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Last active March 4, 2022 21:19
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Disjoint Set Union in Python3
-record(dsu, {
parent = #{} :: #{term() => term()},
rank = #{} :: #{term() => non_neg_integer()},
count = 0 :: non_neg_integer()
new() ->
find(DSU = #dsu{parent = Parent}, X) when is_map_key(X, Parent) andalso map_get(X, Parent) =:= X ->
{ok, X, DSU};
find(DSU0 = #dsu{parent = Parent0}, X) when is_map_key(X, Parent0) ->
ParentX0 = map_get(X, Parent0),
{ok, ParentX1, DSU1 = #dsu{parent = Parent1}} = find(DSU0, ParentX0),
DSU2 = DSU1#dsu{parent = Parent1#{X => ParentX1}},
{ok, ParentX1, DSU2}.
insert(DSU = #dsu{parent = Parent}, X) when is_map_key(X, Parent) ->
{ok, DSU};
insert(DSU0 = #dsu{parent = Parent0, rank = Rank0, count = Count0}, X) ->
DSU1 = DSU0#dsu{
parent = Parent0#{X => X},
rank = Rank0#{X => 0},
count = Count0 + 1
{ok, DSU1}.
union(DSU = #dsu{parent = Parent}, X, Y) when is_map_key(X, Parent) andalso is_map_key(Y, Parent) andalso map_get(X, Parent) =:= map_get(Y, Parent) ->
{ok, DSU};
union(DSU0 = #dsu{parent = Parent0}, X, Y) when is_map_key(X, Parent0) andalso is_map_key(Y, Parent0) ->
{ok, RootX, DSU1} = find(DSU0, X),
{ok, RootY, DSU2 = #dsu{parent = Parent1, rank = Rank0, count = Count0}} = find(DSU1, Y),
case RootX =:= RootY of
true ->
{ok, DSU2};
false when map_get(RootX, Rank0) =:= map_get(RootY, Rank0) ->
Parent2 = Parent1#{RootX => RootY},
Rank1 = Rank0#{RootX => map_get(RootX, Rank0) + 1},
Count1 = Count0 - 1,
DSU3 = DSU2#dsu{parent = Parent2, rank = Rank1, count = Count1},
{ok, DSU3};
false when map_get(RootX, Rank0) < map_get(RootY, Rank0) ->
Parent2 = Parent1#{RootY => RootX},
Count1 = Count0 - 1,
DSU3 = DSU2#dsu{parent = Parent2, count = Count1},
{ok, DSU3};
false ->
Parent2 = Parent1#{RootX => RootY},
Count1 = Count0 - 1,
DSU3 = DSU2#dsu{parent = Parent2, count = Count1},
{ok, DSU3}
groups(DSU0 = #dsu{parent = Parent}) ->
do_groups(DSU0, maps:iterator(Parent), #{}).
%% @private
do_groups(DSU0, Iterator0, Acc) ->
case maps:next(Iterator0) of
{K, _, Iterator1} ->
{ok, ParentK, DSU1} = find(DSU0, K),
do_groups(DSU1, Iterator1, Acc#{ParentK => []});
none ->
{ok, Acc, DSU0}
# Disjoint Set Union
# O(M * N) space
class UnionFind:
parent: Dict[int, int]
rank: Dict[int, int]
count: int
def __init__(self):
self.parent = dict()
self.rank = dict()
self.count = 0
# O(α(M * N)) time | O(1) space
def find(self, x: int) -> int:
while x != self.parent[x]:
self.parent[x] = self.parent[self.parent[x]]
x = self.parent[x]
return x
# O(1) time | O(1) space
def insert(self, x: int) -> None:
if x not in self.parent:
self.parent[x] = x
self.rank[x] = 0
self.count += 1
# O(α(M * N)) time | O(1) space
def union(self, x: int, y: int) -> None:
x = self.find(x)
y = self.find(y)
if x != y:
if self.rank[x] < self.rank[y]:
x, y = y, x
self.parent[x] = y
if self.rank[x] == self.rank[y]:
self.rank[x] += 1
self.count -= 1
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