Easiest HDFS cluster in the world with kubernetes.
Inspiration from kimoonkim/kubernetes-HDFS
kubectl create -f namenode.yaml
kubectl create -f datanode.yaml
Setup a port-forward to so you can see it is alive:
kubectl port-forward hdfs-namenode-0 50070:50070
Then in your browser hit to check out the datanodes:
You should see a datanode list with one node in it
Back in your console, scale it up!!
kubectl scale statefulset hdfs-datanode --replicas=3
Refresh your browser. Bada boom!
You should see a datanode list with three nodes in it
Now start hadoop'n
kubectl exec -ti hdfs-namenode-0 /bin/bash
root@hdfs-namenode-0:/# hadoop fs -mkdir /tmp
root@hdfs-namenode-0:/# hadoop fs -put /bin/systemd /tmp/ # just upload the systemd binary into hdfs to see if it working (could be any file)
root@hdfs-namenode-0:/# hadoop fs -ls /tmp
Found 1 items
-rw-r--r-- 3 root supergroup 1313160 2017-05-03 21:15 /tmp/systemd
Once I access the portal, I keep on getting this message:
NameNode is still loading. Redirecting to the Startup Progress page.
Do you know how to solve it?