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module Botworld where | |
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) | |
import Control.Monad (join) | |
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, asks) | |
import Data.List (delete, elemIndices, intercalate, sortBy) | |
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf) | |
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isJust, fromMaybe, mapMaybe) | |
import Data.Ord (comparing) | |
import Text.Printf (printf) | |
type Cell = Maybe Square | |
data Square = Square | |
{ robotsIn :: [Robot] | |
, itemsIn :: [Item] | |
} deriving (Eq, Show) | |
type Botworld = Grid Cell | |
data Robot = Robot | |
{ frame :: Frame | |
, inventory :: [Item] | |
, processor :: Processor | |
, memory :: Memory | |
} deriving (Eq, Show) | |
data Frame = F { color :: Color, strength :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show) | |
data Color = Red | Orange | Yellow | Green | Blue | Violet | Black | White | |
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum) | |
canLift :: Robot -> Item -> Bool | |
canLift r item = strength (frame r) >= sum (map weight $ item : inventory r) | |
newtype Processor = P { speed :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show) | |
type Memory = [Register] | |
data Item | |
= Cargo { cargoType :: Int, cargoWeight :: Int } | |
| ProcessorPart Processor | |
| RegisterPart Register | |
| FramePart Frame | |
| Shield | |
deriving (Eq, Show) | |
weight :: Item -> Int | |
weight (Cargo _ w) = w | |
weight Shield = 1 | |
weight (RegisterPart _) = 1 | |
weight (ProcessorPart _) = 1 | |
weight (FramePart _) = 100 | |
construct :: [Item] -> Maybe Robot | |
construct parts = do | |
FramePart f <- singleton $ filter isFrame parts | |
ProcessorPart p <- singleton $ filter isProcessor parts | |
let robot = Robot f [] p [r | RegisterPart r <- parts] | |
if all isPart parts then Just robot else Nothing | |
shatter :: Robot -> [Item] | |
shatter r = FramePart (frame r) : ProcessorPart (processor r) : rparts where | |
rparts = map (RegisterPart . forceR Nil) (memory r) | |
data Command | |
= Move Direction | |
| Lift { itemIndex :: Int } | |
| Drop { inventoryIndex :: Int } | |
| Inspect { targetIndex :: Int } | |
| Destroy { victimIndex :: Int } | |
| Build { itemIndexList :: [Int], initialState :: Memory } | |
| Pass | |
deriving Show | |
data Action | |
= Created | |
| Passed | |
| MoveBlocked Direction | |
| MovedOut Direction | |
| MovedIn Direction | |
| CannotLift Int | |
| GrappledOver Int | |
| Lifted Int | |
| Dropped Int | |
| InspectTargetFled Int | |
| InspectBlocked Int | |
| Inspected Int Robot | |
| DestroyTargetFled Int | |
| DestroyBlocked Int | |
| Destroyed Int | |
| BuildInterrupted [Int] | |
| Built [Int] Robot | |
| Invalid | |
deriving (Eq, Show) | |
step :: Square -> [(Direction, Cell)] -> Square | |
step sq neighbors = Square robots' items' where | |
(robots, intents) = unzip $ map takeOutput $ robotsIn sq | |
contested :: [Bool] | |
contested = map isContested [0..pred $ length $ itemsIn sq] where | |
isValidLift r i = maybe False (canLift r) (itemsIn sq !!? i) | |
allLifts = [i | (r, Just (Lift i)) <- zip robots intents, isValidLift r i] | |
isValidBuild = maybe False (isJust . construct) . mapM (itemsIn sq !!?) | |
allBuilds = [is | Build is _ <- catMaybes intents, isValidBuild is] | |
uses = allLifts ++ concat allBuilds | |
isContested i = i `elem` delete i uses | |
attacks :: [Int] | |
attacks = map numAttacks [0..pred $ length $ robotsIn sq] where | |
numAttacks i = length $ filter (== i) allAttacks | |
allAttacks = mapMaybe (getAttack =<<) intents | |
getAttack (Inspect i) = Just i | |
getAttack (Destroy i) = Just i | |
getAttack _ = Nothing | |
shielded :: [Bool] | |
shielded = zipWith isShielded [0..] robots where | |
isShielded i r = (attacks !! i) <= length (filter isShield $ inventory r) | |
fled :: Maybe Command -> Bool | |
fled (Just (Move dir)) = isJust $ join $ lookup dir neighbors | |
fled _ = False | |
resolve :: Robot -> Maybe Command -> Action | |
resolve robot = maybe Invalid act where | |
act :: Command -> Action | |
act (Move dir) = (if isJust cell then MovedOut else MoveBlocked) dir | |
where cell = join $ lookup dir neighbors | |
act (Lift i) = maybe Invalid tryLift $ itemsIn sq !!? i where | |
tryLift item | |
| not $ canLift robot item = CannotLift i | |
| contested !! i = GrappledOver i | |
| otherwise = Lifted i | |
act (Drop i) = maybe Invalid (const $ Dropped i) (inventory robot !!? i) | |
act (Inspect i) = maybe Invalid tryInspect (robots !!? i) where | |
tryInspect target | |
| fled (intents !! i) = InspectTargetFled i | |
| shielded !! i = InspectBlocked i | |
| otherwise = Inspected i target | |
act (Destroy i) = maybe Invalid tryDestroy (robots !!? i) where | |
tryDestroy _ | |
| fled (intents !! i) = DestroyTargetFled i | |
| shielded !! i = DestroyBlocked i | |
| otherwise = Destroyed i | |
act (Build is m) = maybe Invalid tryBuild $ mapM (itemsIn sq !!?) is where | |
tryBuild = maybe Invalid checkBuild . construct | |
checkBuild blueprint | |
| any (contested !!) is = BuildInterrupted is | |
| otherwise = Built is $ setState m blueprint | |
act Pass = Passed | |
localActions :: [Action] | |
localActions = zipWith resolve robots intents | |
unaffected :: [Item] | |
unaffected = removeIndices (lifts ++ concat builds) (itemsIn sq) where | |
lifts = [i | Lifted i <- localActions] | |
builds = [is | Built is _ <- localActions] | |
dropped :: [Item] | |
dropped = [inventory r !! i | (r, Dropped i) <- zip robots localActions] | |
updateInventory :: Int -> Action -> Robot -> Robot | |
updateInventory i a r = let stale = inventory r in case a of | |
MovedOut _ -> r | |
Lifted n -> r{inventory=(itemsIn sq !! n) : defend stale} | |
Dropped n -> r{inventory=defend $ removeIndices [n] stale} | |
_ -> r{inventory=defend stale} | |
where defend = dropN (attacks !! i) isShield | |
veterans :: [Robot] | |
veterans = zipWith3 updateInventory [0..] localActions robots | |
survived :: [Bool] | |
survived = map isAlive [0..pred $ length veterans] where | |
isAlive n = n `notElem` [i | Destroyed i <- localActions] | |
fallen :: [([Item], [Item])] | |
fallen = [(shatter r, inventory r) | (r, False) <- zip veterans survived] | |
items' :: [Item] | |
items' = unaffected ++ dropped ++ concat [xs ++ ys | (xs, ys) <- fallen] | |
incomingFrom :: (Direction, Cell) -> [(Robot, Direction)] | |
incomingFrom (dir, neighbor) = mapMaybe movingThisWay cmds where | |
cmds = maybe [] (map takeOutput . robotsIn) neighbor | |
movingThisWay (robot, Just (Move dir')) | |
| dir == opposite dir' = Just (robot, dir) | |
movingThisWay _ = Nothing | |
(travelers, origins) = unzip $ concatMap incomingFrom neighbors | |
children = [r | Built _ r <- localActions] | |
allRobots :: [Robot] | |
allRobots = veterans ++ travelers ++ children | |
allActions :: [Action] | |
allActions = localActions ++ travelerActions ++ childActions where | |
travelerActions = map MovedIn origins | |
childActions = replicate (length children) Created | |
privateInput :: Action -> Constree | |
privateInput Invalid = encode (1 :: Int) | |
privateInput (Inspected _ r) = encode | |
(processor r, length $ memory r, memory r) | |
privateInput _ = encode (0 :: Int) | |
run :: Int -> Action -> Robot -> Robot | |
run index action robot = runMachine $ setInput robot input where | |
input = (index, allRobots, allActions, items, privateInput action) | |
items = (unaffected, dropped, fallen) | |
runMachine :: Robot -> Robot | |
runMachine robot = case runFor (speed $ processor robot) (memory robot) of | |
Right memory' -> robot{memory=memory'} | |
Left _ -> robot{memory=map (forceR Nil) (memory robot)} | |
present :: Int -> Bool | |
present i = stillAlive i && stillHere i where | |
stillAlive = fromMaybe True . (survived !!?) | |
stillHere = maybe True (not . isExit) . (localActions !!?) | |
robots' :: [Robot] | |
robots' = [run i a r | (i, a, r) <- triples, present i] where | |
triples = zip3 [0..] allActions allRobots | |
data GameConfig = GameConfig | |
{ players :: [(Position, String)] | |
, valuer :: Item -> Int | |
} | |
points :: Robot -> Reader GameConfig Int | |
points r = (\value -> sum (map value $ inventory r)) <$> asks valuer | |
score :: Botworld -> Position -> Reader GameConfig Int | |
score g = maybe (return 0) (fmap sum . mapM points . robotsIn) . at g | |
type Dimensions = (Int, Int) | |
type Position = (Int, Int) | |
data Grid a = Grid | |
{ dimensions :: Dimensions | |
, cells :: [a] | |
} deriving Eq | |
locate :: Dimensions -> Position -> Int | |
locate (x, y) (i, j) = (j `mod` y) * x + (i `mod` x) | |
indices :: Grid a -> [Position] | |
indices (Grid (x, y) _) = [(i, j) | j <- [0..pred y], i <- [0..pred x]] | |
at :: Grid a -> Position -> a | |
at (Grid dim xs) p = xs !! locate dim p | |
change :: (a -> a) -> Position -> Grid a -> Grid a | |
change f p (Grid dim as) = Grid dim $ alter (locate dim p) f as | |
generate :: Dimensions -> (Position -> a) -> Grid a | |
generate dim gen = let g = Grid dim (map gen $ indices g) in g | |
data Direction = N | NE | E | SE | S | SW | W | NW | |
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show) | |
opposite :: Direction -> Direction | |
opposite d = iterate (if d < S then succ else pred) d !! 4 | |
towards :: Direction -> Position -> Position | |
towards d (x, y) = (x + dx, y + dy) where | |
dx = [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1] !! fromEnum d | |
dy = [-1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1] !! fromEnum d | |
update :: Botworld -> Botworld | |
update g = g{cells=map doStep $ indices g} where | |
doStep pos = flip step (fellows pos) <$> at g pos | |
fellows pos = map (walk pos) [N ..] | |
walk p d = (d, at g $ towards d p) | |
data Constree = Cons Constree Constree | Nil deriving (Eq, Show) | |
data Register = R { limit :: Int, contents :: Constree } deriving (Eq, Show) | |
size :: Constree -> Int | |
size Nil = 0 | |
size (Cons t1 t2) = succ $ size t1 + size t2 | |
trim :: Int -> Constree -> Constree | |
trim _ Nil = Nil | |
trim x t@(Cons front back) | |
| size t <= x = t | |
| size front < x = Cons front $ trim (x - succ (size front)) back | |
| otherwise = Nil | |
forceR :: Constree -> Register -> Register | |
forceR t r = if size t <= limit r then r{contents=t} else r{contents=Nil} | |
fitR :: Encodable i => i -> Register -> Register | |
fitR i r = forceR (trim (limit r) (encode i)) r | |
data Instruction | |
= Nilify Int | |
| Construct Int Int Int | |
| Deconstruct Int Int Int | |
| CopyIfNil Int Int Int | |
deriving (Eq, Show) | |
data Error | |
= BadInstruction Constree | |
| NoSuchRegister Int | |
| DeconstructNil Int | |
| OutOfMemory Int | |
| InvalidOutput | |
deriving (Eq, Show) | |
getTree :: Int -> Memory -> Either Error Constree | |
getTree i m = maybe (Left $ NoSuchRegister i) (Right . contents) (m !!? i) | |
setTree :: Constree -> Int -> Memory -> Either Error Memory | |
setTree t i m = maybe (Left $ NoSuchRegister i) go (m !!? i) where | |
go r = if size t > limit r then Left $ OutOfMemory i else | |
Right $ alter i (const r{contents=t}) m | |
execute :: Instruction -> Memory -> Either Error Memory | |
execute instruction m = case instruction of | |
Nilify tgt -> setTree Nil tgt m | |
Construct fnt bck tgt -> do | |
front <- getTree fnt m | |
back <- getTree bck m | |
setTree (Cons front back) tgt m | |
Deconstruct src fnt bck -> case getTree src m of | |
Left err -> Left err | |
Right Nil -> Left $ DeconstructNil src | |
Right (Cons front back) -> setTree front fnt m >>= setTree back bck | |
CopyIfNil tst src tgt -> case getTree tst m of | |
Left err -> Left err | |
Right Nil -> getTree src m >>= (\t -> setTree t tgt m) | |
Right _ -> Right m | |
runFor :: Int -> Memory -> Either Error Memory | |
runFor 0 m = Right m | |
runFor _ [] = Right [] | |
runFor _ (r:rs) | contents r == Nil = Right $ r:rs | |
runFor n (r:rs) = tick >>= runFor (pred n) where | |
tick = maybe badInstruction doInstruction (decode $ contents r) | |
badInstruction = Left $ BadInstruction $ contents r | |
doInstruction (i, is) = execute i (r{contents=is} : rs) | |
setState :: Memory -> Robot -> Robot | |
setState m robot = robot{memory=fitted} where | |
fitted = zipWith (forceR . contents) m (memory robot) ++ padding | |
padding = map (forceR Nil) (drop (length m) (memory robot)) | |
takeOutput :: Decodable o => Robot -> (Robot, Maybe o) | |
takeOutput robot = maybe (robot, Nothing) go (m !!? 2) where | |
go o = (robot{memory=alter 2 (forceR Nil) m}, decode $ contents o) | |
m = memory robot | |
setInput :: Encodable i => Robot -> i -> Robot | |
setInput robot i = robot{memory=set1} where | |
set1 = alter 1 (fitR i) (memory robot) | |
class Encodable t where | |
encode :: t -> Constree | |
class Decodable t where | |
decode :: Constree -> Maybe t | |
instance Encodable Constree where | |
encode = id | |
instance Decodable Constree where | |
decode = Just | |
instance Encodable t => Encodable (Maybe t) where | |
encode = maybe Nil (Cons Nil . encode) | |
instance Decodable t => Decodable (Maybe t) where | |
decode Nil = Just Nothing | |
decode (Cons Nil x) = Just <$> decode x | |
decode _ = Nothing | |
instance Encodable t => Encodable [t] where | |
encode = foldr (Cons . encode) Nil | |
instance Decodable t => Decodable [t] where | |
decode Nil = Just [] | |
decode (Cons t1 t2) = (:) <$> decode t1 <*> decode t2 | |
instance (Encodable a, Encodable b) => Encodable (a, b) where | |
encode (a, b) = Cons (encode a) (encode b) | |
instance (Decodable a, Decodable b) => Decodable (a, b) where | |
decode (Cons a b) = (,) <$> decode a <*> decode b | |
decode Nil = Nothing | |
instance (Encodable a, Encodable b, Encodable c) => Encodable (a, b, c) where | |
encode (a, b, c) = encode (a, (b, c)) | |
instance (Decodable a, Decodable b, Decodable c) => Decodable (a, b, c) where | |
decode = fmap flatten . decode where flatten (a, (b, c)) = (a, b, c) | |
instance (Encodable a, Encodable b, Encodable c, Encodable d, Encodable e) => | |
Encodable (a, b, c, d, e) where | |
encode (a, b, c, d, e) = encode (a, (b, (c, (d, e)))) | |
instance Encodable Bool where | |
encode False = Nil | |
encode True = Cons Nil Nil | |
instance Decodable Bool where | |
decode Nil = Just False | |
decode (Cons Nil Nil) = Just True | |
decode _ = Nothing | |
instance Encodable Int where | |
encode n | |
| n < 0 = Cons (Cons Nil (Cons Nil Nil)) (encode $ negate n) | |
| otherwise = encode $ bits n | |
where | |
bits 0 = [] | |
bits x = let (q, r) = quotRem x 2 in (r == 1) : bits q | |
instance Decodable Int where | |
decode (Cons (Cons Nil (Cons Nil Nil)) n) = negate <$> decode n | |
decode t = unbits <$> decode t where | |
unbits [] = 0 | |
unbits (x:xs) = (if x then 1 else 0) + 2 * unbits xs | |
instance Encodable Instruction where | |
encode instruction = case instruction of | |
Nilify tgt -> encode (0 :: Int, tgt) | |
Construct fnt bck tgt -> encode (1 :: Int, (fnt, bck, tgt)) | |
Deconstruct src fnt bck -> encode (2 :: Int, (src, fnt, bck)) | |
CopyIfNil tst src tgt -> encode (3 :: Int, (tst, src, tgt)) | |
instance Decodable Instruction where | |
decode t = case decode t :: Maybe (Int, Constree) of | |
Just (0, arg) -> Nilify <$> decode arg | |
Just (1, args) -> uncurry3 Construct <$> decode args | |
Just (2, args) -> uncurry3 Deconstruct <$> decode args | |
Just (3, args) -> uncurry3 CopyIfNil <$> decode args | |
_ -> Nothing | |
where uncurry3 f (a, b, c) = f a b c | |
instance Encodable Register where | |
encode r = encode (limit r, contents r) | |
instance Decodable Register where | |
decode = fmap (uncurry R) . decode | |
instance Encodable Color where | |
encode = encode . fromEnum | |
instance Encodable Frame where | |
encode (F c s) = encode (c, s) | |
instance Encodable Processor where | |
encode (P s) = encode s | |
instance Encodable Item where | |
encode (Cargo t w) = encode (0 :: Int, t, w) | |
encode (RegisterPart r) = encode (1 :: Int, r) | |
encode (ProcessorPart p) = encode (2 :: Int, p) | |
encode (FramePart f) = encode (3 :: Int, f) | |
encode Shield = encode (4 :: Int, Nil) | |
instance Encodable Direction where | |
encode = encode . fromEnum | |
instance Decodable Direction where | |
decode t = ([N ..] !!?) =<< decode t | |
instance Encodable Robot where | |
encode (Robot f i _ _) = encode (f, i) | |
instance Encodable Command where | |
encode (Move d) = encode (0 :: Int, head $ elemIndices d [N ..]) | |
encode (Lift i) = encode (1 :: Int, i) | |
encode (Drop i) = encode (2 :: Int, i) | |
encode (Inspect i) = encode (3 :: Int, i) | |
encode (Destroy i) = encode (4 :: Int, i) | |
encode (Build is m) = encode (5 :: Int, is, m) | |
encode Pass = encode (6 :: Int, Nil) | |
instance Decodable Command where | |
decode t = case decode t :: Maybe (Int, Constree) of | |
Just (0, d) -> Move <$> (([N ..] !!?) =<< decode d) | |
Just (1, i) -> Lift <$> decode i | |
Just (2, i) -> Drop <$> decode i | |
Just (3, i) -> Inspect <$> decode i | |
Just (4, i) -> Destroy <$> decode i | |
Just (5, x) -> uncurry Build <$> decode x | |
Just (6, Nil) -> Just Pass | |
_ -> Nothing | |
instance Encodable Action where | |
encode a = case a of | |
Passed -> encode (0 :: Int, Nil) | |
Invalid -> encode (0 :: Int, Nil) | |
Created -> encode (1 :: Int, Nil) | |
MoveBlocked d -> encode (4 :: Int, direction d) | |
MovedOut d -> encode (2 :: Int, direction d) | |
MovedIn d -> encode (3 :: Int, direction d) | |
CannotLift i -> encode (6 :: Int, i) | |
GrappledOver i -> encode (7 :: Int, i) | |
Lifted i -> encode (5 :: Int, i) | |
Dropped i -> encode (8 :: Int, i) | |
InspectTargetFled i -> encode (9 :: Int, i) | |
InspectBlocked i -> encode (10 :: Int, i) | |
Inspected i _ -> encode (11 :: Int, i) | |
DestroyTargetFled i -> encode (12 :: Int, i) | |
DestroyBlocked i -> encode (13 :: Int, i) | |
Destroyed i -> encode (14 :: Int, i) | |
Built is _ -> encode (15 :: Int, is) | |
BuildInterrupted is -> encode (16 :: Int, is) | |
where direction d = head $ elemIndices d [N ..] | |
isPart :: Item -> Bool | |
isPart (RegisterPart _) = True | |
isPart item = isProcessor item || isFrame item | |
isProcessor :: Item -> Bool | |
isProcessor (ProcessorPart _) = True | |
isProcessor _ = False | |
isFrame :: Item -> Bool | |
isFrame (FramePart _) = True | |
isFrame _ = False | |
isShield :: Item -> Bool | |
isShield Shield = True | |
isShield _ = False | |
isExit :: Action -> Bool | |
isExit (MovedOut _) = True | |
isExit _ = False | |
singleton :: [a] -> Maybe a | |
singleton [x] = Just x | |
singleton _ = Nothing | |
(!!?) :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a | |
[] !!? _ = Nothing | |
(x:_) !!? 0 = Just x | |
(_:xs) !!? n = xs !!? pred n | |
alter :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] | |
alter i f xs = maybe xs go (xs !!? i) where | |
go x = take i xs ++ (f x : drop (succ i) xs) | |
removeIndices :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a] | |
removeIndices = flip $ foldr remove where | |
remove :: Int -> [a] -> [a] | |
remove i xs = take i xs ++ drop (succ i) xs | |
dropN :: Int -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] | |
dropN 0 _ xs = xs | |
dropN n p (x:xs) = if p x then dropN (pred n) p xs else x : dropN n p xs | |
dropN _ _ [] = [] | |
instance Show Color where | |
show Red = "RED" | |
show Orange = "RNG" | |
show Yellow = "YLO" | |
show Green = "GRN" | |
show Blue = "BLU" | |
show Violet = "VLT" | |
show Black = "BLK" | |
show White = "WYT" | |
visualize :: Botworld -> Reader GameConfig String | |
visualize g = do | |
rowStrs <- mapM showRow rows :: Reader GameConfig [String] | |
return $ concat rowStrs ++ line | |
where | |
unpaddedRows = chunksOf r (cells g) where (r, _) = dimensions g | |
pad row = row ++ replicate (maxlen - length row) Nothing | |
rows = map pad unpaddedRows | |
maxlen = maximum (map length unpaddedRows) | |
line = concat (replicate maxlen "+---------") ++ "+\n" | |
showValue :: Item -> Reader GameConfig String | |
showValue b = do | |
value <- asks valuer | |
return $ case b of | |
FramePart (F Red _) -> "[R]" | |
FramePart (F Orange _) -> "[O]" | |
FramePart (F Yellow _) -> "[Y]" | |
FramePart (F Green _) -> "[G]" | |
FramePart (F Blue _) -> "[B]" | |
FramePart (F Violet _) -> "[V]" | |
FramePart (F Black _) -> "[K]" | |
FramePart (F White _) -> "[W]" | |
ProcessorPart _ -> "[#]" | |
RegisterPart _ -> "[|]" | |
Shield -> "\\X/" | |
x -> printf "$%d" (value x) | |
showWeight :: Item -> String | |
showWeight item | |
| weight item > 99 = "99+" | |
| otherwise = printf "%dg" $ weight item | |
showRow :: [Cell] -> Reader GameConfig String | |
showRow xs = do | |
v <- showCells cellValue xs | |
w <- showCells cellWeight xs | |
r <- showCells (return <$> cellRobots) xs | |
return $ line ++ v ++ w ++ r | |
showCells strify xs = do | |
strs <- mapM (maybe (return "/////////") strify) xs | |
return $ "|" ++ intercalate "|" strs ++ "|\n" | |
cellValue sq = do | |
value <- asks valuer | |
case sortBy (flip $ comparing value) (itemsIn sq) of | |
[] -> return " " | |
[b] -> printf " %3s " <$> showValue b | |
[b, c] -> printf " %3s %3s " <$> showValue b <*> showValue c | |
(b:c:_) -> printf " %3s %3s\x2026" <$> showValue b <*> showValue c | |
cellWeight sq = do | |
value <- asks valuer | |
return $ case sortBy (flip $ comparing value) (itemsIn sq) of | |
[] -> " " | |
[b] -> printf " %3s " (showWeight b) | |
[b, c] -> printf " %3s %3s " (showWeight b) (showWeight c) | |
(b:c:_) -> printf " %3s %3s\x2026" (showWeight b) (showWeight c) | |
cellRobots sq = case sortBy (comparing $ color . frame) (robotsIn sq) of | |
[] -> " " | |
[f] -> printf " %s " (clr f) | |
[f, s] -> printf " %s %s " (clr f) (clr s) | |
(f:s:_) -> printf " %s %s\x2026" (clr f) (clr s) | |
where clr = show . color . frame | |
scoreboard :: Botworld -> Reader GameConfig String | |
scoreboard g = do | |
scores <- mapM scoreCell =<< sortedPositions | |
return $ unlines $ concat scores | |
where | |
sortedPositions = do | |
ps <- map fst <$> asks players | |
scores <- mapM (score g) ps | |
let comparer = flip $ comparing snd | |
return $ map fst $ sortBy comparer $ zip ps scores | |
scoreCell p = do | |
header <- playerLine p | |
let divider = replicate (length header) '-' | |
breakdown <- case maybe [] robotsIn $ at g p of | |
[] -> return [" No robots in square."] | |
rs -> mapM robotScore rs | |
return $ header : divider : breakdown | |
robotScore r = do | |
pts <- points r | |
let name = printf " %s robot" (show $ color $ frame r) :: String | |
return $ name ++ ": $" ++ printf "%d" pts | |
playerLine p = do | |
total <- score g p | |
name <- lookup p <$> asks players | |
let moniker = fromMaybe (printf "Player at %s" (show p)) name | |
return $ printf "%s $%d" moniker total |
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