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Created February 15, 2011 21:19
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Save popthestack/828263 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tumblr solaris theme without hiding youtube videos
// Solaris functions v1.1 by Matthew Buchanan except where noted
// Bind events to zoom controls to switch between link and high-res URLs
// and to open lightbox if there is no enclosing anchor around the image.
$("span.zoomcontrol").live("mouseenter", function() {
}).live("mouseleave", function() {
}).live("click", function(e) {
$.fancybox($(this).prev().data("highres"), {
"titleShow": false,
"type": "iframe",
"width": "90%",
"height": "90%",
"scrolling": "no",
"autoScale": false,
"margin": 10,
"overlayColor": overlayColor,
"overlayOpacity": 0.75,
"hideOnContentClick": true,
"centerOnScroll": true
// Notes handling adapted from an idea by Jarred Bishop
no_likes = false;
no_reblogs = true;
no_replies = true;
likes_scrollpane = false;
reblogs_scrollpane = false;
notes_count = 0;
likes_auto_scroll = false;
reblogs_auto_scroll = false;
function handleNotes() {
// Replace missing 0 when there are no notes
$(".post-counts p.notes a").each(function() {
if ($(this).html() == "") $(this).html("0");
if (useCufon) {
Cufon.set("fontFamily", "League Gothic");
Cufon.replace("#notes h3");
function tumblrNotesLoaded(html) {
likes_auto_scroll = $("#notes-likes ol.notes").data("jScrollPanePosition") == $("#notes-likes ol.notes").data("jScrollPaneMaxScroll");
reblogs_auto_scroll = $("#notes-reblogs ol.notes").data("jScrollPanePosition") == $("#notes-reblogs ol.notes").data("jScrollPaneMaxScroll");
function tumblrNotesInserted(html) {
function addNoteCounts(id, singular, plural) {
var count = $(id + " ol.notes li").length;
if (count > 0) {
if (count == 1) $(id + " h3").html(count + " " + singular);
else $(id + " h3").html(count + " " + plural);
function attachNoteMouseHandlers() {
// Display captions on hover
$("#notes a.overlay").live("mouseenter", function() {
// Workaround for Tumblr "submission" markup missing <span class="action">
if ($(this).siblings("span.action").length) {
var caption = $(this).siblings("span.action").html();
} else {
var caption = "<a href='" + $(this).siblings("a.source_tumblelog").first()[0] + "'>"
+ $(this).siblings("a.source_tumblelog").first().html() + "</a> submitted this to <a href='"
+ $(this).siblings("a.source_tumblelog").last()[0] + "'>"
+ $(this).siblings("a.source_tumblelog").last().html() + "</a>";
if ($(this).parent().hasClass("with_commentary")) {
caption += $(this).siblings("blockquote").html();
if (($(this).parents("#notes-likes").length && likes_scrollpane) || ($(this).parents("#notes-reblogs").length && reblogs_scrollpane)) {
} else {
}).live("mouseleave", function() {
if (($(this).parents("#notes-likes").length && likes_scrollpane) || ($(this).parents("#notes-reblogs").length && reblogs_scrollpane)) {
} else {
function processNotes() {
notes_count = $("#notes-likes ol.notes li:not(.note_processed)").length;
// Move unprocessed notes to relevant lists
if (notes_count > 0) {
$("#notes-likes ol.notes li:not(.note_processed)").each(function() {
if (!$(this).find("a.more_notes_link").length) {
var url = $(this).find("a:first-child").attr("href");
$("<a>", {"class":"overlay","href":url}).prependTo($(this));
var avatar = $(this).find("img.avatar:first");
// Rewrite avatar URLs to load 40x40 versions
if (avatar) avatar.attr("src", avatar.attr("src").replace("_16.","_40."));
if ($(this).hasClass("reblog")) {
if (no_reblogs) {
$("<ol>", {"class":"notes"}).html("&nbsp;").appendTo($("#notes-reblogs"));
$("<p>", {"class":"notes-text"}).appendTo($("#notes-reblogs"));
no_reblogs = false;
$(this).detach().appendTo($("#notes-reblogs ol.notes"));
} else if ($(this).hasClass("reply") || $(this).hasClass("answer") || $(this).hasClass("photo")) {
if (no_replies) {
$("<ol>", {"class":"notes"}).html("&nbsp;").appendTo($("#notes-replies"));
no_replies = false;
$(this).detach().appendTo($("#notes-replies ol.notes"));
addNoteCounts("#notes-likes", "Like", "Likes");
addNoteCounts("#notes-reblogs", "Reblog", "Reblogs");
addNoteCounts("#notes-replies", "Reply", "Replies");
if (useCufon) {
Cufon.refresh("#notes h3");
// Widen single list
if ($("#notes-likes ol.notes li").length == 0) {
no_likes = true;
} else {
no_likes = false;
if (no_reblogs) {
} else {
if (no_replies) {
} else {
// Add scrollpanes if lists are longer than eight rows
if (no_likes || no_reblogs) {
var scrollPaneThreshold = 136;
} else {
var scrollPaneThreshold = 64;
if ($("#notes-likes ol.notes li").length > scrollPaneThreshold) {
$likesNotes = $("#notes-likes ol.notes");
if (likes_auto_scroll) $likesNotes[0].scrollTo($"jScrollPaneMaxScroll"));
likes_scrollpane = true;
if ($("#notes-reblogs ol.notes li").length > scrollPaneThreshold) {
$reblogsNotes = $("#notes-reblogs ol.notes");
if (reblogs_auto_scroll) $reblogsNotes[0].scrollTo($"jScrollPaneMaxScroll"));
reblogs_scrollpane = true;
function fixVimeo() {
Better Vimeo Embeds 2.1 by Matthew Buchanan
Modelled on the Vimeo Embedinator Script
Released under a Creative Commons attribution license:
var color = vimeoColor;
var opts = "title=0&byline=0&portrait=0";
$("iframe[src^='']").each(function() {
var src = $(this).attr("src");
var w = $(this).attr("width");
var h = $(this).attr("height");
if (src.indexOf("?") == -1) {
"<iframe src='"+src+"?"+opts+"&color="+
color+"' width='"+w+"' height='"+h+
"' frameborder='0'></iframe>"
$("object[data^='']").each(function() {
var $obj = $(this);
var data = $obj.attr("data");
var temp = data.split("clip_id=")[1];
var id = temp.split("&")[0];
var server = temp.split("&")[1];
var w = $obj.attr("width");
var h = $obj.attr("height");
"<iframe src='"
"' width='"+w+"' height='"+h+
"' frameborder='0'></iframe>"
function fixYouTube() {
Widescreen YouTube Embeds by Matthew Buchanan, Hayden Hunter & Thijs Jacobs
Released under a Creative Commons attribution license:
$(function() {
$("object").each(function () {
if ($(this).find("embed[src^='']").length > 0) {
// Identify and hide embed(s)
var parent = $(this).parent();
// Commenting out this line because it friggin hides youtube videos.
// parent.css("visibility","hidden");
var youtubeCode = parent.html();
var params = "";
if (youtubeCode.toLowerCase().indexOf("<param") == -1) {
// IE doesn't return params with html(), so…
$("param", this).each(function () {
params += $(this).get(0).outerHTML;
// Set colours in control bar to match page background
var oldOpts = /rel=0/g;
var newOpts = "rel=0&amp;color1=0xFFFFFF&amp;color2=0xFFFFFF";
youtubeCode = youtubeCode.replace(oldOpts, newOpts);
if (params != "") {
params = params.replace(oldOpts, newOpts);
youtubeCode = youtubeCode.replace(/<embed/i, params + "<embed");
// Replace YouTube embed with new code > Color
// Extract YouTube ID and calculate ideal height
var youtubeIDParam = $(this).find("embed").attr("src");
var youtubeIDPattern = /\/v\/([0-9A-Za-z-_]*)/;
var youtubeID = youtubeIDParam.match(youtubeIDPattern);
var youtubeHeight = Math.floor(parent.find("object").width() * 0.75 + 25);
var youtubeHeightWide = Math.floor(parent.find("object").width() * 0.5625 + 25);
// Test for widescreen aspect ratio
url: "" + youtubeID[1] + "?v=2&alt=json-in-script",
dataType: "jsonp",
timeout: 5000,
success: function(data){
oldOpts = /height="?([0-9]*)"?/g;
if ($$aspectRatio != null) {
newOpts = 'height="' + youtubeHeightWide + '"';
} else {
newOpts = 'height="' + youtubeHeight + '"';
youtubeCode = youtubeCode.replace(oldOpts, newOpts);
if (params != "") {
params = params.replace(oldOpts, newOpts);
youtubeCode = youtubeCode.replace(/<embed/i, params + "<embed");
// Replace YouTube embed with new code
// Toggle visibility
function startSlideshows() {
$(".html_photoset p.photoset_caption").each(function() {
$(this).prev().find("img.photoset_photo").attr("title", $(this).html());
$(".html_photoset").has("img").nivoSlider({effect: "sliceDown"});
$(".nivo-controlNav").each(function() {
var width = $(this).width();
var newWidth = 0 - width/2;
function handleExternalAudio() {
// Check tags for replacement metadata
$(" a").each(function() {
var tag = $(this).text();
// Process art:, track: and artist: tags then hide them
if (tag.substring(0,4) == "art:") {
var imgUrl = tag.replace("art:","");
$(this).closest("").find("").html("<div class='overlay'></div><img src='" + imgUrl + "' width='124' height='124' alt='Artwork' border='0' />");
} else if (tag.substring(0,6) == "track:") {
var trackName = tag.replace("track:","");
var $meta = $(this).closest("").find("");
if ($meta.find("div.track").length)
$meta.find("div.track p").html(trackName);
$meta.find("").after("<div class='track icon-text'><p>" + trackName + "</p></div>");
if (useCufon) Cufon.refresh(" div.icon-text p");
$meta.find("div.track p").show();
} else if (tag.substring(0,7) == "artist:") {
var artistName = tag.replace("artist:","");
var $meta = $(this).closest("").find("");
if ($meta.find("div.artist").length)
$meta.find("div.artist p").html(artistName);
$meta.append("<div class='artist icon-text'><p>" + artistName + "</p></div>");
if (useCufon) Cufon.refresh(" div.icon-text p");
$meta.find("div.artist p").show();
// Hide tag list if empty
if ($(this).parent().find("a:visible").length == 0) $(this).parent().hide();
function timeOfDay() {
// Switch theme to Dark mode between 8pm and 6am local time
if (switchAtNight) {
var d = new Date();
var h = d.getHours();
if (h < 6 || h > 19) {
$("#search input.submit").attr("src", "");
overlayColor = "#20282F";
} else {
$("#search input.submit").attr("src", "");
overlayColor = "#FFF";
$(function() {
$(" p.notes a").each(function() {
if ($(this).html() == "") $(this).html("0");
// Load grey images for content source
$("div.share img").each(function() {
$(this).attr("src", $(this).attr("src").replace(/_000/g, "_7f8b98"));
// Attach typographic elements for quotes
$(" blockquote.quote").each(function() {
var $lastBlockLevelElement = $(this).find("p,dl,div,noscript,blockquote,form,hr,table,fieldset,address,ol,ul,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6").last();
if ($lastBlockLevelElement.length) $lastBlockLevelElement.append("&rdquo;");
else $(this).append("&rdquo;");
$(" div.content").each(function() {
var $firstBlockLevelElement = $(this).find("p,dl,div,noscript,blockquote,form,hr,table,fieldset,address,ol,ul,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6").first();
if ($firstBlockLevelElement.length) $firstBlockLevelElement.prepend("&mdash; ").addClass("outdent");
else $(this).prepend("&mdash; ").addClass("outdent");
if (useCufon) {
Cufon.set("fontFamily", "League Gothic");
Cufon.replace(".dark #disqus_thread h3", { fontSize: "24px", color: "#50585F", textTransform: "uppercase" });
Cufon.replace("#disqus_thread h3", { fontSize: "24px", color: "#B0B8BF", textTransform: "uppercase" });
if (!customHeader) Cufon.replace("h1", { lineHeight: 1 });
Cufon.replace("h2, h3, h4, blockquote.quote, p");
Cufon.replace(" div.icon-text p");
Cufon.replace(" p a", {hover: true});
$("h1, h2, h3, h4, blockquote.quote, p, div.icon-text p").show();
$ = /chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase());
if ($.browser.webkit) $("body").addClass("webkit");
if ($ $("body").addClass("chrome");
// Hide Twitter panel if page mode is displayed (eg. on search results or day pages)
$("").each(function() {
// Hide Disqus on Ask and Submit pages
var path = window.location.pathname;
if (path == "/ask/" || path == "/ask" || path == "/submit/" || path == "/submit") $("div.disqus_block").hide();
$("#nav ul a, a.shorturl, a.permalink, div.pagination a[href!='']").blend({"speed": 300});
$("div.pagination a[href='']").addClass("empty").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); });
$("<div>", {"class":"icon"}).prependTo(" div.icon-text, #notes-likes, #notes-reblogs, #notes-replies");
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$(this).find("div.meta-icons a").css({'opacity':0,'visibility':'visible'}).animate({opacity:1});
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$(this).find("div.meta-icons a").animate({opacity:0}, function(){
// Create a zoom control for each image with a high-res URL
if ($(this).data("highres")) {
$("<span>", {"class":"zoomcontrol"}).insertAfter($(this)).css("opacity",0.375);
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"overlayOpacity": 0.75,
"hideOnContentClick": true,
"centerOnScroll": true
if (themeAuthor) {
var $footerText = $("#footer > :last-child");
if ($footerText.html() != "") $footerText.append("&nbsp;");
$footerText.append('<a href="">Solaris theme</a>&nbsp;by&nbsp;<a href="">Matthew Buchanan</a>.');
$("#likes .post_info_bottom").css("opacity",0.5);
$("#likes .like_post").hover(function() {
}, function() {
if (useCufon) {
var iv = setInterval(function() {
if ($("#disqus_thread h3").length) {
Cufon.refresh(".dark #disqus_thread h3");
Cufon.refresh("#disqus_thread h3");
$(".dark #disqus_thread h3, #disqus_thread h3").show();
}, 100);
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