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Created October 23, 2023 06:05
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Potch's Cool Framework
// potch's cool framework!
export const signal = value => {
const subs = new Set();
const set = v => {
value = v;
subs.forEach(s => s(value));
return {
set value(v) { set(v) },
get value() { return value },
watch: fn => {
return () => subs.delete(fn);
export const computed = (fn, ...deps) => {
const s = signal(fn(...deps));
deps.forEach(d => => s.value = fn(...deps)));
return s;
export const text = signal => el => {
const node = document.createTextNode(signal.value); => node.textContent = v);
export const prop = (prop, signal) => el => {
el[prop] = signal.value; => el[prop] = v);
export const $ = (selector, scope = document) => scope.querySelector(selector);
export const $$ = (selector, scope = document) => [...scope.querySelectorAll(selector)];
export const _ = (tag, props, ...children) => {
const el = Object.assign(document.createElement(tag), props);
children.forEach(c => typeof c === 'function' ? c(el) : el.append(c));
return el;
import { _, text, prop, signal, computed } from './potchs-cool-framework.js'
const score = signal(0);
const name = signal("potch");
const color = computed(score => {
return score.value >= 5 ? 'color: green' : 'color: red'
}, score);
_('div', { href: '#' },
_('input', {
value: name.value,
type: 'text',
oninput: e => name.value =
_('p', {},
prop('style', color),
'hi ',
', your score is ',
_('button', {
onclick: e => score.value = score.value + 1
}, 'click me')
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