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Last active January 20, 2023 20:02
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% Setup
tab = ets:new(tab, [set, named_table, public]),
true = ets:insert(tab, {foo, 0}).
% Slow: O(N) operation
Key = foo,
Threshold = 100,
NewVal = 101,
MatchSpec = ets:fun2ms(fun({K, V})
when K =:= Key
andalso V < Threshold ->
{K, NewVal}
ets:select_replace(tab, MatchSpec).
% Fast: O(log(N)) operation
Key = foo,
Threshold = 100,
NewVal = 101,
MatchSpec = [
{Key, '$1'},
[{'<', '$1', {const, Threshold}}],
[{{{const, Key}, {const, NewVal}}}]
ets:select_replace(tab, MatchSpec).
% In theory, variable pinning could allow generation of the "Fast" match spec:
Key = foo,
Threshold = 100,
NewVal = 101,
MatchSpec = ets:fun2ms(fun({^Key, V})
when V < Threshold ->
{Key, NewVal}
ets:select_replace(tab, MatchSpec).
% Here is the O(N) match spec for comparison:
Key = foo,
Threshold = 100,
NewVal = 101,
MatchSpec = [
{'$1', '$2'},
{'=:=', '$1', {const, Key}},
{'<', '$2', {const, Threshold}}
[{{{const, Key}, {const, NewVal}}}]
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