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Last active February 24, 2021 15:22
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Scrape All Microsoft Connect Items marked Resolved or Closed
# IE has to be used because of a refresh that Invoke-WebRequest can't handle (think Clicks)
# Add required types
Add-Type -Path C:\Scripts\Scheduled\ClosedAsFixed\HtmlAgilityPack.dll
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
Function Get-Total ($closedorresolved, $bugorsuggestion){
switch ($closedorresolved) {
"Closed" { $status = '3' }
"Resolved" { $status = '2' }
switch ($bugorsuggestion) {
"Bug" { $tabbiew = '0' }
"Suggestion" { $tabbiew = '1' }
$url = "$status&Scope=0&SortOrder=40&TabView=$tabbiew"
$html = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url
$null = $doc.LoadHtml($html.Content)
if ($bugorsuggestion -eq "Bug") {
$total = ($doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes('//*[@id="ctl00_MasterBody_BugPagingControlTop_Summary"]').InnerText -Split "`n")[4].Trim()
} else {
$total = ($doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes('//*[@id="ctl00_MasterBody_SuggestionPagingControlTop_Summary"]').InnerText -Split "`n")[4].Trim()
return $total
Function Parse-ConnectPages ($closedorresolved, $bugorsuggestion) {
switch ($closedorresolved) {
"Closed" { $status = '3' }
"Resolved" { $status = '2' }
switch ($bugorsuggestion) {
"Bug" { $tabbiew = '0' }
"Suggestion" { $tabbiew = '1' }
$total = Get-Total $closedorresolved $bugorsuggestion
$totalTimes = ($total / 10)
$url = "$status&Scope=0&SortOrder=40&TabView=$tabbiew#&&PageIndex="
Write-Output "Doing this a total of $totaltimes times for $total items in $closedorresolved $bugorsuggestion"
1..$totalTimes | ForEach-Object {
$currentpage = $_
$currenturl = "$url" + "$currentpage"
While ($ie.Busy) { Start-Sleep 1 }
Start-Sleep 4
$body = $ie.Document.documentElement.outerHTML
$null = $doc.LoadHtml($body)
switch ($bugorsuggestion) {
"Bug" { Parse-BugPage $doc $closedorresolved }
"Suggestion" { Parse-SuggestionPage $doc $closedorresolved }
Function Parse-BugPage ($doc, $status){
$items =@()
$count = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes('//*[@id="ctl00_MasterBody_BugPagingControlTop_NumberOfItems"]').InnerText
Write-Output "On item number: $count"
1..$count | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -lt 10) { $num = "0$_" } else { $num = "$_" }
$basepath = "//*[@id='ctl00_MasterBody_BugsSearchResultsView_ctl$($num)_BugsResultModule"
$xpath = "$($basepath)_FeedbackStatus_ResolutionLabel']"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
$resolution = $node.InnerText
if ($resolution -eq 'as Fixed') {
# feedbackid
$xpath = "$($basepath)_FeedbackItemDetailsUpdatePanel']/div/span[5]"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
$feedbackid = $node.InnerText.TrimStart("feedback id: ")
$link = "$feedbackid/"
# Title
$xpath = "$($basepath)_FeedbackLink']"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
$title = $node.InnerText
$title = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlDecode($title)
# Author
$xpath = "$($basepath)_NewFeedbackAuthor']"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
$author = $node.InnerText
# Created and a bunch of other metadata
$xpath = "$($basepath)_FeedbackItemDetailsUpdatePanel']/div"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
# created
$xpath = "$($basepath)_FeedbackItemDetailsUpdatePanel']/div/span[1]"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
$created = (($node.FirstChild.InnerText -Split " ")[0]).TrimStart("Created on ")
# closed
try {
$closed = $node.FirstChild.InnerText
$closed = $closed -Split '\;\('
$closed = $closed[1]
$closed = $closed.Replace("ago)","")
$closed = $closed.Replace("updated ","")
if ($closed -match "weeks") {
$daysago = ($closed.Replace(" weeks",""))
$daysago = ($daysago.Replace(" week",""))
$daysago = [int]$daysago * 7
} elseif ($closed -match "days") {
$daysago = $closed.Replace(" days","")
$daysago = $daysago.Replace(" day","")
$daysago = [int]$daysago
} else {
$daysago = 0
$closed = $(Get-Date).AddDays(-$daysago).ToString('MM/dd/yyyy')
} catch { $closed = $node.FirstChild.InnerText }
# Votes
$xpath = "$($basepath)_FeedbackItemVotingControlForVoting_SimpleVote_ctl02_text']"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
$votes = $node.InnerText
# Create tweet
$tweet = "$title - $author"
if ($tweet.length -gt 119) {
$tweet = $tweet.Substring(0,113) + "..."
$tweet = "$tweet $link"
$tweet = $tweet.Replace("`&`#39;","")
$exists = $items | Where-Object { $ -eq $feedbackid }
if ($exists.count -eq 0) {
# add item to collection
$items += [PSCustomObject]@{
Link = $link
Title = $title
ID = $feedbackid
Author = $author
Created = $created
Closed = $closed
Votes = $votes
ItemType = "Bug"
Status = $status
$items | Select-Object Link, Title, ID, Author, Created, Closed, Votes, ItemType, Status | Export-Csv -Path C:\Scripts\Scheduled\ClosedAsFixed\bug-$status.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation
Function Parse-SuggestionPage ($doc, $status) {
$items = @()
$count = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes('//*[@id="ctl00_MasterBody_SuggestionPagingControlTop_NumberOfItems"]').InnerText
Write-Output "On item number: $count"
1..$count | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -lt 10) { $num = "0$_" } else { $num = "$_" }
$basepath = "//*[@id='ctl00_MasterBody_SuggestionsSearchResultsView_ctl$($num)_SuggestionsResultModule"
$xpath = "$($basepath)_FeedbackStatus_ResolutionLabel']"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
$resolution = $node.InnerText
if ($resolution -eq 'as Fixed') {
# feedbackid
$xpath = "$($basepath)_FeedbackItemDetailsUpdatePanel']/div/span[4]"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
$feedbackid = $node.InnerText.TrimStart("feedback id: ")
$link = "$feedbackid/" #$link = $node.Attributes[1].Value
# Title
$xpath = "$($basepath)_FeedbackLink']"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
$title = $node.InnerText
$title = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlDecode($title)
# Author
$xpath = "$($basepath)_NewFeedbackAuthor']"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
$author = $node.InnerText
switch ($author) {
"AaronBertrand" { $author = "@AaronBertrand" }
"Chrissy LeMaire" { $author = "@cl" }
"SQLvariant" { $author = "@SQLvariant" }
# Created and a bunch of other metadata
$xpath = "$($basepath)_FeedbackItemDetailsUpdatePanel']/div"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
# created
$xpath = "$($basepath)_FeedbackItemDetailsUpdatePanel']/div/span[1]"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
$created = (($node.FirstChild.InnerText -Split " ")[0]).TrimStart("Created on ")
# closed
try {
$closed = $node.FirstChild.InnerText
$closed = $closed -Split '\;\('
$closed = $closed[1]
$closed = $closed.Replace("ago)","")
$closed = $closed.Replace("updated ","")
if ($closed -match "weeks") {
$daysago = ($closed.Replace(" weeks",""))
$daysago = ($daysago.Replace(" week",""))
$daysago = [int]$daysago * 7
} elseif ($closed -match "days") {
$daysago = $closed.Replace(" days","")
$daysago = $daysago.Replace(" day","")
$daysago = [int]$daysago
} else {
$daysago = 0
$closed = $(Get-Date).AddDays(-$daysago).ToString('MM/dd/yyyy')
} catch { $closed = $node.FirstChild.InnerText }
# Votes
$xpath = "$($basepath)_FeedbackItemVotingControlForVoting_SimpleVote_ctl02_text']"
$node = $doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes($xpath)
$votes = $node.InnerText
$exists = $items | Where-Object { $ -eq $feedbackid }
if ($exists.count -eq 0) {
# Create tweet
$tweet = "$title - $author"
if ($tweet.length -gt 119) {
$tweet = $tweet.Substring(0,113) + "..."
$tweet = "$tweet $link"
$tweet = $tweet.Replace("`&`#39;","")
# add item to collection
$items += [PSCustomObject]@{
Link = $link
Title = $title
ID = $feedbackid
Author = $author
Created = $created
Closed = $closed
Votes = $votes
ItemType = "Suggestion"
Status = $status
$items | Select-Object Link, Title, ID, Author, Created, Closed, Votes, ItemType, Status | Export-Csv -Path C:\Scripts\Scheduled\ClosedAsFixed\suggestion-$status.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation
# Start Parsers
$doc = New-Object HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
$ie = New-Object -Com "InternetExplorer.Application"
$ie.visible = $true
# Prep CSV
Remove-Item *.csv -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
# Do it
Parse-ConnectPages "Resolved" "Suggestion"
Parse-ConnectPages "Resolved" "Bug"
Parse-ConnectPages "Closed" "Suggestion"
Parse-ConnectPages "Closed" "Bug"
# Clean up
Get-Process iexplore | Stop-Process -Force
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