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Last active November 6, 2024 16:25
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takes a text string and creates different types of binary codes for it (Huffman, Shannon, Gilbert-Moore)
import math
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
def calculate_frequencies(text: str) -> Dict[str, float]:
print(f"\nДлина текста: {len(text)} символов")
# Count occurrences
counts = Counter(text)
print("\nКоличество каждого символа:")
for char, count in sorted(counts.items()):
print(f"'{char}': {count} раз")
# Calculate frequencies
total = len(text)
frequencies = {char: round(count/total, 2) for char, count in counts.items()}
print("\nЧастоты символов p(x):")
for char, freq in sorted(frequencies.items()):
print(f"p('{char}') = {count}/{total} ≈ {freq:.2f}")
return frequencies
def calculate_entropy(frequencies: Dict[str, float]) -> float:
components = []
total = 0
print("\nЭнтропия символов H(X):")
for char, p in sorted(frequencies.items()):
component = -p * math.log2(p)
print(f"Для символа '{char}': -({p:.2f}) × log₂({p:.2f}) = {component:.4f}")
total += component
print(f"\nH(X) = {' + '.join([f'{c:.4f}' for c in components])} = {total:.4f} бит")
return total
def calculate_uniform_code_params(alphabet_size: int, text_length: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
l = math.ceil(math.log2(alphabet_size))
N = l * text_length
print(f"\nРазмер алфавита M = {alphabet_size}")
print(f"Длина кода l = ⌈log₂({alphabet_size})⌉ = ⌈{math.log2(alphabet_size):.4f}⌉ = {l}")
print(f"Размер закодированной последовательности N = l × {text_length} = {l} × {text_length} = {N} бит")
return l, N
def build_huffman_codes(frequencies: Dict[str, float]) -> Dict[str, str]:
class HuffmanNode:
def __init__(self, char=None, freq=0):
self.char = char
self.freq = freq
self.left = None
self.right = None
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.freq < other.freq
if len(frequencies) <= 1:
return {next(iter(frequencies.keys())): '0'}
# Create initial nodes
nodes = [HuffmanNode(char, freq) for char, freq in frequencies.items()]
print("\nНачальные узлы:")
for node in sorted(nodes, key=lambda x: (-x.freq, x.char)):
print(f"Символ: '{node.char}', Частота: {node.freq:.2f}")
# Build tree
print("\nПостроение дерева:")
while len(nodes) > 1:
nodes.sort(key=lambda x: (x.freq, x.char if x.char else ''))
left = nodes.pop(0)
right = nodes.pop(0)
print(f"Объединяем: {left.char or 'внутр.'} ({left.freq:.2f}) и {right.char or 'внутр.'} ({right.freq:.2f})")
internal = HuffmanNode(freq=left.freq + right.freq)
internal.left = left
internal.right = right
# Generate codes
codes = {}
def traverse(node, code=''):
if node.char is not None:
codes[node.char] = code
print(f"Символ: '{node.char}', Код: {code}")
traverse(node.left, code + '0')
traverse(node.right, code + '1')
print("\nПолученные коды:")
return codes
def build_shannon_codes(frequencies: Dict[str, float]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, float], Dict[str, int]]:
# Sort by frequency
sorted_chars = sorted(frequencies.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0]))
print("\nСимволы, отсортированные по частоте:")
for char, freq in sorted_chars:
print(f"'{char}': {freq:.2f}")
# Calculate q(x)
q = defaultdict(float)
running_sum = 0
print("\nРасчет q(x):")
for char, _ in sorted_chars:
q[char] = running_sum
print(f"q('{char}') = {running_sum:.4f}")
running_sum += frequencies[char]
# Calculate lengths and codes
l = {char: math.ceil(-math.log2(frequencies[char])) for char, _ in sorted_chars}
codes = {}
print("\nПостроение кодов:")
for char, _ in sorted_chars:
length = l[char]
code_value = int(q[char] * 2**length)
codes[char] = format(code_value, f'0{length}b')
print(f"Символ: '{char}'")
print(f" l(x) = ⌈-log₂({frequencies[char]:.4f})⌉ = {length}")
print(f" Код: {codes[char]}")
print(f" q(x)2: {q[char]:.5f}")
return codes, q, l
def build_gilbert_moore_codes(text: str, frequencies: Dict[str, float]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, float], Dict[str, float], Dict[str, int]]:
# Get unique characters in order of appearance
seen = []
for char in text:
if char not in seen:
print("\nПорядок появления символов в тексте:")
# Calculate q(x) and σ(x)
q = defaultdict(float)
running_sum = 0
print("\nРасчет q(x) и σ(x):")
for char in seen:
q[char] = running_sum + frequencies[char]/2
print(f"'{char}': q(x) = {running_sum:.4f} + {frequencies[char]:.2f}/2 = {q[char]:.4f}")
running_sum += frequencies[char]
sigma = {char: q[char] for char in seen}
# Calculate lengths and codes
l = {char: math.ceil(-math.log2(frequencies[char])) + 1 for char in seen}
codes = {}
print("\nПостроение кодов:")
for char in seen:
length = l[char]
code_value = int(sigma[char] * 2**length)
codes[char] = format(code_value, f'0{length}b')
print(f"Символ: '{char}'")
print(f" l(x) = ⌈-log₂({frequencies[char]:.4f})⌉ + 1 = {length}")
print(f" Код: {codes[char]}")
print(f" σ(x)2: {sigma[char]:.5f}")
return codes, q, sigma, l
def calculate_avg_length(frequencies: Dict[str, float], codes: Dict[str, str]) -> float:
components = []
for char in frequencies:
component = frequencies[char] * len(codes[char])
print(f"p('{char}') × l('{char}') = {frequencies[char]:.2f} × {len(codes[char])} = {component:.4f}")
avg_length = sum(components)
print(f"\nСредняя длина l = {' + '.join([f'{c:.4f}' for c in components])} = {avg_length:.4f}")
return avg_length
def calculate_sequence_size(text: str, codes: Dict[str, str]) -> int:
N = sum(len(codes[char]) for char in text)
print(f"Размер последовательности N = {N} бит")
return N
# Main code
# text = "дятел лечит древний дуб, добрый дятел дубу люб."
# text = "даже шею, даже уши ты испачкал в черной туши."
text = "шишкодробные шишки высушиваются в шишкосушилках."
print("Исходный текст:", text)
# Calculate frequencies
print("\nШаг 1: Расчет частот символов")
frequencies = calculate_frequencies(text)
# Calculate entropy
print("\nШаг 2: Расчет энтропии H(X)")
print("\nH(X) = -∑p(x)log₂p(x)")
H = calculate_entropy(frequencies)
# Uniform code parameters
print("\nШаг 3: Расчет параметров равномерного кода")
uniform_l, uniform_N = calculate_uniform_code_params(len(frequencies), len(text))
# Huffman coding
print("\nШаг 4: Построение кода Хаффмана")
huffman_codes = build_huffman_codes(frequencies)
print("\nРасчет средней длины кода Хаффмана:")
huffman_l = calculate_avg_length(frequencies, huffman_codes)
huffman_N = calculate_sequence_size(text, huffman_codes)
huffman_k = uniform_N / huffman_N
print(f"Коэффициент сжатия κ = {uniform_N}/{huffman_N} = {huffman_k:.4f}")
# Shannon coding
print("\nШаг 5: Построение кода Шеннона")
shannon_codes, shannon_q, shannon_l = build_shannon_codes(frequencies)
print("\nРасчет средней длины кода Шеннона:")
shannon_avg_l = calculate_avg_length(frequencies, shannon_codes)
shannon_N = calculate_sequence_size(text, shannon_codes)
shannon_k = uniform_N / shannon_N
print(f"Коэффициент сжатия κ = {uniform_N}/{shannon_N} = {shannon_k:.4f}")
# Gilbert-Moore coding
print("\nШаг 6: Построение кода Гилберта-Мура")
gm_codes, gm_q, gm_sigma, gm_l = build_gilbert_moore_codes(text, frequencies)
print("\nРасчет средней длины кода Гилберта-Мура:")
gm_avg_l = calculate_avg_length(frequencies, gm_codes)
gm_N = calculate_sequence_size(text, gm_codes)
gm_k = uniform_N / gm_N
print(f"Коэффициент сжатия κ = {uniform_N}/{gm_N} = {gm_k:.4f}")
# Print final tables
print("\n" + "="*50)
print("\nКод Хаффмана")
print(f"{'x':4} {'p(x)':>6} {'c(x)':8} {'l(x)':>4}")
for char in sorted(frequencies.keys()):
print(f"{char:4} {frequencies[char]:6.2f} {huffman_codes[char]:8} {len(huffman_codes[char]):4}")
print("\nКод Шеннона")
print(f"{'x':4} {'p(x)':>6} {'q(x)':>8} {'l(x)':>4} {'q(x)2':8} {'c(x)':8}")
for char in sorted(frequencies.keys()):
print(f"{char:4} {frequencies[char]:6.2f} {shannon_q[char]:8.4f} {shannon_l[char]:4} {format(int(shannon_q[char] * 2**shannon_l[char]), f'0{shannon_l[char]}b'):8} {shannon_codes[char]:8}")
print("\nКод Гилберта-Мура")
print(f"{'x':4} {'p(x)':>6} {'q(x)':>8} {'σ(x)':>8} {'σ(x)2':8} {'l(x)':>4} {'c(x)':8}")
for char in sorted(frequencies.keys()):
print(f"{char:4} {frequencies[char]:6.2f} {gm_q[char]:8.4f} {gm_sigma[char]:8.4f} {format(int(gm_sigma[char] * 2**gm_l[char]), f'0{gm_l[char]}b'):8} {gm_l[char]:4} {gm_codes[char]:8}")
print("\nСравнительная таблица")
print(f"{'Код':16} {'l':>8} {'N':>8} {'κ':>8}")
print(f"{'Равномерный':16} {uniform_l:8} {uniform_N:8} {1:8.4f}")
print(f"{'Гилберт-Мур':16} {gm_avg_l:8.2f} {gm_N:8} {gm_k:8.4f}")
print(f"{'Шеннон':16} {shannon_avg_l:8.2f} {shannon_N:8} {shannon_k:8.4f}")
print(f"{'Хаффман':16} {huffman_l:8.2f} {huffman_N:8} {huffman_k:8.4f}")
print(f"\nH(X) = {H:.4f}")

1. Calculating Character Frequencies p(x)

  • First, we need to count how many times each character appears in the text and divide by total length
  • For text "дятел лечит древний дуб, добрый дятел дубу люб."
  • We count ALL characters (letters, spaces, punctuation)
  • Formula: p(x) = count(x) / total_length
  • Round to 2 decimal places
  • Example: if 'д' appears 5 times in text of length 50, p('д') = 5/50 = 0.10 or 10%

2. Calculating Entropy H(X)

  • Entropy measures average information content
  • Formula: H(X) = -∑p(x)log₂p(x) for all characters x
  • Take each probability p(x) we calculated
  • Multiply by its log₂ (negative)
  • Sum all these values
  • Higher entropy means more information/uncertainty

3. Uniform Code

  • Simplest encoding where all characters use same number of bits
  • Length l = ⌈log₂M⌉ where M is alphabet size (number of unique characters)
  • Example: if we have 8 unique characters, l = ⌈log₂8⌉ = 3 bits
  • Total sequence size N = l × text_length
  • This serves as baseline for compression ratios

4. Huffman Code

  • Gives optimal prefix codes (no codeword is prefix of another)
  • More frequent characters get shorter codes
  • Calculate average length l = ∑p(x)×length(code(x))
  • Calculate N = sum of all code lengths in encoded text
  • κ = uniform_N / huffman_N


  1. Sort characters by frequency (ascending)
  2. Take two lowest frequency characters
  3. Create new node with their combined frequency
  4. Repeat until single tree remains
  5. Traverse tree: left=0, right=1

5. Shannon Code

  • Also gives prefix codes
  • Theoretically near optimal
  • Calculate same parameters (l, N, κ)


  1. Sort characters by frequency (descending)
  2. Calculate q(x) = sum of frequencies before x
  3. For each character:
    • l(x) = ⌈-log₂p(x)⌉
    • c(x) = binary of (q(x) × 2^l(x)) truncated to l(x) bits

6. Gilbert-Moore Code

Special features:

  • Uses order of appearance in text
  • More suitable for adaptive coding


  1. Keep characters in order of appearance
  2. For each character x:
    • q(x) = (sum of previous frequencies) + (current frequency/2)
    • σ(x) = q(x)
    • l(x) = ⌈-log₂p(x)⌉ + 1
    • c(x) = binary of (σ(x) × 2^l(x)) truncated to l(x) bits

For all methods

  • Average length l = ∑p(x)×length(code(x))
  • Sequence size N = sum of code lengths for entire text
  • Compression ratio κ = uniform_N / method_N

Specific example

Consider just "дятел":

  1. Frequencies:

    • д: 1/5 = 0.20
    • я: 1/5 = 0.20
    • т: 1/5 = 0.20
    • е: 1/5 = 0.20
    • л: 1/5 = 0.20
  2. Entropy: H = -5×(0.20×log₂(0.20)) ≈ 2.32 bits

  3. Uniform code:

    • 5 characters need l = ⌈log₂5⌉ = 3 bits each
    • N = 3×5 = 15 bits
  4. Huffman code (example):

    • All equal frequencies so arbitrary order:
    • д: 00
    • я: 01
    • т: 10
    • е: 110
    • л: 111
  5. Shannon code:

    • Sort by frequency (all equal here)
    • Calculate cumulative probabilities
    • Generate codes based on these values
  6. Gilbert-Moore:

    • Uses order as they appear in text
    • Accounts for future probabilities

The key difference between these methods:

  • Uniform: Simple but inefficient
  • Huffman: Optimal for fixed codes
  • Shannon: Theoretical basis for compression
  • Gilbert-Moore: Good for adaptive coding

The comparison table at the end shows:

  • Average code length (l)
  • Total sequence size (N)
  • Compression ratio (κ)

This helps evaluate which method is most efficient for the given text.

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