua.eval(`print("HELLO WORLD")`)
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