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Created March 16, 2025 05:21
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Dining philosophers problem in Golang
package main
import (
// Fork dummy struct
type Fork struct {
// Server dummy struct
type Server struct{}
// State enum type
type State int
const (
stateRelease State = iota - 1
// ForkOrder enum type
type ForkOrder int
const (
forkOrderForward ForkOrder = iota
const (
philNum int = 5
forksNeedNum int = 2
servNum int = philNum / forksNeedNum
waitDur time.Duration = 500 * time.Millisecond
forkOrder ForkOrder = forkOrderAround
const (
philTag string = "Phil-"
forkTag string = "Fork-"
servTag string = "Server"
var (
logFile *os.File
func mod(a, b int) int {
return (a%b + b) % b
func getForwardForkID(philID int, num int) int {
return mod(philID+num, philNum)
func getAroundForkID(philID int, num int) int {
if num%2 == 0 {
return mod(philID+num/2, philNum)
return mod(philID-(num/2)-1, philNum)
func getForkID(philID int, num int) int {
switch forkOrder {
case forkOrderAround:
return getAroundForkID(philID, num)
case forkOrderForward:
return getForwardForkID(philID, num)
return philID
func logResource(who string, what string, state State, msg string) {
var line string
switch state {
case stateRequest:
line = fmt.Sprintf("\t%s-->>%s: %s\n", who, what, msg)
case stateHold:
line = fmt.Sprintf("\t%s->>+%s: %s\n", who, what, msg)
case stateRelease:
line = fmt.Sprintf("\t%s-->>-%s: %s\n", what, who, msg)
fmt.Fprintf(logFile, line)
func logActivity(who string, active bool, msg string) {
var state, note string
if active {
state = "activate"
note = fmt.Sprintf("\tNote right of %s: %s\n", who, msg)
} else {
state = "deactivate"
fmt.Fprintf(logFile, "\t%s %s\n%s", state, who, note)
func philosopher(ctx context.Context, id int, servers chan Server, forks *[philNum]Fork, sleep time.Duration) {
philName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", philTag, id)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
logResource(philName, servTag, stateRequest, "Wait For Server")
select {
case server := <-servers:
logResource(philName, servTag, stateHold, "Got Server")
for i := range forksNeedNum {
fid := getForkID(id, i)
forkName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", forkTag, fid)
logResource(philName, forkName, stateRequest, "Wait For Fork")
logResource(philName, forkName, stateHold, "Got Fork")
logActivity(philName, true, "Eating")
logActivity(philName, false, "Eating")
for i := range forksNeedNum {
fid := getForkID(id, i)
forkName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", forkTag, fid)
logResource(philName, forkName, stateRelease, "Release Fork")
servers <- server
logResource(philName, servTag, stateRelease, "Release Server")
logActivity(philName, true, "Thinking")
logActivity(philName, false, "Thinking")
case <-ctx.Done():
func main() {
var err error
logFile, err = os.Create("")
if err != nil {
defer logFile.Close()
fmt.Fprintln(logFile, "sequenceDiagram")
fmt.Fprintf(logFile, "\tparticipant %s\n", servTag)
for id := range philNum {
fmt.Fprintf(logFile, "\tparticipant %s%d\n", philTag, id)
fmt.Fprintf(logFile, "\tparticipant %s%d\n", forkTag, id)
var forks [philNum]Fork
servers := make(chan Server, servNum)
for range servNum {
servers <- Server{}
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for id := range philNum {
go func(id int) {
defer wg.Done()
philosopher(ctx, id, servers, &forks, waitDur)
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
fmt.Println("All philosophers have stopped")
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